5 best Minecraft hardcore seeds
Hardcore is the most challenging mode only available in Minecraft Java Edition. When a player dies in a hardcore world, they cannot respawn, and the death screen says "Game Over!" From there, players can either spectate their world or move to the title screen.
Players who are used to playing the survival game mode and want to try hardcore should use seeds that spawn them close to safe structures such as villages. This way, they will be able to start their hardcore world a lot more safely.
Note: The seed listed below works only in game version 1.18 and above. Playing this seed in an older version will generate a different world.
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Best Minecraft seeds for hardcore mode
5) Shipwreck and buried treasure (Bedrock seed: -1027244386545689098)
Shipwrecks have loot chests that may hold rare items. In this seed, players spawn about 50 or fewer blocks away from a shipwreck that is partially generated above the surface.
Additionally, there is a buried treasure right next to the shipwreck. Players can find a Heart of the Sea, iron ingots, a gold ingot, and more. The coordinates of the buried treasure are -104, 28.
Also Read: Minecraft Seed Map
4) Village with ruined portal at spawn (Java seed: 8953558143865882034)
This seed spawns the player in a large plains biome village with a ruined portal. Players can collect plenty of food and some emeralds from the chests inside village houses.
The ruined portal chest contains several iron nuggets, an obsidian block, flint and steel, and a fire charge. About 150 blocks away from the village, players can find a trial chamber at coordinates 281, -19, 151.
3) Blacksmith village (Java seed: -6508724409170388097)
Blacksmiths are known for having the best loot inside the chests of their houses.
After generating a world with this seed, players will spawn near a plains biome. About 250 blocks from the spawn, they can find a village with three blacksmith houses. The chests in these houses contain enough obsidian for a Nether portal, along with iron swords, iron ingots, and more. This loot provides a great start for a hardcore world. The coordinates of the village are 192, 69, -288.
Also check: Minecraft seed map
2) Village and mushroom biome (Java and Bedrock seed: 5719677861526742709)
This seed will spawn its users in a snowy taiga biome featuring a taiga village in the west in Java Edition and a snowy village in the south in Bedrock Edition. By going west from the spawn, you can discover a giant mushroom island. Mushroom biomes are unique regions where no hostile mobs can spawn.
This feature makes it the best for beginner hardcore players. Players need to be a little careful while exploring the village because it generates near a deadly deep ravine.
1) Mushroom biome and shipwreck (Bedrock and Java seed: 3198781)
The spawn places the player on a beach near a birch forest biome, close to a vast ocean. From the beach, players can spot a giant mushroom field island to the north. The mushroom biome stands within a deep ocean and has no land biomes nearby.
If you are worried about hostile mobs, living on the mushroom island is a safe option. There are also multiple shipwrecks surrounding the island, where you can safely obtain valuable items.
These were the best hardcore Minecraft seeds that players can enter to have a thrilling and adventurous experience in the game.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
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Sabine Algur