It's difficult to find a good match for Naruto Uzumaki, who was once smitten with his colleague Sakura. We love seeing him with Hinata, whom he doesn't even notice until she confesses her feelings for him.
However, there are a few other anime characters who would pair up admirably with everyone's beloved ninja. Let us take a look.
10 anime characters who would totally match well with Naruto
10) Videl
Being brought up in an environment where she was always in the spotlight, Videl is rather feisty and obstinate. However, she's also a fighter who must not be meddled with. As a sincere person, Videl forgives those she deems her loved ones. For example, she forgave Gohan and her father for misleading her over the years. She can counter the ninja's loneliness with her compassion.
9) Touka Kirishima

Touka's character development revolves around the fading of her fury and the emergence of her kindness, both of which originally characterize her personality. She was raised in the ghoul world where she was forced to be merciless from an early age since her father had died and she had to fend for herself.
She has a kind and peaceful demeanor. She would prove to be valuable in battles, and gladly assist the beloved ninja in his efforts to protect the populace.
8) Zero Two
Zero Two has a dangerous but intriguing personality. She's an exceptional pilot who is called the "Partner Killer" becuse of the inexplicable deaths of her co-pilots. Despite her occasional displays of humor, she is actually strict when it comes to fulfilling her responsibilities. Both Naruto and she are chaotic but powerful. Hence, they would be highly compatible as a couple.
7) Akane
Akane, like Naruto, is shown to be empathetic and helpful. She loves to work hard and achieve her goals meticulously. However, she is also obstinate and can often get irritated. Much like Uzumaki, Akane struggles to express her feelings openly when it comes to matters regarding romantic relationships. Something or the other always keeps her from revealing her true feelings to Ranma.
If they learn how to be expressive for each other, they will be a great couple.
6) Mikasa

Mikasa yearns for peace and only motivation is to protect the people she cares about. We know from the beginning that Mikasa has a lot of internal feelings, but they are hardly expressed. Her close friends and even she can understand that she is very worried about Eren. Naruto also tends to be equally passionate about the people he loves.
5) Asuna
Empathetic and kind, Asuna can't help but aid those in difficulty, much like Naruto. She takes everything very seriously and is adamant about clearing the game at any cost. At the same time, Asuna has self-confidence and does not hold back when someone challenges her authority or makes light of her skills.
4) Sango

Sango has a keen sense of duty and a valiant heart as a result of her upbringing and position as a demon slayer. Her personality tends to fluctuate depending on the situation. She has a kind soul, but her demeanor is more direct and authoritative. As a result, she would be the perfect foil for Naruto's clumsiness, bringing out the best in both of them.
3) Makoto Kino
She loves martial arts and sports, but also engages in cooking to assert her femininity. With her imposing stature, Makoto has spent much of her life as an outcast. However, she is a strong advocate for people in need. Naruto and she would make a couple in which the partners truly understand each other.
2) Chitanda Eru

Despite her propensity to get overwhelmed, Chitanda is steadfast once she sets her mind to something. She's inquisitive in the same way that Uzumaki is and will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of a mystery. She is skilled at what she does, just like Naruto. She's an excellent chef which means that Naruto, as a self-proclaimed ramen connoisseur, will adore Chitanda.
1) Gon
Gon and our ninja have a number of similarities. Gon is usually jovial and upbeat. Despite growing up with a few other children of his age on the island, Gon appears to have no problem establishing new acquaintances. However, he can have severe moodswings. For example, when Neferpitou murdered Kite, Gon's demeanor changed dramatically. Naruto and Gon, with their understabding of personal trauma and shared zest for life and friendship, would be the perfect match. Team #Goruto for the win.