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  • All hostile Minecraft mobs ranked strongest to weakest
The Warden, is the game's most dangerous mob (Image via Minecraft)

All hostile Minecraft mobs ranked strongest to weakest

Minecraft is a survival game at heart. This survival aspect places players against a plethora of different hostile mobs across the game’s different dimensions. However, not all of these hostile mobs are created equally, with some having more health or dealing more damage than others.


Minecraft’s hostile mobs unleash their full fury on players


The warden roaring at the player (Image via Minecraft)

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The warden is by far the strongest mob in the game. It has more than twice the hearts of the next highest health mob in the game: the ender dragon. Additionally, the warden has a ranged attack that tracks players and can go through blocks. Lastly, the warden’s melee attack can kill even heavily armored players in only a few hits.



The Wither, the game's optional boss (Image via Minecraft)

The Wither is an optional boss and is much more deadly than the ender dragon. It can shoot explosive shots that destroy the environment around the player and can become invulnerable to regenerate health. Killing the wither is incredibly useful, as it will drop a nether star which will allow players to make a beacon, one of the best ways for players to buff themselves in the game.


Ender Dragon

The Ender Dragon, the game's first and only required boss (Image via Minecraft)

The ender dragon is Minecraft’s original final boss. It drops a gargantuan amount of XP when first killed, enough to gain over 60 levels from level 0. The dragon is a major boss fight and ordeal for new players, but often not too difficult for veteran players, with beds making the fight even easier. The dragon still ranks this high due to how much health it has and how much damage it can potentially deal.


Elder Guardian


Elder Guardians are so dangerous that many players consider them more than a regular mob, more of a miniboss that branches the gap between Minecraft’s regular hostile mobs and bosses. They are tanky, can debuff players with mining fatigue, deal damage to the player when they are attacked and have a laser that deals a lot of damage.


A ravager, which will always drop a saddle when killed (Image via Minecraft)

Ravagers are an incredibly dangerous and the single most deadly mob in the game. They drop a huge amount of XP, have tons of health, and can deal incredible amounts of damage to the player if they can close the gap and get in melee.



Shulkers are one of the most dangerous mobs in the game and make the end a perilous place. They will teleport to avoid the player, spawn in large numbers, and can shoot homing projectiles around corners. The projectiles will cause the player to float, and if they chain the hits too much, the player will drop to death.



Blaze is one of the Nether’s most dangerous additions. They can fly, often meaning they are out of reach of the player. Additionally, they can see through walls, meaning they always know where the player is. The fireballs they shoot, while inaccurate, do decent damage and set the player on fire for large damage over time.



Vexes are small flying sprites summoned by the evoker. As mentioned, they are pretty small and can fly, which is where most of their danger comes from, as they can be anywhere around the player and have small, hard-to-hit hitboxes. They can also deal decent damage to players and group up on them if the evoker continues to summon them.


Wither Skeleton


Wither skeletons are a nether exclusive mob, often found in nether fortresses. They have a chance to drop wither skulls, which can be used to spawn the Wither boss. The main danger of wither skeletons is the damage they deal, both directly and over time, through the wither debuff, which is a more deadly version of poison.



Creepers are Minecraft’s most iconic mob. They are silent until they begin to explode, at which point they hiss. These explosions can significantly damage, especially if the creeper is close to the player. Creepers are even more deadly if they are charged by lighting and are almost guaranteed to kill the player.



The witch is an interesting mob because of how many different things they can do during combat. They can hit players with slowness and weakness potions to debuff them. They can also hit players with potions of harm. Witches can also buff themselves with water breathing, fire resistance, or swiftness and heal themselves mid-combat.



Guardians are a deadly mob for a few different reasons. They deal decent damage to the player if they get one of their laser attacks off. They also deal damage back to the player when their spikes are extended, and they have to be fought underwater, which is always more annoying than surface fights.


A ghast flying through the nether (Image via Minecraft)

Ghasts are one of the two classic nether mobs. They are deadly due to their huge sight range, meaning they can often aggro the player before they have a chance to see them. The shots they launch at the player are explosive, destroying netherrack, meaning players can be dropped into lava or off cliffs if they are not careful.



A baby hoglin in the nether (Image via Minecraft)

Hoglins are large pig-beasts found in the Nether, often hunted by piglins. They have a large amount of health, deal a decent amount of damage, and can be an unexpected death if they manage to corner the player or run into the player near the edge of a cliff.



A zoglin in the overworld (Image via Minecraft)

Zoglins are the zombified version of the hoglin. They are statistically the same as the hoglin, but whenever a hoglin enters the end of the overworld, it will be converted into a zoglin. They rank slightly lower than hoglins just because they are technically rarer.



Vindicators are effectively the illager version of the piglin brute. They have all of the same advantages: high health and damage and reasonable XP drop rates, but also only spawn in limited numbers in woodland mansions and, once killed, will not respawn.


Piglin Brutes


Piglin brutes drop a lot of XP, have a lot of health, and deal a lot of damage. However, what holds them back from making it to the upper part of the list is that they only spawn in limited numbers within bastion remnants and will not respawn once they are gone.


A trident drowned stuck in a cave (Image via Minecraft)

Drowned is the underwater variant of zombies. While this makes them less common, should the player not go in the water, they are considerably more dangerous if they spawn with tridents. These tridents deal a lot of damage and can be thrown by the drowned very quickly, which causes them to deal a ton of damage to players who are not prepared.


Skeleton horseman

A skeleton horse (Image via Minecraft)

Skeleton horsemen are very similar to spider jockeys. They make the skeleton more deadly by increasing its mobility. Rather than adding climbing to the skeleton, however, the skeleton horseman is much faster than base skeletons or spider jockeys, making it very hard for players to escape them.


Spider Jockey

A spider jockey (Image via Minecraft)

Spider Jockeys are a classic rare Minecraft mob, the thing of myth back in the beta days. They have all of the dangers of skeletons but with the added mobility of spiders. This means they can climb walls to reach the player, deal damage at range, and have a decently dangerous melee attack. They are a triple threat of pain.



A stray that wandered into a snowy plain (Image via Minecraft)

Strays are straight-up deadlier skeletons. They only spawn in frozen ocean biomes on top of icebergs at night. What makes them deadlier than skeletons is that they spawn in larger numbers due to not much spawning in the area they do, but they also shoot deadly tipped arrows which can debuff the player.



A pillager outpost, the best place to find pillagers (Image via Minecraft)

Pillagers are, in a strange way, similar to skeletons. They are ranged mobs that can deal massive damage to players at quite the range. Additionally, they spawn in large numbers, either in wandering raid parties or around pillager outposts, meaning they can deal huge damage to players through sheer weight of fire.



Skeletons at night (Image via Minecraft)

Skeletons are another classic hostile Minecraft mob. They are more dangerous than most zombies because they can attack players at range. If the player is in a bad spot, they can be stun locked by skeletons. For example, if the player is stuck in running water, which is almost certain death.



Husks are another reskin of the zombie found in the desert. While almost identical to regular zombies, husks have the advantage of inflicting players they attack with the hunger debuff, making it hard for players to regenerate health and even sprint to escape them.


Chicken Jockey


Chicken Jockeys are a variant of the baby zombie variant zombie that is considered a different mob by the game. These baby zombies are riding chickens, as the name suggests. This makes them slightly tankier, as the player has a chance to hit the chicken rather than the zombie, and the hitbox is still tiny, making them annoying to fight.

Zombie Villager

A zombie villager is found in a basement igloo (Image via Minecraft)

Zombie villagers are effectively the same as regular zombies, but they rank higher due to how much more helpful they are. They can be converted back into regular villagers to allow players to set up trading areas for handy resources such as diamond gear, emeralds, and enchanted books.



A horde of zombies (Image via Minecraft)

Zombies are one of the game’s classic mobs. While there are different variants of zombies, many of them are considered different mobs. One of the only variants of zombies considered regular zombies are baby zombies, the most deadly variant of regular zombies due to their speed and small hitbox.



A few different slimes (Image via Minecraft)

Regular slimes are a much better slime. They are statistically identical to the magma cube, dropping the same XP and splitting in the same way. However, slimes rank higher due to spawning in more significant numbers due to slime chunks and their better drop: the slimeball.


Magma Cube


Magma Cubes are the nether variant of the slime. Due to this additional spawning restriction, they rank below the slime, and their drops are less valuable than the regular slime’s slimeballs. They can deal decent damage and longevity due to their ability to split several times.


An evoker in a woodland mansion (Image via Minecraft)

Evokers are not a particularly dangerous mob themselves. They have an attack that deals three hearts of damage and only 12 hearts. The main threat of the evoker is their ability to summon vexes to attack the player. If the evoker has not summoned a vex yet, they are not dangerous.



A phantom swooping down to attack a player (Image via Minecraft)

Phantoms are a strange mob to rank by strength, mainly because players can effectively erase them from the game by sleeping regularly. However, when they spawn, they are more of an annoyance than a threat. They don’t have much health, only deal average damage, and only rank higher than silverfish due to their ability to fly upwards to avoid damage.



A silverfish in a stronghold (Image via Minecraft)

Silverfish are a better endermite. They also have restrictive spawning, only found in the game’s strongholds. However, players must visit strongholds to beat the game, meaning players will have to fight at least some silverfish to beat the game. They have low health, move slowly, and don’t deal much damage, making them much less than a threat.



Endermites are by far the weakest hostile mob in the game. They are slow, have low health, don’t deal much damage, and to top it all off, they only have a chance to spawn when the player throws an ender pearl. This means that if the player does not use ender pearls, they cannot even spawn.

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Edited by
Srijan Sen
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