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  • WWE Rumors: FOX eager for US President Donald Trump to appear on SmackDown Live (Exclusive)
WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump

WWE Rumors: FOX eager for US President Donald Trump to appear on SmackDown Live (Exclusive)

What's the story?

On Friday, October 18th 2019, SmackDown Live will complete its long-awaited move to FOX network television, potentially giving the WWE a whole new audience and a considerably more aggressive marketing campaign as well as a guaranteed cash injection.


In the meantime, FOX have reportedly been encouraging WWE management and officials to include certain names and stars on future programming.

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Cody Rhodes' uncle is a WWE Hall of Famer. More details HERE.

One particularly bold request that FOX has made has been to request an appearance from WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump on the first SmackDown Live on FOX TV.


In case you didn't know...

In the latest WWE NEWS, Donald Trump and Vince McMahon have a long and lucrative history together. Wrestlemanias 4 and 5 both took place in Trump Plaza, with Trump even having a brief interview at ringside at Wrestlemania 20. At Wrestlemania 23, the two competed against each other using the proxies of Lashley and Umaga.


The McMahon and Trump families are still connected in the business world. From February 2017 until April 2019, Linda McMahon would serve under President Trump as the Administrator of the Small Business Administration.

With the families so heavily connected, and President Trump a well-known fan of FOX TV, it is believed that a deal can be struck for an appearance.

The heart of the matter

Starting with a number of internal e-mails and communications, FOX staff floated the idea of approaching WWE and Donald Trump about making a brief appearance on SmackDown Live. There are multiple mentions of "talking to Vince" and asking him to "make the call."


Donald Trump appearing on SmackDown Live would certainly be a high profile event.

At this time there is no evidence that Trump himself has been approached, though FOX staff seem confident that both WWE and the President will "understand the potential benefits to all parties."

However, at least one member of the WWE creative team has been approached about this concept.

"FOX have asked for Trump so I'm trying to write something short and easy for him that makes him look good. Vince doesn't like us to say anything bad about Trump so I'm just doing the best I can."

What's next?

It remains to be seen whether WWE can actually convince Donald Trump to appear, or if they even want to, but a determined effort from FOX TV may result in the President of the United States appearing on the first Friday Night SmackDown of 2019 with a bone to pick with Vince McMahon.


I don't know about you but I'm certainly interested.

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Edited by
Riju Dasgupta
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