Pokemon is an anime filled with amazing and interesting characters. Ash has met a lot of different people during his journey, but some of the female characters in the series are truly unforgettable. They rank above the rest on the basis of their beauty and battle skills, and have an enchanting presence onscreen. In this article, we will be ranking the 10 best Pokemon waifus who never fail to impress fans.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author's opinions, and may contain spoilers from various seasons. None of the characters mentioned are underage.
Ranking Sonia, Elesa, Flannery, and 7 more Pokemon waifus we all love
10) Delia Ketchum

Ash’s mother and one of the most popular female characters in the show since the beginning, Delia always makes fans smile with her cheery, optimistic and charming personality.
There is no denying that she is a beautiful woman. She has managed to retain a youthful appearance even in her 30s, and her caring nature only makes her more appealing.
9) Clair

Lance's former student and one of the most iconic original gym leaders, Clair is the dragon-type leader of Blackthorn City’s gym. She became very popular after fans saw her impressive abilities during her fights against Ash and Team Rocket.
She wears a bodysuit and a cape for a sophisticated look, similar to her teacher Lance. Her hairstyle also looks amazing in every shot. A powerful dragon Pokemon trainer, Clair has a dominating presence in any room.
8) Olivia
Kahuna of Akala Island and one of the most powerful trainers in the Sun and Moon season, Olivia is always cheery and in the mood for a good joke. Intelligent but empathetic, she is understanding towards those around her in most circumstances. She often kisses and hugs her Pokemon, whether they are in the mood or not.
The vibrant character design and costume perfectly represent the cultural roots of this beautiful woman.
7) Flannery
Flannery was the newly appointed Lavaridge Town Gym Leader when we met her. Her initial display of nervousness and clumsiness only endeared her to viewers who found her very charming,
She emerges to be a fierce and powerful trainer, trusting her fire-type team completely to defeat those who came to challenge her. The shirt with a big red flame and the hairstyle that resembles an ember in full force work perfectly for her character.
6) Shelly (Pokemon Generations' design)

One of the strongest members of Team Aqua, Shelly is an excellent researcher who tried to help Archie obtain the power of Kyogre to better the Earth. However, she immediately tried to stop him once she realized that she was making a mistake, but failed to do so.
She is a very powerful trainer who has appeared in the main series before, but fans love her Generations' design a lot more. Wearing a fitted tank top with her team colors and swimming bottoms, the water-type trainer embraces her identity fully.
5) Elesa
Elesa is the Gym Leader of Nimbasa City who specializes in electric types. She is also one of the most famous models in the series. Fans love that her modeling career was not detrimental to her role as a Gym Leader, considering that she was one of the toughest opponents Ash faced during the Unova region.
As a model, Elesa is unabashed about her beauty. She has been seen doing fashion shows a few times where she is the star. Her regular outfit does a great job of conveying her electric personality and innate sense of style.
4) Lusamine
The leader of the Aether Foundation and the mother of Lillie and Gladion, Lusamine is usually serious and dedicated to work. However, she is never too busy to coddle her children a little, toying with their hair and watching them battle. She does have a darker side considering that she tried to obtain the power of the Ultra Beasts during the season. However, she always puts her children first.
It becomes evident in the series that Lusamine has excellent fashion sense. She prefers to pair pristine white clothing with contrasting black accents.
3) Nessa
Nessa is one of the main protagonists of the Pokemon short series, Twilight Wings. She is a water-type trainer and the leader of Hulbury’s Gym. She was an instant favorite among fans after her first appearance.
One of the most beautiful women in the franchise, Nessa is also a model. She loves to be around water, and is a charming person who is always willing to help others.
2) Sonia

Sonia used to be a lab assistant to Professor Magnolia, her grandfather, until she took on the role of the professor herself. She is a serious and studious woman who is trying to help her grandfather learn more about the world they live in.
However, she is not above acting a little childish with those younger than her. She also loves cute and small Pokemon, becoming enamored with Pikachu and Raboot during the series. Fans have been attracted to her beauty and charm from the very beginning.
1) Cynthia
Cynthia has been one of the most iconic trainers in the franchise for a long time. She is not only the champion of the Sinnoh region, but also one of the most powerful trainers in the world. Despite all her success, she is always polite and caring in regard to those around her.
Since her first appearance in the Diamond and Peral season, she has been one of the most popular female characters of the series. Beautiful and highly skilled, Cynthia can truly do it all which makes her the best waifu on the list.
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