Dabi, from My Hero Academia, is probably one of the most beloved villains in all of anime. Not only is he a compelling villain with relatable motivations and a cool aesthetic, he is also extremely charming. Since he first appeared on the show, Dabi has won the hearts of millions of fans, who have been keeping up with his misdeeds.
However, fans fear that Dabi will soon find his demise inside the My Hero Academia manga, due to the events of the most recent chapter. If Dabi is ever taken from fans’ lives and they want to fill the void he would leave behind, this list will present ten anime characters with stories, motives and personalities similar to that of Toya Todoroki.
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Dio and 9 other characters who are similar to Dabi from My Hero Academia
1) Sasuke Uchiha

For most of Naruto’s story, Sasuke’s main motivation was the hate he felt towards his brother Itachi for killing their clan. This hatred drove him to betray everyone he once considered a friend, believing this would give him the power necessary to destroy Itachi.
Later in the series, Sasuke’s hatred was redirected towards the village that forced his brother to commit a massacre. Like Dabi, Sasuke was impulsed by the hate he felt for an abusive family member and also believed in the idea of changing the world by force.
2) Zeldris

Zeldris was not only the captain of the Ten Commandments, he was also Melioda’s little brother. Due to Melodia’s betrayal against the demon race, Zeldris was forced to kill his lover, Gelda, which caused Zeldris to start hating his older brother.
Zeldris harbored this feeling for centuries, planning his revenge against Meliodas even after their father told Zeldris to save his brother. The main similarities between Dabi from My Hero Academia and Zeldris from the Seven Deadly Sins, is their desire for revenge against a family member, as well as their cold and cruel personalities.
3) Kurapika

Kurapika may look like a gentle and innocent child who would not hurt a fly, but he is an extremely dangerous and volatile person. Before the start of Hunter X Hunter, Kurapika’s family was massacred by the Phantom Troupe.
This event completely changed him, going from a sweet little boy to a menacing fighter with nothing but hatred inside of him. Kurapika may not be as open about his hatred as Dabi has been during My Hero Academia, but we can be sure that he feels the exact same way.
4) Lelouch Lamperouge

Lelouch is what Dabi would have become if he had taken Shoto away from their family before the beginning of My Hero Academia. Born as the eleventh prince of the Britannian Empire, Lelouch had to grow under the tyrannical government of his father, the emperor. Lelouch openly disagreed with his father’s methods, which caused him, as well as his sister, to be vanished from the empire.
From that moment onwards, Lelouch made it his life’s mission to take down his father, no matter who would get hurt in the process. Lelouch demonstrated the same disregard for the safety of others during Code Geass that Dabi has shown several times during the events of My Hero Academia.
5) Dio Brando

Dio was not always the main villain of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, as he used to be a simple boy raised by an abusive father. Dio grew up witnessing the horrible crimes his father committed, which led him to become obsessed with the idea of becoming more evil than his father.
No matter who would try to help him, Dio always refused their aid, as he believed none of his actions were incorrect. He went as far as to get rid of his own humanity in order to obtain power, similar to what Dabi has been doing during the latest manga arc.
6) Yami Bakura
For a show about people playing children’s card games, Yugioh had a vast amount of characters who wanted revenge. The most prominent one was the thief prince Bakura.
Bakura was born during ancient Egypt’s times, in a village filled with criminals and low lives. Because of their crimes, most people in the village were sacrificed right in front of Bakura’s eyes to create the millennium items.
After witnessing that, Bakura decided that he would somehow make the entire world pay for his suffering, especially Egypt’s royal family. For Bakura, sacrificing the entire world to achieve his goals was justified.
He had the same warped concept of justice and retribution that Dabi has displayed in My Hero Academia countless times before.
7) Acnologia

Once a noble and kind human who wanted nothing more than to protect his friends, Acnologia became a demented tyrant after being betrayed by a dragon he once considered an ally. After this betrayal, he convinced himself about all dragons being evil, prompting him to eliminate every single one of them.
During his journey, he became the exact thing he sought to destroy, a powerful and cruel dragon. His hatred towards Dragonkind also extended to those who were raised and trained by these creatures, like Fairy Tail’s dragonslayers.
Similarly to Dabi’s journey in My Hero Academia, the desire for vengeance turned Acnologia into a monster, like those who caused him pain in the past.
8) Scar

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a show with many complex and unique villains, like Scar. Before becoming a serial killer driven by his thirst for vengeance, Scar was a normal young man who lived with his brother in their country, Ishval.
After their homeland was ravaged by war and he lost his brother, Scar was blinded by rage, killing everyone he considered an enemy in sight. It did not matter if the people he killed were involved in Ishval’s invasion or not, Scar would nonetheless get rid of them. This concept of absolute vengeance is exactly what drives most of Dabi’s actions throughout My Hero Academia.
9) Eren Yeager
While not truly a villain, Eren did commit heinous crimes during his time on Attack on Titan. After witnessing all the pain and suffering humans caused each other, Eren’s psyche snapped, turning him into a heartless individual who was willing to destroy the entire world in order to save it.
He used the power of the Founder Titan to kill more than eighty percent of the world’s population, without showing any kind of remorse. My Hero Academia has proven to fans that Dabi has a similar mentality, as he believes that the only way to create a better future is to burn Hero Society down, without caring who dies along the way.
10) Rui

Before being turned into an emotionless monster, Rui used to be a sick little kid who just wanted to be cured from his illness. Muzan, Demon Slayer’s greatest villain, took advantage of Rui’s will to live and tricked him.
Rui ended up becoming a demon who killed his own parents, as well as all the people who tried to hurt him afterwards.
Rui was traumatized by Muzan’s actions, to the point that he no longer allowed people to get close to him. My Hero Academia’s story has demonstrated that Dabi suffers from a similar trauma, believing that everyone who gets close to him will eventually end up hurting him one day.
Final thoughts

Raising a child is not an easy job in any capacity, not even when you are the most caring parent in the world. Enji Todoroki is far from being a decent father, proven by his horrible and inhumane parenting methods.
Due to this, Toya Todoroki developed an innumerable amount of traumas, which ended in the creation of My Hero Academia’s blue-flamed villain, Dabi.
Still, Dabi is not the only anime character who has suffered in such a manner. Several other characters have allowed their hatred and tragic backstories to turn them into monsters, like those listed above.
My Hero Academia may not be the first show to make use of this trope, but no one can deny that Dabi’s character was masterfully written.