In the world of anime, many anime characters are awful drivers. They may possess unique talents that set them apart, like special fighting moves, magical powers, or athletic gifts, these characters cannot control their vehicle. These individuals, regardless of their other strengths, transform into a menace whenever they get into a car.
Whether zooming recklessly through traffic or causing crashes, their attempts to pilot a motor vehicle end in calamity each and every time. The poor driving skills of these characters never cease to amaze and alarm. It seems that for all their other extraordinary qualities, safely navigating roadways remains an insurmountable challenge that frequently spins out of control.
No matter their talents elsewhere, getting behind the wheel spells certain chaos for these notably inept drivers.
From Goku to Saeko Tanaka: Here are 10 anime characters who are awful drivers
10) Saeko Tanaka (Haikyu!)

Saeko Tanaka is a popular anime character from the much-loved volleyball anime Haikyu!. She is well-known for her laughably bad driving abilities. In episode 20 of season 1, she takes Kageyama and Hinata to Tokyo for their supplementary exams, creating what Coach Ukai humorously called "The Drive from Hell." This becomes a recurring comedic element throughout the series.
In season 2, Saeko offers the duo another ride, and her chaotic driving prompts warnings from her brother Tanaka about potential safety issues. Despite the mayhem on the road, Saeko remains a supportive character. The contrast between her reckless driving and her good intentions adds some humor to the anime's story.
9) The Cast of Ranma 1/2

The entire gang of anime characters in Ranma 1/2 was eager to win a fancy dinner for two in their go-kart race. However, things did not go according to plan. Akane forgot to switch her kart out of reverse gear. Lost as usual, Ryoga navigated himself off the track and ended up in the pit area.
Shampoo and Akane knocked each other out of the race by smashing their karts together. Mousse started piling up everyone else's karts in a messy stack.
Meanwhile, Ranma and Happosai fought over a bomb that exploded, taking out nearly every driver. Surprisingly, Kasumi emerged as the winner with her slow and steady driving.
8) Papa Izumi (Chargeman Ken)

Papa Izumi is an anime character who had good intentions, yet accidentally hit a girl with his car and caused her memory loss while driving home. He then regretted letting the girl recover from the incident after learning her identity as a Juralian. He demonstrated similar recklessness after driving his car into a horse to protect a family member.
While driving through areas related to Chargeman Ken's clashes with the invading Juralians, Papa Izumi tends to lose focus easily. The Juralians frequently overlook the risk posed by his proneness to accidents and how it could interfere with their schemes regarding Earth.
7) Goku (Dragon Ball Z)

In the episode of Dragon Ball Z, titled Goku's Ordeal, Chi Chi demands that her husband Goku obtain a driver's license. As a result, Goku and Piccolo head to driving school. Piccolo proves to be a natural driver. However, Goku struggles from the beginning. He forgets how to turn the car on. He also confuses the gas and brake pedals, pressing the wrong one twice. When instructed to "cut the ignition," Goku removes the entire steering wheel.
In another blunder, Goku nearly drowns himself and his instructor by accidentally driving into a body of water. Unintentionally, he also challenges Piccolo to an impromptu race. This leads to Goku destroying both his practice car and Piccolo's. As his first time driving, Goku receives some leniency.
However, this anime character's utter lack of common sense behind the wheel indicates he remains a threat, capable of killing anyone without superhuman durability.
6) Italy (Hetalia - Axis Powers)

Once upon a time, the anime character, Italy, offered Japan a ride home from a meeting, and Japan accepted. However, Japan immediately regretted accepting the ride. Italy is well known for his fast-paced driving style with little regard for traffic laws. In fact, when Japan asked if he was breaking any laws, Italy was unfamiliar with the term and wondered if it was something to eat instead.
By the end of the trip, Japan was curled up in the back seat, feeling quite anxious and uncomfortable. Thankfully, the story had a happy conclusion: the experience inspired Japan to vow that one day. he would develop a safer automobile.
One cannot undermine Italy's role in motivating this important innovation.
5) Souichi Sugano (eX-Driver)

Souichi Sugano, a brash yet talented young anime character, has gained notoriety for pursuing autonomous vehicles at high speeds, exhibiting little regard for traffic laws or his own well-being in the process. His daredevil stunts behind the wheel transform each outing into a risky proposition, needlessly endangering himself and others sharing the pavement.
Though possessing immense ability, Sugano's penchant for danger supersedes safety, transforming what could be a thrill into a threat. If hoping to avoid bringing harm to any, he must find healthier outlets for his passions and prowess that don't risk life and limb.
4) Haruko (FLCL)

While Haruko skillfully maneuvers her iconic Vespa, she fails to consider others' safety. This anime character's driving talents are clear, yet she carelessly endangers fellow commuters, often causing sudden accidents. Intentionally disrupting traffic flow, Haruko forces abrupt stops, even leading to vehicle rollovers. Adding to the problem is her ability to travel faster than light using the Vespa for interstellar journeys.
The issue is that she needlessly puts lives at risk on Earth, despite having swift and safe interplanetary travel at her disposal. For those concerned with their well-being, public transportation or other options may prove to be wiser instead of risking encounters with Haruko's reckless and potentially dangerous local driving habits.
3) Noriyasu Seta (Love Hina)

Adventurer Seta is nearly impossible to harm. In addition to cheerfully enduring physical blows from his love interest, protagonist Keitaro's aunt Haruka, this anime character tends to arrive by crashing his van near the destination.
There may be a small chance his invulnerability transfers to passengers since his ward Sara seemed unharmed when arriving with him. However, very few in their right minds would want to get inside the car of a guy who always shows up wrecked, damaged, and bleeding. Besides, instead of dropping you off at your destination, this anime character could just wander off on an expedition and take you along instead.
2) Yukari Tanizaki (Azumanga Daioh)

Yukari Tanizaki is an anime character who has a unique way of driving that brings her great joy, though it terrifies others. She speeds along, disregarding traffic lights and signs while laughing off the danger. This causes major issues for her young student Chiyo-chan.
During one ride, Yukari's erratic driving traumatizes the poor girl so much that she develops a fear of cars. Even hearing about getting in a vehicle with Yukari triggers unpleasant flashbacks for Chiyo. She vows to never endure such a ride again with her beloved but undeniably unhinged teacher. The one time riding with Yukari comes up, Chiyo is too quick and places herself in the calmer Nyamo's car before anyone can stop her.
1) Isaac Dian (Baccano!)

While riding with an immortal driver may seem tempting due to their longevity, safety should always be the top priority when traveling. Isaac is an anime character who takes this notion to the extreme in his Model-T, which has a top speed of around 45 mph. However, it's not speed but recklessness that causes issues.
After purposely hitting another person and their group, Isaac accidentally runs over the car's owner as well. In a panic, he shifts into reverse without checking behind him. Tragically, this second impact finishes off those already injured in the first collision. Though immortal himself, Isaac would do well to consider that not all passengers enjoy the same gift and operating heavy machinery demands prudence.
Final thoughts
When evaluating anime characters, driving prowess can significantly impact a character's reputation. Whereas some competitors thrive during races, others demonstrate catastrophic handling of vehicles.
Though these anime characters' escapades may amuse, it is prudent to remember their exploits exist solely in fantasy and should never be replicated on real roads.