Valorant: All you need to know about the flower crosshair
Valorant allows its players to customize many features like their crosshair settings as per their preferences.
Crosshairs hold a lot of importance in FPS games like Valorant as it can improve shooting accuracy. Players can customize the thickness, opacity and length of the crosshairs in the settings. They can get crosshairs ranging from dots to circular ones, as of their choice by adjusting the settings. Moreover, the recent addition of crosshair profiles in patch 3.03 has made it easier for players to experiment and save multiple crosshair settings in Valorant.
Players can also try out their creativity to make some unique crosshairs. Flower crosshairs are one such crosshair that they can make in Valorant by customizing the settings. It is a combination of a square dot and a circular crosshair. Here are some settings that players can use for a flower crosshair in Valorant.
Valorant settings for a flower crosshair
To get the flower crosshair, players first need to go to General Settings and then open the Crosshairs tab. They can adjust the center dot, outer lines, inner lines and more to get the crosshair that they prefer.
If the player wants to make a flower crosshair for themselves in Valorant, they can follow the settings below:
Crosshair color - Green Yellow (Players can pick any other color of their choice)
Outlines - On
Outline Opacity - 1
Outline Thickness - 1
Center Dot - On
Center Dot Opacity - 1
Center Dot Thickness - 4
Inner Lines
Show Inner Lines - On
Inner Line Opacity - 0
Inner Line Length - 3
Inner Line Thickness - 8
Inner Line Offset - 2
Outer Lines
Show Outer Lines - On
Outer Line Opacity - 0
Outer Line Length - 3
Outer Line Thickness - 2
Outer Line Offset - 3
Players can get creative and experiment with new crosshairs by adjusting these settings. However, it is advisable for the players to stick to their comfort level as it can affect aim accuracy in the game, even when they use different crosshair settings.
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Allan Mathew