5 tips for GTA Online Acid Lab players to make the most money out of it
GTA Online's Acid Lab is one of the best businesses for making money. This guide will include five tips to help players earn more cash from its Sell Missions. All of the advice offered below would be focused on how players can maximize what they can get out of this moneymaker. An honorable mention will go to an AFK method since this list can only include five entries.
If you wish to AFK in GTA Online while your Acid Lab is out producing some product, you can either stay idle on the Nightclub garage screen or the exit LS Car meet menu. Both methods were proven to work, so you can wait a bit and then do the Acid Lab Sell Missions in this game when you're ready.
5 ways for GTA Online players to make a ton of money with the Acid Lab business
1) Get the Equipment Upgrade
The difference in payout between a Sell Mission with the Equipment Upgrade and without it is $335,200 vs. $237,600. Event week multipliers with a 1.5x bonus are also applied to those figures. Anybody planning to do Acid Lab Sell Missions in GTA Online regularly should get the Equipment Upgrade as soon as possible to make the most money and be efficient.
You can unlock this perk by completing ten Fooligan Jobs and paying $250,000 to install it. Fooligan Jobs are pretty easy for the most part, although some GTA Online players may wish to skip Write-Off since that mission can be frustrating without bulletproof vehicles.
2) Remember to boost the production rate
Inside the Acid Lab is a spot near Mutt where gamers can spend a few seconds putting chemicals on their products. Players can do that once a day to make their Acid accumulates faster during that time period. There is no minigame or anything else inconvenient about this feature, so make sure to use it whenever possible.
You might be in this area if you're the type of player who wishes to buy supplies from Mutt so you can do something else in the meantime. In that case, you can free two birds with one key and do both in the span of a minute.
3) Steal Supplies for maximum profit
If a player's goal is to earn as much money as possible, it's only logical to acquire supplies by stealing them. These missions are also pretty tame, meaning most players shouldn't have an issue doing them. Some event weeks even give players twice as many supplies whenever they try to steal them.
The alternative would be to spend $60,000 on preparing to create some products in the Acid Lab. GTA Online players can still profit from buying supplies, but doing so will eat into the maximum profits. Ergo, it's best to steal them whenever the player has free time.
4) Grind regularly during certain weekly updates
Weekly updates, like the one released on May 11, 2023, include a 1.5x money bonus on Acid Lab Sell Missions. GTA Online players will normally make about $335,200 if they have the Equipment Upgrade for a Sell Mission with the maximum inventory. An event week with a 1.5x cash bonus would turn that into $502,800.
That's plenty of extra money, and it's not a one-time thing, either. If an event week is active with that sort of multiplier, then gamers have an entire week to take advantage of it. While GTA Online players can't be expected to grind every possible week, anybody interested in getting a ton of cash should at least do some Sell Missions while these bonuses are active.
5) Do Sell Missions in a Solo or Invite Only Session
There isn't much of a reason to do Sell Missions in a Public Session where other players can grief you. The High-Demand Bonus does give you more money, but anybody who fails will earn nothing for their troubles. Ergo, it's best to be consistent by doing the Acid Lab Sell Missions in a lobby where no other player can interfere.
Selling everything is pretty easy when the NPCs aren't much of a challenge. On a related note, GTA Online players can do the resupply missions or wait for their product to accumulate in these sessions, too.
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Ritoban "Veloxi" Paul