Since the inception of the anime medium, anime characters with a calm disposition have been the protagonists of many of our favorite series. These individuals are kind and collected and have the biggest hearts in the world, and it is hard for fans to imagine them hurting someone. However, when you push their buttons, their personalities completely change, turning them into fearsome and intimidating opponents.
Causing these anime characters to lose their cool can be the worst mistake a villain can make in their entire existence. Their blind rage sends them on a destructive rampage that only ends when their target suffers. In this list, we will talk about 10 of these calm anime characters who completely lose themselves when angry. The list is not arranged in any particular order.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion. It will contain spoilers for various anime series.
Gon, Meliodas, and 8 more calm anime characters who can be terrifying when angered
1) Deku (My Hero Academia)

Few anime characters in the world of My Hero Academia are as kind, peace-loving, and understanding as Izuku Midoriya. As has been proven several times in the series, the green-haired hero student does not have a single mean bone in his body. Despite the horrible acts committed by the villains of the show, Deku always tries to understand and help them.
Nonetheless, even Izuku has a limit to how composed he can be, a fact that many villains in the series are quite aware of. If someone offends Deku's friends or family, he goes into rage mode, losing interest in everything except annihilating his adversary. Deku is unquestionably one of the most dangerous anime characters ever when enraged.
2) Gohan (Dragon Ball)

Without a doubt, Gohan is a calm anime character who also happens to have anger issues. The first time fans saw Gohan in Dragon Ball Z, he was a shy toddler who had trouble talking with anyone other than his father. A few episodes later, the boy revealed his true power by being the first to cause lasting damage to Raditz after getting angry.
This would go on to become a trend in the franchise, to the point that Gohan is defined by this trait. Whenever there was a powerful opponent that neither Goku nor Vegeta could defeat, the Z warrior relied on Gohan to get angry and surpass the villain’s strength.
3) Atem (Yugioh!)

Atem, the pharaoh that lived inside Yugi’s millennium puzzle, was known as a kind soul that barely ever lost his patience. Despite facing the vilest villains in the history of Yugioh!, Atem did not allow anger to envelop him. This was largely due to the unwavering support of his friends and his inseparable companion, Yugi Muto.
Yet, if someone was cruel or unwise enough to dare lay a finger on any of Atem’s friends, they faced the direst of consequences. The Pharaoh would use all of his skills, magic, and monsters to obliterate his opponents until nothing was left of them.
4) Mob (Mob Psycho 100)

Shigeo, also known as Mob, is one of the most powerful Espers in Japan. His power does not seem to have a limit, a fact that would cause almost everyone to become corrupted. Yet, Mob is not only one of the calmest and friendliest anime characters, but also a humble person who hates violence and barely uses his powers.
However, this does not mean that he does not know how to use them to cause pain and destruction. The few people who have managed to enrage Mob have witnessed this plain-looking, usually relaxed boy's destructive abilities. When his anger gets the best of him, Mob is one of the scariest anime characters in the universe.
5) Gon (Hunter X Hunter)

Unlike most hunters who chose their careers for the chance of obtaining power and glory, Gon did it to honor his father and experience incredible adventures. The many friends Gon has made throughout his journey would most likely describe him as friendly and cheerful. The green-haired boy is a source of light in the dangerous and sometimes somber world of Hunter X Hunter.
While Gon is not known for having violent outbursts, fans of the franchise are aware that making him mad is a death sentence. Behind his friendly smile and contagious optimism lurks a warrior thirsting for the blood of those who have wronged him or his friends.
6) Nezuko (Demon Slayer)

Most demons are creatures of darkness who feed on humans. They love causing as much agony to their victims as they can. Nezuko, on the other hand, is an adorable little girl who constantly fights her human flesh hunger and only wants to help her brother. She is by far the most wholesome anime character in Demon Slayer.
But, like any demon, she has the potential to become a killing machine when she gets mad. When Nezuko's rage becomes uncontrollable, she transforms into a vengeful and sadistic demon who enjoys torturing her opponents. She fights without caring for the collateral damage she may cause or the people she may kill.
7) Meliodas (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Despite being the son of the Demon King and the former heir to the throne of the demonic race, Meliodas hardly ever acts like his peers. The Dragon Sin of Wrath is often seen smiling, sharing a drink with his friends, or serving drinks inside his bar. After falling in love with Elizabeth, a member of the Goddess clan, Meliodas left his violent and ruthless self behind.
Unfortunately, his demonic instincts are very much a part of him still, which is why, when he loses control, he can endanger himself and others. Meliodas is incapable of controlling himself when angry, turning into a heartless monster who only thinks about death and destruction.
8) Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)

During most of the first half of the franchise, fans got to learn a lot about Kaneki and his aversion to fighting. Even after being transformed into a Ghoul, the black-haired boy tried his best to remain as human as possible. He refused to eat any human flesh, only fought to protect his friends, and went as far as to try to befriend one of his enemies.
Due to Kaneki's status as a half-ghoul, Jason, a dangerous and unstable individual, took great interest in him and kidnapped him. After weeks of torture, Kaneki transformed into a stoic fighter who wanted nothing more than to inflict pain on his captor. In the show, this temper, which was brought on by his capture, comes into play several more times.
9) Tsuna (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)

Tsunayoshi Sawada, also known simply as Tsuna, is the only heir left of the prestigious, dangerous, and powerful Vongola family. The brunette trains day and night to get stronger so that he can take down the family's adversaries thanks to his tutor, Reborn. The only problem is that Tsuna is a meek and passive anime character who hates violence.
However, the fact that he does not enjoy causing suffering to others does not mean he is incapable. This happened only two or three times in the series, but when Tsuna’s friends were in danger or he was incapable of protecting them, his anger got the best of him. In this state, the boy fought with all of his power as he could only think about destroying his enemy.
10) Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood)

Colonel Mustang is well known among the fandom to be one of the calmest and most collected anime characters in the world. The Fire Alchemist is well-known for his cool demeanor and ability to perform under duress. He rarely acted without first thinking things through, knowing that the slightest misstep could mean death for him and his men.
Still, Colonel Mustang was shown to be capable of acting based on his emotions, mostly anger. When his best friend, Maes Hughes, was killed, Mustang did not rest until the individuals involved in his murder died the most horrible of deaths. His level-headed personality completely changed during these moments, leaving behind a man who wanted nothing more than to kill.
Final thoughts

In most instances, angering a calm anime character is going to be one of the last mistakes in a villain’s life. While these people usually have their emotions under control, they can be terrifying when somebody threatens them or their friends unnecessarily.
Once they regain control of themselves, they will most likely feel awful for allowing such a thing to happen. But by then, the damage will be done, and their enemies will be sorely aware of the fact that angering them is a dangerous game to play.