Who will be the last man standing?

One way or the other, Styles v. Nakamura needs to end at Money in the Bank

In what is quickly becoming like the Cavaliers and Warriors of the WWE, AJ Styles will once again defend his WWE championship against Shinsuke Nakamura, this time in a Last Man Standing Match at Money in the Bank. This needs to be their final encounter, one way or the other.


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After Nakamura won the Royal Rumble in January, there was a lot of excitement in the air, as fans knew what Styles and Nakamura are capable of in the ring, especially after their epic match in New Japan a few years ago.


At WrestleMania, their match was far from the classic we saw in Japan, but it was not bad by any means. The most exciting part happened after the match when Nakamura turned heel and began the trend of this feud, which had been low blows.

At the Greatest Royal Rumble, their match ended in a double count-out, which led to their third match at Backlash, which ended in a no contest as both men were unable to answer the ten count after they hit each other with low blows at the same time. All of that has led up to this Last Man Standing Match, which needs to be their last.


It's not that their matches have been bad, but the booking has been terrible for this feud. Turning Nakamura heel was a good idea, his heel theme song is amazing, and his "Sorry, no speak English" line is hilarious.

However, just having Nakamura low blow Styles all of the time is getting tiresome. WWE has also made Styles look dumb, as he has been on the receiving end of many low blows, but has yet to wear a cup to protect himself. You would figure the babyface would smarten up by now and be prepared for it, but Styles hasn't.

A Last Man Standing Match is usually a match that ends feuds, not continue them. However, I fear that WWE will find some way to continue this feud even with this stipulation. If you look back at their match at Backlash, it ended in a no contest because BOTH men could not reach their feet before the count of ten, which is how you win a Last Man Standing Match, so who is to say their match at Money In The Bank doesn't end in the same fashion?

If it does ends in that fashion, we could see another match at SummerSlam between the two, and even the biggest Styles and Nakamura fans wouldn't want that. One way or the other, even if Styles loses in controversial fashion, this must be the final match between Styles and Nakamura for the foreseeable future.


What do you think will happen at MITB? Sound off in the comments below!

Edited by
Kishan Prasad
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