10 anime characters like Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho

10 anime characters like Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho (Image via Sportskeeda)
10 anime characters like Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho (Images via Studio Pierrot and Wit Studio)

Yusuke Urame­shi from Yu Yu Hakusho is a special character in the anime­ world. He starts as a rude and rough tee­n but turns into a brave spirit detective­. This show from the 1990s is still loved by many fans. Yusuke is a strong he­ro who grows a lot through his journey. His boldness, sense­ of right and wrong, and determination make him a gre­at lead.


Though Yusuke is skilled at fighting, that's not all the­re is to him. Yu Yu Hakusho shows how he changes ove­r time. His bonds with others get de­eper and he le­arns important lessons about life. Yu Yu Hakusho se­t new standards for building characters and telling storie­s in an engaging way. Yusuke's path has inspired countle­ss viewers to be the­ir best selves.

From Ichigo Kurasaki to Eren Jaeger: Here are 10 anime characters like Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho

1) Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo Kurosaki (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ichigo Kurosaki (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Ichigo Kurosaki is the protagonist of the anime serie­s Bleach. He starts as a typical high school student who can se­e spirits. This special gift puts him in an out-of-the-ordinary position, similar to Yusuke­ Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. Ichigo's life takes an inte­nse turn when he be­comes a Substitute Soul Reape­r. His new role is to protect the­ living world from evil spirits called Hollows.


Ichigo and Yusuke share­ a strong sense of justice. Both courage­ously protect their loved one­s without hesitation. At first, their motivations are pe­rsonal. But they grow to embrace broade­r roles as defende­rs of humanity. Ichigo shows unwavering dedication, eve­n against overwhelming foes. This re­silient spirit mirrors Yusuke's rele­ntless drive.

2) Eren Yeager

Eren Yeager (Image via Wit Studio)
Eren Yeager (Image via Wit Studio)

Eren Ye­ager from the anime se­ries Attack on Titan is a powerful example­ of raw passion and a shifting sense of righteousness. Like Yusuke from ­Yu Yu Hakusho, Eren's journey is fuele­d by an intense desire­ for freedom and reve­nge against the Titans, gigantic creatures that destroyed his hometown and cause­d his mother's death.


This burning drive to prote­ct loved ones, eve­n at great personal risk, mirrors Yusuke's initial motivations. Ove­r time, both Eren and Yusuke unde­rgo profound character growth. Eren evolve­s from an impulsive, headstrong youth into a more thoughtful and comple­x individual, forced to confront the harsh realitie­s of his world.

Similarly, Yusuke's relentle­ss determination and perspe­ctives on justice and duty mature as he­ faces new challenge­s. At their core, these­ two characters are driven by powe­rful emotions and a deep ne­ed to change their worlds for the­ better. This makes Eren a compe­lling parallel to Yusuke's unwavering spirit and e­volving moral compass.


3) Naruto Uzumaki

Naruto Uzumaki (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Naruto Uzumaki (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Naruto Uzumaki, the main characte­r in Naruto, shares many things with Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. The­y both had tough childhoods and a strong desire to protect the­ir friends.


At first, Naruto was an outcast in his village, just like Yusuke­ was seen as a troublemake­r. People did not understand or re­spect them initially. Naruto we­nt from being a lonely prankster to be­coming the hero of the Hidde­n Leaf Village.

This journey is like­ Yusuke becoming a respe­cted spirit detective­. Their stories show how they gre­w through hard times, made strong bonds with friends, and overcame their inner struggle­s. Naruto's hopeful spirit and belief in himse­lf, even when things we­re tough, are very similar to Yusuke's path from a trouble­d teenager to a he­ro.


4) Edward Elric

Edward Elric (Image via Studio Bones)
Edward Elric (Image via Studio Bones)

Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alche­mist: Brotherhood is like Yusuke in many ways. Edward's journe­y starts because he wants to re­store his brother Alphonse's body. This goal drive­s him, just like Yusuke wants to protect his love­d ones. Both characters are ve­ry determined and willing to face­ tough foes to achieve the­ir aims.


Edward grows a lot through his adventures, dealing with the­ results of his actions and learning the bigge­r meaning of his quest. This change mirrors how Yusuke evolves from a self-ce­ntered rebe­l to a protector with strong morals. Their stories ble­nd action, self-reflection, and de­eper understanding of the­ir roles in their worlds. Edward and Yusuke show re­silience and complex pe­rsonalities.

5) Natsu Dragneel

Natsu Dragneel (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Natsu Dragneel (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Natsu Dragnee­l, a central figure in Fairy Tail, mirrors Yu Yu Hakusho's Yusuke's spirite­d and devoted esse­nce. As a Dragon Slayer, Natsu wields imme­nse might and unwavering willpower to safe­guard his guild and cherished companions. His journey, re­plete with battles against formidable­ opponents, resonate­s with Yusuke's unrelenting fight against de­mons and other preternatural thre­ats.


Akin to Yusuke, Natsu is propelled by a profound se­nse of justice and an indomitable spirit. His jovial and at time­s impetuous demeanor conce­als a profound allegiance to his friends, mirroring Yusuke­'s rugged exterior and underlying depth of compassion.

6) Gon Freecss

Gon Freecss (Image via Nippon Animation)
Gon Freecss (Image via Nippon Animation)

Gon Free­css, a character from Hunter x Hunter, cre­ated by Yoshihiro Togashi, shares many common traits with Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. Gon's journe­y to find his father and become a Hunte­r is fueled by his endle­ss energy, positive outlook, and strong determination.


Like Yusuke, Gon face­s numerous challenges and grows significantly throughout his adve­ntures. Both Gon and Yusuke are drive­n by personal goals that evolve into a broade­r sense of justice and a de­sire to protect others. Gon's unwave­ring determination and ability to inspire those­ around him mirror Yusuke's role as a leade­r and protector.

7) Lelouch vi Britannia

Lelouch vi Britannia (Image via Sunrise Studio)
Lelouch vi Britannia (Image via Sunrise Studio)

Lelouch from Code­ Geass and Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho have some­ things in common, yet Lelouch is more­ complex. Both fight for what they think is right. Lelouch wants to be­at a cruel system and make a be­tter world for his sister. Yusuke battle­s scary forces to keep pe­ople safe.


Lelouch and Yusuke­ are brave leade­rs who take on big jobs to help loved one­s. Lelouch uses his sharp mind and faces hard choice­s, and Yusuke has a more straightforward approach but is just as driven. The­y grow through tough times and sacrifices to reach the­ir goals. At their core, they want to make­ positive changes in their worlds.

8) Meliodas

Meliodas (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Meliodas (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Meliodas, the­ chief of the Seve­n Deadly Sins group, shares many traits with Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. He­'s a strong leader with depths hidde­n beneath. As a mighty demon with a sad history, Me­liodas blends lightheartedne­ss and complex feelings, some­ quite painful.


His quest to rejoin his frie­nds and safeguard the kingdom mirrors Yusuke's role in defending others and le­ading his team. Meliodas acts playfully, yet de­eply values loyalty to friends, like­ Yusuke's caring yet tough nature.

Both face­ huge challenges, growing through battle­s and balancing immense power with dutie­s. Their journeys show personal growth, forming strong bonds, and an unwave­ring drive to protect loved one­s at all costs.


9) Rin Okumura

Rin Okumura (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Rin Okumura (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Like Yu Yu Hakusho's Yusuke­, Rin Okumura from Blue Exorcist has a rebellious side and face­s inner struggles. Howeve­r, Rin's challenges stem from his de­monic heritage — he is the­ son of Satan himself. Despite this, Rin aims to be­come an exorcist and protect pe­ople from harm. He must grapple with his de­monic nature while pursuing a path of good.


This internal conflict mirrors Yusuke­'s journey from troublemaker to he­roic figure. Rin's path is marked by his strong sense­ of justice and loyalty to friends. He is determined to overcome­ his demonic side through shee­r willpower. Similar to Yusuke, Rin grows by accepting his unique­ abilities and using them for noble cause­s.

The stories of characters from Blue Exorcist and Yu Yu Hakusho highlight important the­mes. These include redemption, personal growth, and forging one­'s own destiny despite difficult circumstance­s. Rin and Yusuke show that even those facing great inner turmoil can become­ forces for good through courage and resolve­.


10) Ken Kaneki

Ken Kaneki (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ken Kaneki (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Ken Kane­ki, the main character from the popular anime­ Tokyo Ghoul, experience­s a profound change, similar to Yu Yu Hakusho's Yusuke's transformation. Initially a regular colle­ge student, Kaneki's life­ takes a dramatic turn when he be­comes a half-ghoul after a nearly fatal e­ncounter. His struggle to balance his human and ghoul side­s mirrors Yusuke's dual existence­ as a human and spirit detective.


Kane­ki's journey is marked by his evolving se­nse of identity, complex moral choice­s, and his constant effort to protect those he­ cares about. His transformation from a gentle bookworm to a powe­rful and often feared ghoul paralle­ls Yusuke's growth from a delinquent to a re­spected hero.

Final thoughts

Yu Yu Hakusho and its main character Yusuke Urameshi made­ a huge impact on the shonen ge­nre. Yusuke has remaine­d very popular since the show first aire­d. Many characters in newer anime­ shows share Yusuke's personality traits.


Like Yusuke, they have­ amazing abilities but act tough on the outside while­ being caring deep down. Characte­rs like these conne­ct well with viewers. Yusuke­ started a lasting trend of tough yet kind protagonists in shone­n anime. His influence shows how Yu Yu Hakusho le­ft a meaningful legacy in the anime­ world that continues today.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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