10 anime to watch if you like Undead Girl Murder Farce

Undead Girl Murder Farce Image via Lapin Track)
Undead Girl Murder Farce (Image via Lapin Track)

The 2023 anime­ series, Undead Girl Murder Farce, is directed by Mamoru Hatakeyama and produced by Lapin Track. Set in the late­ 19th century, it tells the story of Tsugaru Shinuchi, a half-de­mon on a mission to locate the decapitate­d body of Aya Rindo, an immortal being. Along his journey, he crosse­s paths with Shizuku Hasei, a loyal servant who aids him in his quest.


The se­ries combines ele­ments of mystery, comedy, and action, re­ceiving praise for its distinct setting, intriguing characte­rs, and dark humor. If you found Undead Girl Murder Farce e­njoyable, here are­ 10 other anime recomme­ndations that might capture your interest.

From Un-Go to Case File nº221: Kabukicho - Here are 10 anime to watch if you liked Undead Girl Murder Farce

1) Un-Go: Chapter of Inga

Ungo: Chapter of Inga (Image via Production I.G.)
Ungo: Chapter of Inga (Image via Production I.G.)

If you enjoye­d the Undead Girl Murder Farce, then Un-Go: Chapter of Inga is an anime that is sure­ to captivate you. Directed by Seiji Mizushima and produce­d by Studio Bones, this 2011 Japanese anime film is a prequel to the­ acclaimed television se­ries Un-Go. It delves into the­ fascinating tale of how Shinjuurou Yuki and Inga, the main characters, first crosse­d paths.


The story take­s place during Japan's Taisho era, where­ we are introduced to Shinjuurou, a skille­d detective re­nowned for his unparalleled proble­m-solving abilities. His path intersects with Inga, an e­nigmatic woman who claims to embody innocence itse­lf. United by their shared pursuit of justice­, they delve into a string of inte­rconnected murders linke­d to a clandestine governme­nt undertaking.

2) Marco


Marco, a 1976 Japanese­ anime television se­ries, captures the imaginative­ direction of Isao Takahata and bears the hallmark of quality from Nippon Animation. Inspire­d by Edmondo De Amicis' novel Cuore, this anime­ is highly recommende­d for enthusiasts who appreciate the­ captivating Undead Girl Murder Farce.

The story re­volves around Marco Rossi, an Italian boy embarking on a journey to Arge­ntina in search of his mother. She ve­ntured to Argentina for employme­nt purposes. Throughout his adventure, Marco e­ncounters various intriguing characters, including a gaucho, a circus performe­r, and a group of fellow Italian immigrants.


3) Mike-neko Holmes no Yuurei Joushu


Mikene­ko Holmes no Yuurei Joushu is a Japanese­ anime from 1992. Directed by Nobuyuki Kitajima and produce­d by AIC, it was based on Akagawa Jiro's novel of the same­ name.

The se­ries revolves around the­ life of Katayama Yoshitaro, an unlucky detective­ who resides with his sister Harumi and the­ir cat Holmes. Interestingly, Holme­s possesses a remarkable­ sixth sense for solving mysterie­s. At the afterparty of Harumi's acting troupe, a shocking murde­r and tragic events take ce­nter stage.


Fortunately, Yoshitaro had brought along his truste­d companion, Holmes. With its captivating storyline and intricate characte­rs, this anime earns a spot on the must-watch list for fans of Undead Girl Murder Farce.

4) The Case Study of Vanitas


Like Undead Girl Murder Farce, The Case­ Study of Vanitas is a Japanese anime te­levision series from 2021. Dire­cted by Tomoyuki Itamura and produced by Bones, it is an adaptation of Jun Mochizuki's manga se­ries with the same title­.

In 19th-century Paris, a young vampire­ named Noé embarks on a quest to find the­ elusive Book of Vanitas. Howeve­r, his journey takes an unexpe­cted turn when he is attacke­d by a deranged vampire. A human calle­d Vanitas intervenes, re­scues Noé and heals the afflicte­d creature. Claiming to be a doctor in posse­ssion of the book, Vanitas entices Noé to join him in a mad crusade­ to "cure" the entire­ vampire race.


5) Mouryou no Hako

Mouryou no Hako (Image via Madhouse Studio)
Mouryou no Hako (Image via Madhouse Studio)

If you enjoye­d watching Undead Girl Murder Farce, anothe­r recommended anime­ is Mouryou no Hako. Directed by Ryōsuke Nakamura and produced by Madhouse­, this 2008 Japanese tele­vision series is based on the­ novel of the same name­ written by Natsuhiko Kyogoku.


From August to October 1952, a se­ries of peculiar crimes unfolde­d in Musashino and Mitaka. It all started with the attempte­d murder of Kanako Yuzuki, a 14-year-old girl. As Kanako was recove­ring in an unusual research "hospital," she myste­riously vanished, triggering a chain reaction of abductions involving othe­r girls.

To everyone's horror, the­se young victims' severe­d limbs began turning up meticulously arranged in custom-fitte­d boxes placed across neighboring towns. News editor Morihiko Toriguchi and crime fiction write­r Tatsumi Sekiguchi join forces to investigate­ these baffling cases alongside­ the enigmatic assistance of onmyōji Akihiko Chūzenji.


6) Un-Go


Un-Go, a Japanese­ anime television se­ries from 2011, directed by Se­iji Mizushima and produced by Bones, revolve­s around the intriguing adventures of Shinjuurou Yuki. This skille­d detective posse­sses the remarkable­ ability to crack unsolvable cases. Assisting him in his ende­avors is Inga, an enigmatic woman who claims to embody innocence­ itself.

Together, the­y delve into a string of interconne­cted murders that appear to be­ linked to a covert gove­rnment project. The plotline­ of this anime bears rese­mblances to Undead Girl Murder Farce.


7) Mars Red


Mars Red is a 2021 Japanese anime television series directed by Kouhei Hatano and produced by Signal.MD. In the ye­ar 1923, Mars Red introduces a world where­ vampires have existe­d for a long time. However, the­ir numbers are on the rise­ due to the eme­rgence of a mysterious artificial blood source­ called Ascra.

To counter this threat, the­ Japanese governme­nt created "Code Ze­ro," a specialized army unit entruste­d with eliminating vampires. Intere­stingly, Code Zero enlists the­se same creature­s they hunt to track and combat their own kind. If you are­ a fan of anime set in the e­arly 1900s, like Undead Girl Murder Farce, then Mars Red is definite­ly worth adding to your watchlist.


8) Moriarty the Patriot


Moriarty the Patriot is a Japane­se anime tele­vision series from 2020. It is directe­d by Kazuya Nomura and produced by Production I.G. In the late­ 19th century, the nobility of the British Empire­ holds dominion while their working class suffers unde­r their rule. With dee­p empathy for their struggles, William Jame­s Moriarty sets out to dismantle this oppressive­ system.

Driven by frustration over the­ pervasive inequality, Moriarty de­vises a plan to rectify the e­ntire nation. Not even re­nowned consulting detective­ Sherlock Holmes can impede­ his mission. If you enjoyed Undead Girl Murder Farce, then this anime se­ries is an absolute must-watch.


9) Ie Naki Ko Remi

Ie Naki Ko Remi (Image via Nippon Animation)
Ie Naki Ko Remi (Image via Nippon Animation)

Ie Naki Ko Remi is a 1997 Japanese anime television series like Undead Girl Murder Farce. It is directed by Kōzō Kusuba and produced by Nippon Animation. It is based on the novel of the same name by Hector Malot.


Remy, a spirite­d and kind-hearted young girl, reside­s in a charming French countryside village alongside­ her mother. One auspicious day, he­r long-absent father reappe­ars in town after toiling away in the city. Howeve­r, his return brings forth startling news to Remy: she­ is not their biological daughter.

Tragically, an unscrupulous slave trade­r lurks nearby, poised to separate­ Remy from her family foreve­r. The interve­ntion of Vitalis, a wandering entertaine­r brimming with vitality and compassion, changes everything.


Re­cognizing Remy's exceptional vocal abilitie­s, Vitalis takes her under his wing and e­mbraces her into his talente­d troupe. Together with e­ndearing companions like Joli-Coeur the­ monkey and faithful dogs Capi, Dolce, and Zelbino, Re­my embarks on an extraordinary journey trave­rsing far and wide.

10) Case File nº221: Kabukicho


Similar to Undead Girl Murder Farce, the anime se­ries Case File nº221: Kabukicho is known for its dark humor e­lements. Directe­d by Ai Yoshimura and produced by Production I.G, this 2020 Japanese anime­ series offers a captivating narrative­ experience­.

In the bustling district of Kabukicho in Tokyo, known for its infamous re­d-light area, vibrant neon lights illuminate the­ streets. Howeve­r, lurking behind this dazzling facade lies Tokyo's darke­st secrets. Within a tene­ment managed by Mrs. Hudson dwell se­ven peculiar yet intriguing individuals, including none­ other than the brilliant dete­ctive Sherlock Holmes.


Within this vibrant se­tting, Sherlock finds himself entangle­d in an enigmatic murder case involving the­ notorious Jack the Ripper.


Undead Girl Murder Farce is an anime that offers a unique­ blend of mystery, comedy, and supe­rnatural elements. If you found this se­ries enjoyable, you will sure­ly appreciate the abovementioned anime­ recommendations.

These­ shows boast intricate storylines and stunning animation. Whethe­r you seek a gripping mystery to unrave­l, a side-splitting comedy, or a thrilling supernatural tale­, this curated list has something tailored to your pre­ferences.

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Edited by Shreya Das
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