Top 5 Agents in Episode 4 according to Valorant lore
Although Riot has done an efficient job of keeping the Agents in Valorant on a level field during matches through buffs and nerfs, the backstory of each Radiant provides them with vastly different power spikes. Lore in the game is told through cinematics and breadcrumbs that are added with patches.
Once players dive into the overarching lore, they will find that their favorite Agents have intriguing backstories and drastically different power levels when compared with other Agents. From those who can manipulate elements to others who can harness the power of the cosmos, Valorant is filled with lively Agents that make for excellent team compositions.
This article sheds light on the five Agents who are the strongest among others in the game according to their respective lores.
Top 5 Agents in Valorant include Neon, Yoru, Omen, and more
5) Neon
Her official description says:
"Filipino Agent, Neon, surges forward at shocking speeds, discharging bursts of bioelectric radiance as fast as her body generates it. She races ahead to catch enemies off guard, then strikes them down quicker than lightning."
Valorant Protocol's latest recruit is also one of its youngest and, at the moment, its most valuable asset. Neon is an erstwhile K/SEC worker who has been brought into the folds of VP to power the Everett-Linde portal that would reopen the bridge between the Mirror Earths.
According to an interview done on PhilSTAR Life, from which the relevant sections had been subsequently removed, Neon found her bioelectric powers nearly two decades ago - "which has enlaced itself with Earth's radianite mesh." It has been hinted that she is capable of unfathomable power, which is affected by her emotions, and is only "muzzled" by her surge protector.
4) Yoru
His official description says:
"Japanese native Yoru rips holes straight through reality to infiltrate enemy lines unseen. Using deception and aggression in equal measure, he gets the drop on each target before they know where to look."
Hailing from the city of Tokyo, Yoru prefers to work as a lone wolf. The Radiant possibly comes from a line of ancestors who were part of an ancient order of samurai. In his search for his ancestors, he came upon the map Icebox from where he stole his samurai mask.
Donning the mask, Yoru can tear into the dimensions of reality and enter it to reappear elsewhere. Although an arrogant Agent, his powers to manipulate dimensions make him a powerful being and his upcoming Valorant patch is sure to improve his fortune in-game.
3) Omen
His official description says:
"A phantom of a memory, Omen hunts in the shadows. He renders enemies blind, teleports across the field, then lets paranoia take hold as his foe scrambles to learn where he might strike next."
A being that was ripped apart and killed, Omen is an Agent with mysterious origins and amnesia regarding his past life and his real indentity. He has history with Viper, who knows his real name, Kingdom, and Sage.
He utilizes his power over the shadows to create paranoia and fear among the enemy Agents while teleporting wherever he chooses to. His voice-lines depict him to have withstood an extreme amount of pain, as even Sage suggests.
The supernatural phantom Agent can sense the powers of other Agents, like Sage, Yoru and Reyna, and questions how they affect the balance. With almost everything about Omen shrouded in a veil of mystery, he remains as a powerful Agent in his own right, capable of becoming someone's worst nightmare.
2) Sage
Her official description says:
"The stronghold of China, Sage creates safety for herself and her team wherever she goes. Able to revive fallen friends and stave off aggressive pushes, she provides a calm center to a hellish fight."
Second-in-command in the Valorant Protocol, Sage plays an important role in recruiting and training new Agents for the team. Her ultimate is the most unique in the game as she has the ability to resurrect her fallen teammates on top of having the power to heal them.
Her ability to bring Agents back from life makes her one of the most powerful Agents in the game. Her ability to lead and guide makes her an invaluable member of the Valorant Protocol. It is also hinted that she has significant history with Viper and Omen, and possibly has a hand in the latter's fractured existence.
1) Astra
Her official description says:
"Ghanaian Agent Astra harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape battlefields to her whim. With full command of her astral form and a talent for deep strategic foresight, she’s always eons ahead of her enemy’s next move."
The Ghanian Agent is an Agent tied to the well-being of the cosmos. She is an Astral Guardian - an entity who ensures that no major consequences come from any universe-altering events. She is a lively character who joyfully interacts with her fellow colleagues.
In between her commitments with the Valorant Protocol, she tends to her duties as an Astral Guardian. To use her powers, she shifts into her astral form and taps into the astral plane.
When there is an Astra on the enemy team, KAY/O comments that their Astra "does not protect reality, but destroy worlds," effectively confirming the power scale of the Radiant. Being an entity who can control cosmic powers, Astra is the most powerful Agent in the game, lore-wise.
Note: The article reflects the author's opinion.
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