When someone hears One Punch Man, they automatically think of quick fights that are over in a single punch. However, fans know that this is not always the case, seeing as the franchise boasts some of the best fight scenes from recent years. These scenes are made even more awe-inspiring thanks to Murata’s art style.
Be it the spectacle of Tatsumaki fighting Psykos and Oruchi, or the physical prowess of Metal Bat against Garou, or the iconic confrontation between Saitama and Boros, the manga has kept audiences hooked with its lifelike characters and the clashes between them.
In this list, we will present the 10 best fights in the One Punch Man manga, ranked by how impressive they are.
Disclaimer: This list is based on the opinion of the author and contains spoilers.
Garou vs Darkshine and other incredible fights in One Punch Man
10) Genos vs Sonic

Two of the most beloved One Punch Man characters have to be Speed-o-Sound-Sonic and Genos, so it makes sense that their confrontation is one of the best in the manga. Sonic wanted to defeat Saitama’s student, Genos, before challenging the Hero again, so the android accepted the challenge.
Both fighters appear to be equals, as Sonic is too fast for Genos to hit, but Sonic’s attacks prove infective against his hard exterior.
Just as the two are about to use their ultimate moves to finish the fight, Saitama knocks his friend down before he can destroy his home, leaving behind a confused Sonic.
9) Psykos and Orochi vs Tatsumaki
Tatsumaki is one of the most powerful Espers in existence inside the universe of One Punch Man, so seeing her fight is always a spectacle. After she defeated Psykos in an amazing display of power, the monster fused with Orochi to create a massive beast that had powers beyond the hero’s imagination.
Tatsumaki fought valiantly, avoiding the beams of energy the fused monsters were sending her way. But no matter what she did, the creature remained unharmed, meaning that in the end, the S-rank hero was defeated.
Fortunately for fans of the Esper, she was saved just in time by Genos and several other heroes who arrived to help her.
8) Zombieman vs Pureblood
There are a lot of terrifying monsters in One Punch Man, but only one of them took pride in the fact that he had pure lineage - the vampire Pureblood. Zombieman, the immortal hero, fought against this chilling opponent during the raid to the Monster Association’s base.
While Pureblood was faster and stronger than the hero, Zombieman’s regenerative properties helped him withstand anything the monster did to him. In the end, the hero’s resilience gave him the upper hand, finishing the vampire once and for all.
7) Garou vs Metal Bat
Garou’s quest to become one of the most powerful individuals in the universe has led him to fight some incredibly powerful opponents. While most of them had the will to keep fighting no matter what, none could equal the determination shown by Metal Bat.
Their battle was not as flashy as some other entries on this list, seeing as both of them are physical fighters. However, it was one of the best demonstrations of pure fighting spirit Metal Bat has ever had in the series.
No matter how horrible the wounds that Garou inflicted on him were, he proved to be unputdownable and fought the villain with all his power.
6) Drive Knight vs Psykos & Orochi (Jet form)
When Psykos saw herself overwhelmed by the might of all the Heroes, she attempted one last desperate bid to win the fight by turning herself into a Jet. However, Drive Knight ensured that her flight was not a pleasant experience.
Since the entire battle was carried out in the sky, most of it feels like a completely different series, proving just how versatile the franchise can be. There is not a single panel in this confrontation that is not packed with action, making it a fan-favorite.
5) Garou vs Darkshine
One of the most interesting concepts inside One Punch Man’s universe is the existence of limiters. It does not make a difference how much an individual trains themselves, if they have already reached their limit, they will not progress further.
But thanks to Garou's intense battle against Superalloy Darkshine, he became the second person in the franchise to break said limiters. At first, Garou’s attacks were not doing any kind of damage to the resilient hero.
However, Darkshine's harsh words added to the fervent will Garou had to better himself, which were enough to destroy limitations. With this new power, the Hero Hunter was able to turn the battle around, and almost destroyed his opponent.
4) Saitama vs Lord Orochi
Orochi’s delusion, which made him think of himself as the reincarnation of God, extended far enough for him to consider Saitama the sacrifice for his resurrection. The hero obviously did not take him seriously, given that he was busy trying to get comfortable in the lava surrounding them.
Orochi then tried to harness the Earth's power to create a Gaia cannon - a massive beam of energy that could obliterate almost anyone. Even then, with a Serious Squirt Gun, Saitama destroyed the beam and subsequently Orochi, with his usual single punch.
3) Garou vs Lord Orochi
Garou may be a villain in the eyes of many, but he also has a deeply rooted moral code. Thanks to this morality, he can fight against monsters and other villains without any hesitation, just like he did when Lord Orochi appeared before him.
Garou’s superhuman speed and strength did not faze the gigantic villain at all, who simply mocked him and assumed his True Form. Thanks to Lord Orochi's ability to copy techniques, he was able to defeat Garou using his own fighting style.
2) Saitama vs Boros
Every One Punch Man fan knows about the iconic battle between Boros and Saitama. Up until that point in the series, Saitama was able to defeat any monster in a single punch, something that greatly disappointed the bald hero.
Which is why, when Boros arrived on Earth and was able to not only take Saitama’s punches and continue, but also regenerate, the hero was more than happy. In the end, even though this mighty alien was defeated by a couple of Saitama’s punches, it was incredible to see the hero use a Serious Punch for the first time.
1) Garou vs Saitama (Saturn Moon)
This recent battle in One Punch Man is astounding. Saitama is furious with Garou, who just killed Genos, and in this fight sequence, he is seen going all out.
With just a couple of panels, fans of the franchise were able to see the full extent of the power of our favorite baldy, who is able to destroy an entire moon with a single hand.
However, Garou is also proving to be Saitama’s equal, since both are pushing themselves past their limits.