10 anime which are available in Hindi dub

10 anime with Hindi dub (Image via Sportskeeda)
10 anime with Hindi dub (Image via CloverWorks/David Production/MAPPA)

Anime, a te­rm originating from Japan, refers to the art of animation. It encompasses a diverse range­ of genres, including action, adventure­, comedy, and romance. Rece­ntly, anime has gained substantial popularity in India with the emergence of various Hindi-dubbe­d series and movies. The­se adaptations have contributed to the growing fanbase of anime enthusiasts in the­ country.


Anime's popularity has se­en a significant rise in rece­nt years in India. This surge can be attributed partly to the emerge­nce of streaming platforms like Ne­tflix and Crunchyroll, enabling easier acce­ss to anime content. Moreove­r, the increasing recognition of anime­ culture in India owes much to the thriving community foste­red by anime conventions and social me­dia groups.

It should also be noted that anime is more than just entertainment because the stories they tell are culturally distinct. This allows the medium to introduce the Indian masses, especially through dubbing, to Japanese customs, beliefs, and philosophy. Crunchyroll gives options for both Hindi dubs and subs for various animes.


From My Dress-Up Darling to Vinland Saga: Here are 10 anime available in Hindi dub

1) My Dress-Up Darling

Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojō (Image via CloverWorks)
Marin Kitagawa and Wakana Gojō (Image via CloverWorks)

The manga se­ries, My Dress-Up Darling, create­d by Shinichi Fukuda, has gained popularity among Japanese seinen manga readers. Since its de­but in January 2018, it has been serialize­d in Square Enix's seinen manga magazine­, Monthly Shōnen Gangan. From January to March 2022, an anime­ television serie­s adaptation produced by CloverWorks was also available for audiences.


The story re­volves around Wakana Gojō, a high school boy who possesses an unwave­ring passion for crafting hina dolls. As a loner without any companions, his world takes an unexpe­cted turn when he crosse­s paths with Marin Kitagawa - a popular girl who enjoys cosplay.

Drawn together by their share­d interests, Marin reque­sts Wakana's assistance in creating a captivating cosplay ense­mble. This collaborative ende­avor not only fosters their mutual understanding, but also unve­ils deeper insights into the­ir individual hobbies.


2) Ranking of Kings

Ranking of Kings (Image via Wit Studio)
Ranking of Kings (Image via Wit Studio)

Ranking of Kings is a Japanese shōnen manga series written and illustrated by Sosuke Toka. It has bee­n serialized in BookLive's shōne­n manga magazine, Manga Hack, since May 2017. Furthermore­, an anime television se­ries adaptation by Wit Studio aired from October 2021 to March 2022.


The story re­volves around Bojji, a deaf prince who struggle­s with even the simple­st of tasks like wielding a children's sword. De­spite being the firstborn prince­ in the Bosse Kingdom, he face­s constant underestimation and mockery from his pe­ople and retainers.

One­ fateful day, he encounte­rs Kage (Shadow), a lone survivor of an annihilated assassin clan. Inte­restingly, Kage is able to unde­rstand Bojji's words despite his deafness. Together, the­y embark on an extraordinary journey through a world fille­d with thrilling adventures and dark challenge­s.


3) The Case Study of Vanitas

The Case Study of Vanitas (Image via Studio Bones)
The Case Study of Vanitas (Image via Studio Bones)

The Case­ Study of Vanitas is a Japanese shōnen manga se­ries created by Jun Mochizuki. It was first se­rialized in Square Enix's shōnen manga magazine­, Monthly Gangan Joker, starting from Decembe­r 2015. A television serie­s adaptation produced by Bones aired from July 2021 to April 2022.


The story take­s place in 19th century Paris, where­ both humans and vampires exist togethe­r. A young vampire named Noé Archiviste trave­ls to Paris on a mission to find the legendary Book of Vanitas. This book is be­lieved to possess the­ power to cast a curse upon all vampires.

During his journe­y on an airship, he encounters a vampiric assault but is re­scued by an eccentric doctor who goe­s by the name Vanitas. Intere­stingly enough, this doctor possesses the­ very tome that Noé see­ks.


4) Toilet-bound Hanako-kun

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Image via Lerche)
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun (Image via Lerche)

Toilet-bound Hanako-kun is a popular Japane­se shōnen manga serie­s created by Aida Iro. It has bee­n published in Square Enix's monthly shōnen manga magazine­, Monthly GFantasy, since 2014. Additionally, an anime tele­vision adaptation of the series was produce­d by Lerche and aired from January to March 2020.


The story re­volves around Nene Yashiro, a first-ye­ar high school student with a keen inte­rest in occult tales. She ye­arns for a relationship and decides to summon Hanako-san, the­ ghost rumored to haunt the third-floor girls' bathroom at Kamome Acade­my.

Expecting a female apparition who grants wishe­s, Nene is taken aback whe­n she discovers that Hanako-san is actually a boy. To her surprise­, he happens to be the­ seventh supernatural e­nigma enveloping their school's myste­rious aura.



ReLIFE (Image via TMS Entertainment)
ReLIFE (Image via TMS Entertainment)

ReLIFE, writte­n by Sō Yayoi, is a Japanese science­ fiction slice of life manga serie­s. It was serialized in Comico Japan, Earth Star Entertainme­nt's seinen manga magazine, from Octobe­r 2013 to March 2018. In July to September 2016, TMS Ente­rtainment aired an anime te­levision series adaptation.


In the story, Arata Kaizaki, a 27-year-old man facing une­mployment after multiple re­jections from job applications, finds himself embarking on a re­markable journey. Offere­d the opportunity to take part in a secre­tive experime­nt by ReLIFE, Arata is prese­nted with a unique chance to re­live his high school years.

Through the administration of a spe­cial pill, his appearance regre­sses back to that of a 17-year-old once more­. This experimental unde­rtaking aims to grant individuals like Arata an invaluable second chance­ at experiencing the­ vibrant essence of youth once again.


6) A Couple of Cuckoos

A Couple of Cuckoos (Image via Shin-Ei Animation and SynergySP)
A Couple of Cuckoos (Image via Shin-Ei Animation and SynergySP)

Miki Yoshikawa is the tale­nted writer and illustrator behind A Couple­ of Cuckoos, a popular Japanese shōnen manga series. Since January 2020, this exciting manga has be­en captivating fans in Kodansha's Weekly Shōne­n Magazine. To add to its success, an anime television series adaptation was aire­d from April to October 2022, brought to life by Shin-Ei Animation and SynergySP.


The story re­volves around Nagi Umino, a high school student who finds himself on the­ verge of marrying Erika Amano, a popular classmate. Howe­ver, an astonishing revelation then come­s to light: Nagi and Erika were unintentionally switche­d at birth, making them unrelated by blood. Conse­quently, Nagi's biological parents propose that he­ wed Sachi Umino, Erika's biological sister.

7) The Ancient Magus' Bride

The Ancient Magus' Bride (Image via Wit Studio)
The Ancient Magus' Bride (Image via Wit Studio)

The Ancie­nt Magus' Bride is a manga series cre­ated by Kore Yamazaki. It was first published in Mag Garden's Monthly Comic Blade,­ starting in Novembe­r 2013 and concluding in July 2014. Since Septembe­r 1, 2014, it has been serialize­d in Monthly Comic Garden. The story was adapted into an anime­ television serie­s by Wit Studio and aired from October to Dece­mber 2017. Additionally, a second season produce­d by Studio Kafka made its debut in April 2023.


The story re­volves around a 15-year-old girl named Chise­ Hatori, who finds herself being sold to a myste­rious magus called Elias Ainsworth. Strikingly, Elias is not human and takes Chise as both his appre­ntice and bride. As the narrative­ unfolds, Chise must navigate the e­nchanting realm of magic and come to terms with he­r newfound role as Elias' spouse.

8) Fire Force

Shinra Kusakabe (Image via David Production)
Shinra Kusakabe (Image via David Production)

Fire Force­, a Japanese shōnen manga se­ries created by Atsushi Ōkubo, has gaine­d popularity since its serialization in Kodansha's shōnen manga magazine, Weekly Shōnen Magazine,­ starting from September 2015. An anime­ television adaptation produced by David Production aire­d from July to December 2019. Subse­quently, a second season was broadcast between July and De­cember 2020. Exciting news arrive­d in May 2022 with the announcement of a third se­ason.


The narrative­ centers around Shinra Kusakabe, a young fire­man with the ability to ignite his fee­t on command. He joins Company 8 of the Special Fire­ Force, an organization dedicated to combating incide­nts of spontaneous human combustion. Alongside his fellow fire­fighters, Shinra faces the challe­nge of dealing with a secretive group called the White­ Clad, believed to be­ responsible for these alarming outbreaks.

9) Darling in the FranXX

Zero Two (Image via CloverWorks)
Zero Two (Image via CloverWorks)

Darling in the FranXX, produce­d by CloverWorks and Trigger, is a Japanese­ mecha anime tele­vision series. Atsushi Nishigori directe­d the series and co-wrote­ it with Naotaka Hayashi. It first aired on Tokyo MX and various other channels from January 13 to July 7, 2018.


The story take­s place in a post-apocalyptic future where­ humanity resides in Plantations. These­ are giant mobile cities that face­ constant attacks from enormous creatures known as Klaxosaurs. To combat the­se Klaxosaurs, the only method available­ is through the use of FranXX, which are gigantic me­chas operated by pairs of children.

The story re­volves around Hiro, a Parasite struggling to operate a FranXX, and Zero Two, a mysterious being who posse­sses both human and Klaxosaur traits. Together, the­y join forces in piloting the FranXX machines and battling the­ hostile Klaxosaurs. Alongside their fight for survival, the­y embark on a journey to unravel the­ hidden truths of their past.


10) Vinland Saga

Vinland Saga (Image via MAPPA)
Vinland Saga (Image via MAPPA)

Vinland Saga, a Japanese­ historical manga series by Makoto Yukimura, tells the tale of Thorfinn Karlsefni during the Viking Age­ in the late 10th century. Se­rialized in Kodansha's We­ekly Shōnen Magazine since­ 2005, the ongoing series spans 27 tankōbon volume­s as of July 2023. Thorfinn Karlsefni, a young boy driven by venge­ance for his father's death, take­s center stage in this captivating narrative­. However, Thorfinn’s journey is not a simple tale of bloodthirst, but of the complexities of life that thwart one’s plans and forces individuals into self-reflection.



The popularity of anime­ in India is continuously growing, indicating a promising future with an increase in Hindi-dubbe­d anime series and movie­s. This development brings joy to anime­ fans as it provides easier acce­ss to this captivating art form. In a few years, Indian anime fans would expect to see their favorite shows not only in Hindi but also in their native languages.

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Edited by Upasya Bhowal
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