Who are Chris Hahn and Jason Cohen? Meet sibling contestants from Dated and Related Season 1
Netflix's Dated and Related is the streaming giant's newest dating series in which siblings are on a journey to find love. All set to be released in merely a few days, the show will feature 16 singles in a luxurious villa in the South of France. One sibling pair among them is Chris Hahn and Jason Cohen.
When Netflix announced the release of Dated and Related, the streaming giant called it the "most awkward show ever." The series will showcase sibling duos dating other sibling pairs. The tricky part is that they'll have to try and find love right in front of their siblings. With such sticky situations, drama and confrontation will be inevitable.
Chris and Jason are cousins, both 27 years old and hail from New Jersey. Chris is a server and instructor, while Jason is a lifeguard and instructor. While Dating and Related is set to premiere on Netflix soon, here's everything you need to know about the sibling duo.
Facts about the cousin-duo from Dated and Related Season 1
Chris Hahn has a thrill for adventure
Chris loves to feel the rush of adrenaline. When the Dated and Related contestant has free time, he likes to keep himself occupied by doing various activities like skateboarding, cliff jumping, and surfing. He often posts about his adventures on his social media pages.
Jason Cohen has a twin brother and a degree in Science
Jason has a twin brother named Justin. He was a wrestler in high school. After his graduation, Jason wanted to pursue his education in Science and moved to Philadelphia, where he attended Ursinus College and received a degree in Science.
Chris tried his hand at Real Estate
According to Celebs Week, Chris has always had big dreams. Not wanting to settle for less, he worked hard. The Dating and Related contestant tried his hand at real estate, but sadly it wasn't for him. He finally decided to move to Los Angeles. He is now looking for modeling opportunities and teaches various water sports.
Following his appearance on the Netflix show, according to Celebs Week, Chris is currently working on his first feature film. Details about it have not yet been disclosed.
Jason has around 4600 followers on Instagram
The Dated and Related contestant has 4,661 followers on Instagram and 80 posts so far. You can find him under his User Id: @jasoncohenofficial. Jason also has his own fitness page with around 1100 followers under the username: @jasoncohenfitness. When he's not posting shirtless pictures of himself, Jason posts a lot about his time out with friends and photos of him working out.
He has his share of travels. In his highlights, viewers can find more information about his trips to Germany, Mexico, Aruba, Amsterdam, and more.
Chris has around 2700 followers on Instagram
With only 31 posts on social media, Chris has around 2751 followers on his page. His latest posts are about the forthcoming series Dated and Related. He also posts pictures of himself surfing, working out, or hanging out. Chris has also had his share of travels.
He has been to Nicaragua, Germany, Poland, Hungary, France, Netherlands, Vermont, and more. You can find details about his trip in his highlights. Both Jason and Chris also have a YouTube page together with 19 subscribers. You can find it under the username: Jason Cohen and Chris Hahn.
Dated & Related will premiere on September 2, 2022, and can be streamed only on Netflix.
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Piyush Bisht