How to make Slap Juice in LEGO Fortnite (Image via Epic Games)

How to make Slap Juice in LEGO Fortnite: Easy steps explained

Since a lot of items have been ported from the Battle Royale mode to LEGO Fortnite, there are a few familiar faces in the crowd. One of the most popular is Slap Juice, a consumable that lets you gain infinite stamina for a short duration. When combined with other mobility tools or Reality Augments, it allows you to travel distances in mere seconds.

While Slap Juice could be easily obtained in the Battle Royale mode, things are a bit more complicated here. Given the nature of the game mode, you will have to either find it or make it from scratch. While the former is easier, the latter is far more reliable.


That said, here is how to make Slap Juice in LEGO Fortnite.

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How to make Slap Juice in LEGO Fortnite


1) Find or farm Slap Berry

Find or grow Slap Berry (Image via Epic Games)

The first step to making Slap Juice is to find a few Slap Berries. These can be found growing in and around water bodies but can be difficult to find at the start of the game. For this reason, it is best to search Chests and LEGO Llamas when possible.

The next best alternative would be to find a few Slap Berry Seeds and start growing them within the confines of your Village. All you will need is some Fertilizer and Soil. The latter can be acquired by casual exploration, while the former will need to be collected using a Shovel.

2) Build a Juicer

Building a juicer will take some time and effort (Image via Epic Games)

Once you find or grow a few Slap Berries, the next step will be to build a Juicer. You will need Planks, Marble Slabs, and Knotroot Rods (eight each).


Planks and Knotwood Rods can be crafted using the Lumber Mill, while Marble Slabs can be made using the Stone Breaker.

3) Insert Slap Berry into Juicer

Slap Juice is made in a 2:1 ratio (Image via Epic Games)

Once the Juicer has been created, insert the Slap Berries into the Juicer to start making Slap Juice. This will take a few seconds. Once done, collect the Slap Juice and store it in your Inventory or Chest.


What is Slap Juice used for in LEGO Fortnite?

A Slap Juice a day keeps tiredness away (Image via Epic Games)

Slap Juice has a variety of uses, but it is predominately used to gain a boost of stamina. Similar to Slap Juice found in the Battle Royale mode, your character can consume it to heal and run without incurring stamina loss for a short duration.


It is also useful when having to cover vast distances. However, as a healing item, it is best used only in emergency situations. Given that gathering Slap Berries is rather difficult in the early game, consider using them sparingly.

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Edited by
Anirudh Padmanabhan
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