One of the main attractions of anime in general and shonen anime in particular is the wide variety of power systems. Even within a single series, there can be many different types of powers or abilities which vary wildly from one another.
Some of the most interesting and constantly present powers and abilities in anime series are those which are based on or utilize animals. This combination can come about in many different ways, such as My Hero Academia’s Koji Koda, who can speak to a wide variety of animals.
Naruto’s Kiba Inazuka, meanwhile, has a dog companion who he fights incredibly well with, and can even temporarily assume a dog-like form himself. Here are 10 anime characters with animal powers, ranked from strongest to weakest.
New-gen anime series dominate list of 10 strongest animal power users
1) Kaido (One Piece)

Without a doubt, the strongest currently known user of animal powers in anime is One Piece’s Kaido. Also known as the Strongest Creature Alive, the enigmatic Yonko has spent his entire life being called invincible and nearly immortal.
His dragon form is even more terrifying and overpowering, giving him access to a plethora of deadly abilities and moves. In dragon form, he fights more like a natural disaster than a living being, solidifying his high rank here.
2) Meruem (Hunter x Hunter)

As a Chimera Ant, Hunter x Hunter’s Meruem is an animal by nature, who’s genetics as a Chimera Ant allow him to utilize the features of other animals in his DNA. He’s shown utilizing the intellect and Nen powers he received from human genes, as well as taking advantage of animal genes by creating wings to fly and travel with.
While he’s not the strongest, he undoubtedly comes within a narrow second in that category. Additionally, he is undoubtedly the smartest entrant on this list, and would undoubtedly be able to use his intellect in a way that maximizes his strength and offensive maneuvers. He’s undoubtedly one of the strongest anime characters with animal powers.
3) Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)

My Hero Academia’s promising young hero Tamaki Amajiki is an incredibly skilled individual, even as far as anime characters are concerned. Known as the pro hero Suneater, he can manifest the properties of animals he’s recently eaten as part of his meals.
For example, having chicken with breakfast would allow him to manifest wings and claws by lunchtime. Eating clams would allow him to transform his hands into massive clam shells, which can be used effectively for offensive or defensive purposes. Needless to say, this ability is incredibly powerful, and solidifies his high rank.
4) Zeke Yeager’s Beast Titan (Attack on Titan)

Zeke Yeager’s Beast Titan. as seen in the Attack on Titan anime, is incredibly monkey-like in both appearance and physical build. The long, lanky legs and arms give it the appearance of a primate as it moves and climbs, but that’s not all these long arms are good for.
As seen in season 3 of the series, Zeke can use his Beast Titan’s arms as essentially catapults, capable of launching anything at an incredibly high and deadly velocity.
Although not as flashy as moves other entrants can use, this tactic undoubtedly overpowers most others on this list, solidifying Zeke’s high ranking here.
5) Tony-Tony Chopper (One Piece)

One Piece’s beloved reindeer doctor Tony-Tony Chopper ranks fairly high for a number of reasons. For one, he can use a variety of different forms and styles of fighting, giving him one of the widest bases in terms of combat on this entire list.
Like Meruem, his intelligence is also incredibly high, more so than anyone on this list besides the aforementioned Chimera Ant King. This knowledge being primarily medical-based gives him a further edge, allowing him to intelligently and tactfully target specific areas and weak points on his opponents.
6) Rak Wraithraiser (Tower of God)

Tower of God’s Rak Wraithraiser is one of the series’ most powerful characters, both where season one of the anime left off and where the source material is currently. His strength is incredibly disproportionate, even considering his massive size, and he seems to always be getting stronger as the series progresses.
His skill with a spear is also inarguable, which he personally accredits to his hunting instincts and intuition (likely stemming from his crocodile-like nature and biology). These two main skills and strengths combine to earn him a respectable ranking relative to other entrants on this list.
7) Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer)

Demon Slayer’s Inosuke Hashibira is a bit of an enigma when it comes to his skills and strengths. However, he certainly provides inarguable results, continuously proving himself and his Beast Breathing to be one of the strongest pairings of slayer and style around.
Having grown up on a mountain has blessed him with fantastic natural strengths, such as overall physical fitness, resistance to poison, and the bodily control to rearrange internal organs.
Combined with his Beast Breathing form, he’s an incredibly deadly, unpredictable, and fearsome opponent for nearly anyone in anime to go up against.
8) Kiba Inazuka (Naruto)

Naruto’s Kiba Inazuka works in tandem with his canine companion, Akamaru. The two are an incredible tag team, able to intuitively team up in combat without serious preparation or communication needed. One of the major highlights of Kiba’s animal-based strength, however, is the Double-Headed Wolf technique.
This sees Kiba and Akamaru combine to become a massive, incredibly powerful two-headed dog. The fangs and claws of the beast grow proportionately as well, making even its standard attacks incredibly deadly to the average opponent.
The more powerful and coordinated techniques the form solidify their inclusion in this anime animal power user list.
9) Legoshi (Beastars)

Beastar’s central protagonist, Legoshi, is himself a wolf, and has all the power and fighting capabilities of such a creature combined with the intelligence of a human. The anthropomorphic main character is shown to be incredibly, inherently strong, as well as a skilled fighter after training with Gohin.
The end of season 2 shows just how powerful Legoshi is, seeing him take down the brown bear Riz who had overpowered him for much of the season. While there were certain performance enhancing factors which play into this victory, it nevertheless emphasizes how powerful Legoshi is, both relative to general anime and within his own series.
10) Koji Koda (My Hero Academia)

Finally, while not the most inherently powerful, My Hero Academia’s Koji Koda certainly has some of the most versatile animal powers in anime. His Quirk is Anivoice, which allows him to communicate with any and all animals who can hear him.
He’s also been shown to receive basic information from these animals as well, such as locations of enemies or affirmations of the completion of tasks. It may not be the strongest by itself, but it’s easily one of the most versatile and scalable animal powers in anime, solidifying his inclusion on this list.
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