10 most annoying Pokemon, ranked

Zubats will annoy any trainer that enters a cave (Image credits: OLM Incorporated, Pokemon: Indigo League)
Zubats will annoy any trainer that enters a cave (Image credits: OLM Incorporated, Pokemon: Indigo League)

Training a Pokemon is a dream many fans have had since they first watched the series. And who could blame them? Imagine having your own cute, powerful, and loyal companion with amazing powers and abilities.


With more than 900 different creatures in its world, there is something for everyone here. However, some Pokemon are extremely irritating to deal with. The reasons could be their evolutionary process, their difficulty while battling, their personality, or their cries. These are the 10 most annoying Pokemon, ranked from the least to the most annoying.

Disclaimer: This list is based on the author's opinion. It contains minor spoilers from various Pokemon seasons.

Few trainers will want to partner with these 10 Pokemon

10) Psyduck


Psyduck is not annoying by itself. It is a very friendly creature that is always trying to help its trainer. The problem arises from its enormous psychic powers that cause Psyduck headaches every time it uses them.

This makes Psyduck a very unreliable Pokemon to use, since you never know when it will get a headache that will prevent it from fighting. Fortunately, this weakness disappears after it evolves into Golduck.


9) Milotic


Milotic is a beautiful creature that many fans love because of its amazing design. It is also one of the strongest water types you can have. Nothing about Milotic sounds like it would be annoying. But then again, acquiring one is an arduous task.

Milotic evolves from Feebas, a particularly unappealing Pokemon that is also really difficult to find. However, finding one is not the only problem Feebas has. To evolve into Milotic, one needs to have a high beauty perception. This is incredibly difficult, given that Feebas is one of the ugliest Pokemon.


8) Wobbuffet


Wobbuffet is one of the most defensive partners a trainer can have, but it is also one of the slowest. Wobbuffet has the particular trait of never being able to initiate an attack, forcing it to take the first hit of the battle.

Its high defense and resistance make this more annoying to the opponent than to the trainer using Wobbuffet, but when facing an opponent who has a Pokemon than can defeat yours in one hit, having to go second becomes the most annoying thing in the world.


7) Vespiquen


Vespiquen is another one of those entries that has nothing intrinsically wrong with it. Vespiquen is a decent bug-type to have on a team, and it has an above-average defense. What makes it annoying is that only a female Combee can be evolved into a Vespiquen.

Combee is infamous because the probability of a female one being born is lower than 15%. Anyone who wants to add a Vespiquen to their team needs to either catch one in the wild or go through hundreds of eggs before acquiring a female Combee.


6) Magikarp


Every Pokemon fan knows the memes about Magikarp. It is basically useless and is only able to learn useful moves after many battles that it will probably not see the end of. Training one is a pain, and few people are willing to do so.

However, some still put up with this because of its evolution, Gyarados, one of the strongest Pokemon in the entire franchise. Despite this, the process of training a Magikarp can be extremely taxing.


5) Miltank


At first glance, Miltank appears to be a cute and innocent cow-inspired creature. However, in battle, Miltank is one of the most defensive creatures, and it also hits hard like only a few others can.

Its signature move, Rollout, allows it to keep spinning its body in a ball shape and deal an amazing amount of damage to the opponent. The lack of weaknesses against its normal typing also makes Miltank a burden to fight against.


4) Bewear


Bewear is one of the most cuddly and adorable creatures in the series. It is the first bear-inspired Pokemon, and it resembles a teddy bear more than any wild bear in the real world. However, Bewear's cry can be extremely annoying.

Bewear looks like it should have a pretty deep sound or maybe one that is cute and soft. Instead, its cry has one of the highest pitches in the entire franchise. Whenever Bewear appears on the screen, fans should consider covering their ears.


3) Jigglypuff


Jigglypuff looks like an adorable little ball of fluff. Its friendly and social nature makes it one of the most adorable partners in the entire series. But this is overshadowed by its desire to show the world its singing voice.

Jigglypuff can put any creature that hears its songs to sleep, and this enrages the cuddly ball of resentment. If someone falls asleep as Jigglypuff sings, it will become very offended and will draw anything it can imagine on their faces.


2) Zubat


Zubat is infamous because of the large amounts that inhabit caves around the Pokemon world and because of how persistent they are. It is also another one of the creatures with a sharp, high-pitched cry.

Many people try to avoid them completely because they can get really annoying very quickly. Zubat’s evolutions are not bad, but they are also not always worth the hassle of going into a cave to catch.


1) Shaymin (Giratina and the Sky Warrior)


Shaymin is an adorable and cute little critter while in Land Form. In Sky form, it turns into a fast, agile, and elegant fighter. However, it is also one of the most annoying Pokemon to deal with.

It is one of the few creatures in the series that can communicate with humans. Given its cute and friendly appearance, one would assume that it would be a delight to be around. But this is far from the case. Shaymin is bossy, arrogant, and is one of the most annoying Pokemon in the franchise.

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Edited by Siddharth Satish
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