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  • Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
Various uses of copper (Image via Mojang Studios)

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft

Copper made its grand debut in Minecraft’s Caves & Cliffs update, and while it isn’t the most useful material in the game, it certainly has its applications. In addition to being capable of being crafted into various blocks and items, copper has the rare ability to oxidize in the open air, changing its coloration and some of its functionality. Fortunately, players can also prevent oxidation by waxing copper blocks with honeycombs.

Even better, the Minecraft 1.21 update and accompanying betas have introduced even more ways to mold copper into various blocks. This resource may have languished somewhat lately regarding utility, but the new additions seem to have put that notion to bed. However, if fans are aiming to use copper in the future, there are some applications that they may want to prioritize.


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Ranking the five best uses of copper in Minecraft


5) Crafting lightning rods

Lightning rods can keep players’ builds safe from errant lightning strikes (Image via Mojang)

If Minecraft fans have gardens or wooden bases, one bad thunderstorm can spell disaster if a lightning bolt hits the right spot. A fire can break out, leading to the destruction of a player’s blocks. Fortunately, by combining three copper ingots, players can craft a lightning rod, which will divert any lightning strikes to its location in a 128-block radius in Java Edition and a 64-block radius in Bedrock Edition.

Even better, lightning rods can supply a redstone signal to other machinery, making them an appealing component in redstone contraptions depending on what a player is aiming to build. They even have a few applications as a building or decoration block if fans are willing to think outside the box.

4) Crafting spyglasses

A spyglass can be an excellent exploration tool in Minecraft (Image via Mojang)

Sure, most Minecraft players simply use mods like Optifine that allow them to zoom their vision, but not every fan has access to these modifications. Fortunately, combining two copper ingots and an amethyst shard results in crafting a spyglass, which can give fans the ability to view distant objects. Granted, this technically removes their peripheral vision while zoomed, but a spyglass still has its uses for fans who can’t use camera zoom mods.


If players are out exploring, checking for resource blocks, or keeping an eye out for hostile mobs that may be in the distance, the spyglass can be a huge help. Granted, the spyglass can only look so far, but it beats standard player vision.

3) Creating copper bulbs as a light source

Copper bulbs are a new light source block in Minecraft 1.21 (Image via Mojang)

Thanks to Minecraft 1.21’s new features introduced to recent betas, players have begun using copper bulbs for their lighting needs. They can be crafted by combining three copper blocks, a blaze rod, and a piece of redstone dust in a crafting table and supply a light level of 15 when at full strength. They can even be found in the new trial chamber structures if players have a Silk Touch-enchanted tool handy.


The hook with copper bulbs is as they progress through oxidation, their light levels drop to 12, 8, and finally 4 at the final stages. Like other copper blocks, players can combine copper bulbs with honeycombs to wax them and prevent the oxidation process. However, having a fully oxidized copper bulb can be useful for creating lower and moodier lighting in some builds.

2) Spawn-proofing with copper grates

Minecraft 1.21’s new copper grates prevent mobs from spawning on top of them (Image via Mojang)

Another one of Minecraft 1.21’s underrated copper block additions comes in the form of copper grates, which can be crafted in a crafting table by combining four matching blocks of copper that are either pristine or are at the same stage of oxidation. Regardless of whether copper grates are oxidized, they have the rare ability to prevent mobs from spawning on top of them, which makes them an excellent resource for creating mob-proof shelters and perimeters.


As an added plus, copper grates are perforated and can be seen through, which can help players take a look to see if there’s any danger outside of their copper grate protective zone.

1) Building and decoration

Minecraft 1.21’s new copper blocks expand building and decorating opportunities (Image via Mojang)

Although there were a few copper blocks for building and decoration in Minecraft before, recent betas expanded on the collection courtesy of Experimental Features present for the 1.21 update. Doors and trapdoors with standard and oxidized copper variants were introduced and chiseled copper, copper bulbs, and copper grates. With this expanded collection to work with, players have more options than ever before to create, improve, and decorate builds.

Thanks to the various stages of oxidation present, copper blocks offer a wide range of excellent color combinations that can fit quite well into players’ existing color schemes where applicable. Moreover, a full copper build certainly has some appeal as well.

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Edited by
Ashish Yadav
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