HOTLanta: 10 Unforgettable Moments From WCW's Sizzling Summer Beach Side Bash
In honor of the biggest party of the summer airing last night I feel it is only appropriate to take a look back at another summer smackdown. Existing from 1994 to 2000, due to the company failing to reach July 2001, Bash at the Beach was something of an equivalent to the WWE's SummerSlam for the Atlanta company. This all time list will also take into account the two Beach Blast shows that took place the two years prior to the 1994 event. So prepare to go Hollywood and take it mainstream with this list.
#10 - Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship - Bash at the Beach 1994
In 1992 the wrestling world was prepared for one of it's biggest dream matches up to that point. Hulk Hogan was the WWF's top star while rival WCW's VIP Ric Flair had just made the jump to the federation. After winning the 92 Royal Rumble and WWF title all signs pointed to the match taking place at that years Wrestlemania. But outside of some house show encounters the spectacle never happened. That is until the WCW acquired Hulk Hogan in 1994.
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The company saw gold in the making. Arguably wrestling's biggest superstar going up against the icon of the company. Only one problem ensued. With turning Flair heel and letting Hulkamania run wild over the Atlanta based promotion it was only a matter of time before dedicated fans were starting to turn away from the product. But it didn't matter to WCW as this was their biggest money maker in years at that point. The gate and PPV buys were massive and that's all that mattered. Though not the greatest match in the world it is most definitely an iconic moment for the show and company altogether.
#9 - Eddy Guerrero vs Chavo Guerrero Jr. in a Hair v. Hair match - Bash at the Beach 1998
Crazy, ridiculous but hell it was fun and that is what this event should be known for. But the actual match should not be forgotten just because of the events surrounding it. They always clicked so well in the ring and fit to a tee. It is always something to see and this one is no different. Just with some added WCW charm.
#8 - Chris Jericho vs Ultimo Dragon for the Cruiserweight Championship- Bash at the Beach 1997
Though criticized for being a little too sloppy at times this match has held up considering the others from the events history. Both men are on offense at all times countering each other. Babyface Jericho retains the title in a memorable and entertaining match. One in my opinion that deserves this spot for the best moments in Bash at the Beach history.
#7 - The Steiner Brothers vs Terry Gordy and Steve Williams for the WCW World Tag Team Championship - Beach Blast 1992
Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy and "Dr. Death" Steve Williams had some connection dating back to the summer of 1987 as they faced Dick Murdoch and Eddie Gilbert six times in Jim Crocket Promotions. They ended up winning them all except their last encounter but they made their impression. These were some of the toughest dudes around and their chemistry was tight. Just three years later the team would reunite in All Japan Pro Wrestling and would become one of the top tag teams for the company under the name The Miracle Violence Connection. They would boast accolades and tag title wins for years to come but they might have met their match back in the United States.
The team made their way to World Championship Wrestling in 1992 and at the time there was no team tougher than The Steiners. This was a match made in heaven and it was set for Beach Blast. It was being sold as both teams toughest outings at the time and they still hold up today. The match went the full 30 minute time limit draw with The Steiners retaining the straps but what a match it was. A sometimes forgotten classic that needs to be viewed.
#6 - Steve Austin vs Ricky Steamboat for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship - Bash at the Beach 1994
Two of the greatest in the wrestling business in one ring. It was always something to witness and this night proved no different. Though overshadowed by the main event the contest has gained some new recognition as of late. Younger or newer fans may be familiar with the match through the WWE 2K16 Steve Austin Showcase mode. If that is your only experience of the contest it is one worth seeking out along with their Clash of the Champions match.
#5 - Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Psychosis - Bash at the Beach 1996
Another excellent match that has been overshadowed by a much larger moment and one that we will discuss later on. This match proves that no matter the companies criticisms they were better than anyone at delivering on the undercard. The added knowledge from Mike Tenay on commentary is also a treat and makes it even better. Matches like this had never been seen on such a large scale.
#4 - Sting vs Cactus Jack in a Falls Count Anywhere Match - Beach Blast 1992
A brutal and bumpy match on one of the companies greatest PPV cards. It stands out among the other, also good to great, matches but that's what makes it so great. As I have gone back to watch these shows one thing I have noticed is that matches that were rare or never seen up to that point in the WCW or mainstream wrestling in general were happening on these shows. This was also Mick Foley's personal favorite match he was involved in up until his Mind Games 1996 match with Shawn Michaels. It is also regularly listed as one of the greatest matches in wrestling history and a fan favorite.
#3 - Jarrett/Hogan/Russo/Booker T - Bash at the Beach 2000
Bash at the Beach 2000 would go down as the final event in the shows history as the company was purchased by the World Wrestling Federation in March of 2001 but man did it go out with a bang. It started out as a worked shoot but soon became very real or more than was planned as Vince Russo verbally ripped Hogan apart leaving Hogan to sue the company for defamation and to never return. But the night ended on a shining note as Booker T was crowned the world heavyweight champion. It is a cluster of a show but all of the segments from these guys are some of the most iconic moments from the history of the show.
#2 - Hulk Hogan and Dennis Rodman vs Diamond Dallas Page and Karl Malone - Bash at the Beach 1998
An argument can be made that this is one of the worst in ring wrestling matches of all time but it's can't be glossed over how huge this was in the mainstream. Although the influence of Wrestlemania 14 and Mike Tyson is all over this there is no denying the excitement this match produced. Two of the top basketball stars team up with two of the WCW's top names in a tag team match. PPV money by the truckload.
#1 - The Formation of the NWO - Bash at the Beach 1996
Yeah what else could it be? One of the top 5 most iconic and shocking moments in the entire wrestling industry. It had to be at the first spot. Hulk Hogan joining Kevin Nash and Scott Hall by giving the leg drop to the Macho Man is a moment that can never be matched. The promo that ensued is nothing but pure fire just like the rage in the audience. Trash was flooding that ring. No matter what moments had or would happen in the big summer events I think we can all agree that nothing can touch this one.
Thanks for reading. Hopefully it was enjoyable and a trip down memory lane. As always this is my opinion. Discuss yours with everyone in the comments.
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Pratyay Ghosh