The world of anime has gifted us with an array of captivating characters, each possessing extraordinary superpowers that ignite our imagination and push the boundaries of what we perceive as possible. Surprisingly, there are instances where these incredible superpowers find echoes in our own reality.
From the depths of photographic memories to echolocation, and the adaption of the human body, this article will delve into 10 captivating real-life superpowers that mirror the anime world's mystique. While these abilities may lack the flamboyance of their animated counterparts, they remind us that reality holds its own brand of awe-inspiring marvels.
Disclaimer: This article will contain spoilers for all the anime and character fates mentioned therein. The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.
Elasticity and 9 other anime superpowers that exist in real life
1) Elasticity

The Rubber Devil Fruit, a fantastic power Luffy possesses in the anime One Piece, enables him to stretch and grow his body like rubber. Luffy is able to use these superpowers to do amazing physical feats, including extending his limbs to extraordinary lengths, rebounding off objects, and expanding his body to deflect blows.
There are individuals with exceptionally flexible bodies that can do feats that appear superhuman in the actual world. People with hypermobile joints may have a greater range of motion in their joints, which allows them to achieve amazing physical feats, just as contortionists can twist and bend their bodies into unusual forms.
2) Photographic memory
A character from the anime Samurai Champloo named Jin had a phenomenal memory that allowed him to remember every swordsmanship or combat style he had ever seen. The capacity to recall details with extraordinary clarity and precision, almost as if you were really seeing them again, is referred to as photographic memory, and it is one of the most common cognitive abilities.
There are individuals who, in real life, have a fantastic memory, sometimes known as eidetic memory or total recall. These people are able to accurately recall a tremendous quantity of information, including whole novels or movies as well as difficult mathematical formulae. It is thought that a mix of hereditary factors and early childhood experiences contribute to this capacity.
3) Echolocation
In the anime Kimetsu no Yaiba, Tengen Uzui is a demon slayer who possesses the superpower to use echolocation to locate objects and detect his surroundings.
Echolocation is the ability to locate objects or navigate a space using echoes of sound. Tengen utilizes this ability by emitting high-frequency clicks which bounce off objects and then return to him, allowing him to create a mental map of his surroundings.
In real life, echolocation is a technique used by some animals, primarily bats, and dolphins, for navigating their surroundings and locating prey. However, there are also humans who possess remarkable echolocation abilities, often referred to as human echolocators. These are individuals who have learned to use their hearing to locate objects and detect their surroundings using echoes of sound.
4) Animal Whisperer
In the Naruto anime, Kiba is a ninja who possesses a remarkable talent known as Dog/animal whispering, which enables him to converse with and command animals. Kiba can comprehend and interact with animals as if they were people thanks to his ninja abilities, and they would react to him as if he were one of their own.
While there is no human equivalent of Kiba's animal whispering talent, there are individuals with extraordinary abilities in communication and observation that give them the potential to form a special bond with animals.
For instance, some people have a strong eye for non-verbal signs and a thorough grasp of animal behavior, which enables them to interpret the intentions and moods of animals.
5) X-Ray vision
Neji, a ninja from the Naruto series, uses his Byakugan eye to have unique superpowers to see through anything, including walls and even people. He gains a significant tactical edge in battle thanks to his ability to view human inside organs and chakra points.
There are people who have exceptional medical and imaging talents that enable them to see into human bodies and diagnose diseases and injuries, but there is no real-life counterpart to Neji's Byakugan powers. One such Russian girl with remarkable abilities was Natasha Demkina.
Natasha Demkina first gained prominence in the early 2000s when she claimed to possess the ability to see internal organs and medical conditions in individuals by simply looking at them. Reports suggest that she accurately identified the scars of a doctor who had been in a car accident, which astonished many.
6) Heat manipulation
Muhammad Avdol is a character in the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure who has the superpower to control the heat of both people and objects thanks to his Stand, an unseen battling spirit that allows superpowers. Avdol has a unique advantage in battle thanks to his ability to produce enormous flames, harden molten metal, and even regulate the temperature of the air around him.
The concept of manipulating heat is not wholly fake as monks and other spiritual practitioners are said to have amazing powers to influence their physical state, including body heat. For instance, certain monks are said to be able to control their body temperature, allowing them to survive in hot or cold temperatures, respectively.
7) Skin hardening

In the anime My Hero Academia, Kirishima is a student who possesses the superpower to turn his skin into hardened rock, allowing him to withstand physical attacks and gain the strength and durability of a rock. While nobody in real life possesses the ability to transform their skin into rock, there are individuals who have incredibly tough skin that can withstand a great deal of physical punishment.
For instance, certain people may have ichthyosis, a skin ailment that results in excessively thick and dry skin. The skin becomes significantly more resistant to damage and bruising despite the fact that this state might be irritating and painful.
This is similar to how some people who work in physically taxing professions like construction or gardening may acquire very strong skin from years of exposure to difficult environments and physical strain.
8) Super smeller
Tanjiro from the anime Demon Slayer has the superpower to smell emotions, which enables him to identify the presence of a demon. There are people with extraordinary senses of smell and substance detection in the real world.
For instance, certain individuals are referred to be super-tasters or super-smellers, indicating that their sensitivity to taste and smell is considerably stronger than the ordinary person.
These people may have an enhanced sense of taste or smell that enables them to appreciate various types of food or beverages more than others. They may be able to detect subtle flavors or odors that others cannot.
9) Super speed
Characters with extraordinary speed and reflexes are common in anime, allowing them to move and respond much more quickly than other people. These characters are among the fastest creatures in their own universes since some of them can even sprint at speeds that are close to or faster than the speed of sound.
There are certain people who have exceptional physical superpowers that allow them to perform feats that appear to be beyond the capabilities of humans, despite the fact that no genuine human can move that quickly.
For instance, certain martial artists, such as samurai warriors, are capable of cutting bullets in mid-air, exhibiting their exceptional reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Samurai warriors are renowned for their extraordinary reflexes and physical power.
10) Super strength
Saitama from One Punch Man possesses incredible physical strength that allows him to defeat his enemies with a single blow. He possesses vast amounts of strength, speed, and resilience, capable of achieving seemingly impossible physical feats.
While no real-life human being can possess the same level of ridiculous superpowers as Saitama, there are people who possess remarkable physical abilities and power.
These individuals may be trained to use their bodies as a weapon and are capable of producing immense power with their punches, kicks, and other striking techniques.
While we can't have anime superpowers, there are individuals who possess remarkable abilities that push the boundaries of human capability. These extraordinary people serve as a reminder of human potential and the astounding capacity that we have to perform apparently unachievable physical feats.