Signs of heart disease (Image via Pexels/Los Muertos Crew)

Early Signs of Heart Disease That You Shouldn’t Ignore

People need to be increasingly careful about signs of heart disease, as sedentary lifestyle has significantly increased the risk of heart stroke or attack for both the elderly and adults. It affects people irrespective of their gender and age.

Additionally, people with high stress level, regular smokers, high blood sugar level, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol can easily fall prey to cardiovascular disease. That's why it's important to know the signs of heart disease along with possible preventive measures.


In this article, we will give you insights on the early signs of heart disease and symptoms you should be aware of.

Early Signs of Heart Disease

Leading active lifestyle can improve cardiovascular health (Image via Pexels/Nathan Cowley)

Here are the early signs of heart disease you should be aware of:


#1 Chest Discomfort

Chest discomfort such as burning and pushing sensations in the chest generally means there's something wrong with your heart. It's best to consult a doctor if you experience chest discomfort, as it might be an indicator of coronary artery disease in men.

#2 Dizziness and Lightheadedness


Sometimes the heart is unable to pump blood to certain parts of the brain, in which case you may end up feeling lightheaded or dizzy. That's caused by the lack of oxygen. These signs of heart disease are often associated with cardiomyopathy and heart arrhythmia.

#3 Arm Numbness

One common sign of heart attack is that when the pain starts spreading from the chest to the left arm, it's an indicator of a heart attack. You might also experience weakness and numbness in your left arm and shoulder.

#4 Abdominal Pain or Nausea

Signs like nausea, abdominal pain, and indigestion may also be indicators of heart disease.

#5 Heart Pain

Also known as angina, heart pain can be understood as central chest pain that radiates to throat pain or left shoulder, which happens during activities like walking.

Symptoms of Heart Disease in Women

Healthy diet can improve heart health. (Image via Pexels/Jane Doan)

Common symptoms of heart disease in women include indigestion, sweating, shortness of breath, abdomen discomfort, unusual fatigue, sweating, pain in the arms, unusual fatigue, nausea, and vomiting


Early Signs of Heart Failure

Sometimes early signs of heart failure are mistaken for signs of aging, which is why regular medical check-ups are important. These signs are:

  • Fatigue, as the heart might not be able to pump enough oxygen-filled blood throughout the body.
  • One of the early signs of heart failure is activity limitation, as you easily get short of breath and tired.
  • Fluid build-up in the lungs can lead to difficul breathing, wheezing, and coughing.

People with a family history of heart problems are at greater risk and should opt for regular screening and doctor check-up. There're also other measures you can take to reduce risk of heart disease, like leading an active lifestyle with physical exercise and healthy diet, cutting down on alcohol, and restricting smoking.


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