Nisekoi is an amazing and hilarious anime that has captured the hearts of many fans with its great plot and endearing characters. Over the years, the anime has left an indelible mark on people's minds. It is filled with wholesomeness as Raku, the son of the Yakuza’s boss, searches for his promise girl, who could be one of the many girls who fell in love with him.
When Nisekoi starts, Raku is still searching for this mysterious girl whose looks he has forgotten. But things get even more complicated for him when his father introduces him to Chitoge. If you have already watched and enjoyed this anime, the list below will introduce you to 10 more that every Nisekoi fan will undoubtedly enjoy.
Disclaimer: This list is based on the author's opinion and is not ranked in any particular order. Minor spoilers from several anime shows are included.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun and 9 other anime which Nisekoi fans will enjoy
1) The World God Only Knows

Keima is a brilliant student who is sorely lacking in social skills. But he does not mind, as he prefers to enjoy his life with his multiple dating video games. He is the top player in the world in this genre, which catches the devil Elsie's attention. She is responsible for capturing the loose souls that dwell in the hearts of girls.
To achieve this, Keima will have to "conquer" the vast number of girls that have been possessed by these evil beings in real life. Along with Elsie, Keima undertakes this journey and discovers the world around him. Who knows, maybe Keima will even find a real girl that he wants to be with? Like Nisekoi, The World God Only Knows is hilarious and filled with cute moments, and fans of Chitoge and Raku will surely like it.
2) Toradora

Ryuuji is a kind-hearted and polite boy who is unfortunately mistaken for violent by his peers because of his face. One day, he bumps into Taiga, the fiercest girl in all of his school. While she may look small and cute, she is really a temperamental and volatile woman. To their surprise, both are in love with the other's best friend.
Following their first and most violent encounter, they joined forces to win the affection of their targets. But as the show progresses, they begin to realize maybe love bumped into them a long time ago. Toradora is super wholesome and has a lot of emotive moments that fans of Nisekoi will love.
3) Anohana

Jinta is a hikikomori who lost the will to live after his best friend Menma died when she was only 5 years old. Jinta and Menma used to be a part of the Super Peace Busters, a club they created with their former friends, which was disbanded after Menma’s death. But 10 years after the incident, Menma is back in Jinta’s life as a ghost.
Jinta will have to face the feeling he has been hiding all these years and reconnect back with their friends in order to help Menma reach heaven. But facing your demons is not something easy to do. Anohana is an emotional masterpiece that will have Nisekoi fans both in love and in tears.
4) Golden Time

Banri is a normal college student who has just begun a new chapter in his life. He moved to the city from his little town because he needed a new perspective on life after an accident that erased his memories. On his first day, he meets Mitsuo, and they become best friends.
However, a girl named Koko finds them and claims to be the one who will marry Mitsuo in the future. Banri is struck by her beauty right away, but he decides not to act on it because she is already in love with someone else. However, as the series progresses, Banri and Koko discover that love is not always predictable. Golden Time is another fun and emotional ride that Nisekoi fans will love every moment of.
5) Baka and Test
Akihisa is a bad student who is barely passing his classes. On the contrary, Mizuki is the smartest girl in the whole school, who got ill the day of the placement exam and failed because of it. When their school implements a new educational system, where students are separated by their grades, they both get enrolled in class F.
This class has the worst equipment in the whole school, and they are suffering because of this. Each student has a virtual avatar they can use to fight other classmates and claim their classroom, with stats based on their performance.
With the help of Mizuki, Akahisa and his classmates try to obtain the strongest avatars they can and inherit class’s A luxurious experience for themselves.Baka and Test is a fantastic comedy that Nisekoi lovers will enjoy.
6) Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun

Shizuku is a smart but quiet girl who does not want to interact with her peers. She is focused on her grades and is happy living like this. That is until she meets Haru, a supposed delinquent who has been skipping school all year.
Haru wishes to befriend Shizuku, but she is reluctant to interact with anyone. As they continue to know each other, Haru starts to become a better student, and Shizuku learns that maybe having friends is not that bad. Nisekoi fans will surely appreciate Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun for all the Haru and Shizuku chemistry.
7) Orange

Naho is living a good life, but one filled with regret. She lost the love of her life when she was still a high school student. After much consideration, she decided to send a letter to herself from 10 years ago. At first, her younger self did not believe what the letter said, but after too many events translated to be true, she began to concentrate on averting that future.
The letter also instructs her to look after the new transfer student Kakeru and cherish him as much as she can because in the future she is unable to. Naho is determined to prevent the tragic future described in the letter, and will do all it takes to keep Kakeru safe. Orange is a poignant anime that Nisekoi lovers should not miss.
8) Lovely Complex
Risa is a high school student who has been teased her entire life due to her height. She is one of the tallest students at the school. Otani, on the other hand, has a complex about his height, as he is one of the smallest members of the student body.
Both of them meet by accident and start a ’friendship' that is centered around making fun of the other’s problems to make up for theirs. But as they start spending more time with each other, they realize just how special the other is. Lovely Complex is an underrated anime featuring a slew of adorable and amusing moments that also presents a message about acceptance. Fans of Nisekoi will undoubtedly like this anime.
9) Zero no Tsukaima

Louise is one of the worst students in the Tristain Academy of Magic. She has a lot of problems controlling her magic and is unable to cast most spells. On the first day of her second year exams, she is asked to summon a familiar, which she does very well, but instead of a magical creature, she summons Saito, a normal boy from Japan.
They have numerous adventures together while Saito learns to be a stronger fighter in order to protect Louise and she learns to control her magic and discovers she is more powerful than she anticipated. However, Louise struggles to control Saito and his lack of control around women. Nisekoi fans will enjoy this anime because it is packed with amusing situations and romantic moments.
10) HenNeko

Yooto is not popular in his school. He struggles with expressing his true feelings and ends up doing something inappropriate every time he needs to talk about them. Tsukiko, on the contrary, is very emotional and wants to leave that side of herself in order to be more like an adult. They both learn about a Stony Cat statue that takes unwanted attributes from people and provides them to those in need.
After they both give an offering to the cat, they get rid of their unwanted traits, but find out this is so much worse. Yooto is unable to lie, and Tsukiko cannot show emotions anymore.
They need to work together to find the people their traits have found their way to, and maybe come to a realization that they never needed to change to find someone who would love them. Another great romantic comedy that most Nisekoi fans will like.
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