Saitama is one of the strongest bald anime characters in the anime circuit. Although he is arguably the strongest hero in One Punch Man, he prefers to stay under the radar to avoid the authority messing with his peaceful life.
In his everyday life, he is assisted by his apprentice and fellow hero, Genos. Genos cares deeply for his teacher and doesn't want anyone to get too close and personal with him. Unfortunately, Saitama's daily acts of showcasing his overpowered abilities against villains don't go unnoticed and the hero's secret identity could be in danger.
In this article, popular bald anime characters like Saitama would be ranked based on how famous they are. Moreover, the traits of these bald anime characters will also be discussed to see what role they play in their anime series.
Disclaimer: This article contains potential spoilers from the Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece manga series and has the author's opinion.
Pixis, Master Roshi, and 8 other bald anime characters ranked by their popularity
10) Dr. Kyudai Garaki (My Hero Academia)

Dr. Garaki was one of the supporting characters of My Hero Academia and one of the most popular bald anime characters. He was an ally of All for One, the antagonist of the series, and also the person who created Nomus.
He was also the person who announced Izuku Midoriya, the protagonist of the series, as quirkless. He was arrested by the heroes for his criminal acts during the Paranormal Liberation War arc.
9) Donovan (Berserk)

Donovan was one of the minor characters of Berserk and one of the most popular bald anime characters. He was a man of foul personality and didn't hesitate doing any task no matter how immortal or disgusting it may be.
He paid Gambino, the father of the protagonist Guts, three silver coins to buy his son and defiled him one night. After this, Guts developed PTSD whenever someone touched him due to Donovan's actions.
He was later killed by the protagonist who shoved his sword inside Donovan's mouth and learned that it was his father who sold him.
8) Kamaji (Spirited Away)

The operator of the boiler room of the Bathhouse in Spirited Away, Kamaji was one of the minor characters of the movie. He is one of the most famous bald anime characters and became famous in the film because he helped Chihiro, the main protagonist.
He was introduced as a grumpy old man who didn't like other people interfering in his life. He was harsh on Chihiro when she first arrived at the Bathhouse but later mellowed down and even acted as the protagonist's grandfather to get her a job at the Bathhouse.
7) Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro (One Piece)

One of the strongest beings of One Piece who holds the highest authority in the world, saint Nusjuro was one of the Five Elders and the Warrior God of Finance. He is also one of the main antagonists of the series.
His true identity was revealed in the Egghead Island arc, alongside his other four Gorosei members. His powers allow him to transform into a mythical beast named Bakotsu, making him extremely overpowered. This could be the reason why he is one of the most popular bald characters in the series.
6) Kaseki (Dr Stone)

The soul of a professional craftsman trapped inside an old body, Kaseki is one of the supporting characters of Dr Stone. As mentioned, despite his old age, he was a professional craftsman who loved to build anything Senku, the protagonist of the series, recommended.
Moreover, he also possessed great intelligence as he was a fast learner. He adapted to most of the building techniques from the future in mere seconds and became popular for his vigor and charisma. This could be the reason why he is one of the most popular bald anime characters.
5) Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)

Alex Louis Armstrong was a supporting character in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. He was a State Alchemist just like Edward Elric, one of the main protagonists of the series.
Being a State Alchemist, Louis was one of the strongest alchemy users in the series and displayed his skills multiple times. But he became more famous for his over-affectionate nature towards the Elric brothers, making him one of the most popular bald anime characters.
4) Gakuganji Yoshinobu (Jujutsu Kaisen)

The principal of the Kyoto branch of the Jujutsu High, Gakuganji was one of the supporting characters of Jujutsu Kaisen. He had some kind of confrontation with Gojo Satoru, one of the major protagonists, which fans speculated could be because the latter was stronger than him.
His abilities included his innate cursed technique which revolved around his sound amplification device. This allowed him to hit his enemy with cursed energy waves through sound waves. During the Perfect Preparation arc, he killed Masamichi Yaga, which could be the reason why he is one of the most famous bald anime characters.
3) Dot Pyxis (Attack on Titan)

Dot Pixis was one of the supporting characters from Attack on Titan and one of the most famous bald anime characters. He was one of the biggest reasons Eren wasn't executed by the higher-ups, after Armin's chivalrous display.
Pixis was a man of high intelligence such that he could also be called a strategist. Unfortunately, he met his end during the War for Paradis arc after he was converted into a pure Titan.
2) Isaac Netaro (Hunter x Hunter)

The Chairman of the Hunter Committee and, arguably, the strongest hunter in the series while he was still alive, Netero was one of the supporting characters of the series. He is one of the most famous bald anime characters.
He was strong enough to playfully avoid the attacks of the protagonists, Gon and Killua, and was respected by the majority of the hunters. He met his end against Meruem during the Chimera Ant arc.
He self-sacrificed himself by activating the Rose bomb that was planted inside him for emergency purposes.
1) Master Roshi (Dragon Ball)

Of the group of bald anime characters, Master Roshi could be the most famous one. He was the teacher of the protagonist of the series, Son Goku, and some of the other Z fighters.
He was also the person who invented one of the most famous attacks of the anime, the Kamehameha Wave. Despite all this, he was famous for his degenerate personality.
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