The clumsiest anime characters hold a special place in our hearts, creating comic situations and also common errors that we can relate to. These are people who remind us about the way we move clumsily while sometimes tripping on nothing or causing unintentional havoc. It is their mistakes and accidents that not only bring laughter to us but further deepen our understanding regarding their attributes.
This list includes anime's most beloved klutzes, the very popular top 10 clumsiest anime characters who always trip over themselves in some way, with each one adding their flavor of clumsiness to the storylines.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinion.
Usagi, Ueno, and 8 other clumsiest anime characters
10) Sheele from Akame ga Kill!

Sheele from Akame ga Kill! is compulsory on the list for being one of the clumsiest anime characters. Sheele is a professional murderer but is very clumsy in her personal life; she constantly breaks objects and stumbles. The fact that she stutters and trips over her words, but is a ruthless assassin when the need arises, makes her quite a multidimensional character.
As the heroine, Sheele is kind-hearted, clumsy, and well-liked by the audience, but her untimely demise affects the fans deeply. Sheele experiences numerous episodes of clumsiness; from dropping critical items to even hurting herself.
This quality of hers, being clumsy but still able to retain her friendly and polite nature makes her a lovable character in a show that is very action-oriented and has themes of despair.
9) Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket

Tohru Honda from Fruits Basket is polite, innocent, and a complete klutz more often than anyone would like. She stammers a lot and can easily twist her ankle or have spills in her day-to-day interactions. Tohru is among the clumsiest anime characters, though she is kind and sensitive to other people’s feelings and has a gift of understanding others.
This makes her a more realistic character that fans can naturally relate to, given her strength and perseverance despite her misfortune. Yes, Tohru is clumsy at times, both in and out of the kitchen, but that feature of her character is both endearing and timely.
That is why the audience loves her as she remains a kind and positive character despite her being one of the clumsiest anime characters.
8) Rosinante from One Piece

Donquixote Rosinante, aka Corazon, from One Piece is a character who presents a clumsy type personality with a tragic past. This character is depicted as a tall, thoughtless, clumsy man who usually falls or even burns his cigarettes and sets his arm on fire. His clumsiness is the polar opposite of his role as he is to guard Trafalgar Law and destabilize his brother Doflamingo in his wickedness.
Despite the times that Rosinante is clumsy, it makes the character excited and lovable, making his dying moments all the more heart-wrenching for fans. With his constant falling, stumbling, and tripping, Rosinante is one of the clumsiest anime characters who is very much loved for his comedic oafishness; his clumsiness being a strong point that highlights his nobility at times.
7) Mako Mankanshoku from Kill La Kill

Mako Mankanshoku from Kill la Kill is one of those clumsiest anime characters who is always full of energy and tripping. This aspect makes her character hyperactive and scatterbrained, leading to comedic chaos. Mako is a clumsy girl but has a deep personality and is a good friend who helps Ryuko, her best friend.
Her clumsy and energetic character in the series provides the light humor needed in the otherwise dark and action-packed series Kill la Kill.
Mako is clumsy through and through and whether she is falling asleep in one class, tripping in another, or not grasping the severity of something, the types of scenes with her are endless. They admire her for her stubborn attitude, for finding humor in everything, and having the ability to laugh at herself as a nurse.
6) Usagi from Sailor Moon

While Sailor Moon is the guardian of the world wearing the Legendary Silver Crystal, the main character, Usagi, is quite clumsy. The young superhero has unrehearsed clumsiness—she can trip over nothing and make mistakes. She even threw the trash and it hit a cute guy in the face, making her one of the clumsiest anime characters.
Usagi is also not considered smart, especially when it comes to studying; she is always being called out over her clumsiness. But, she does not allow her clumsiness to pull her back. Usagi is a clumsy girl with a good heart and a great fighting spirit, and it is fun to watch her character grow in the series.
5) Orihime Inoue from Bleach

Orihime Inoue from Bleach is characterized by her gentle nature, fearlessness, and tendency to be rather clumsy. Orihime is strong and has a lot of experience in fighting, but has a silly personality that can result in her sometimes accidentally headbutting a person during a match without even realizing it.
This makes her cute and funny and many fans are always drawn to her due to the same reason. It is also can be comforting or funny to watch Orihime trip and fumble, as she is more of a daydreaming girl in a hardcore show like Bleach. Despite being among the clumsiest anime characters, her optimism and positive nature make her a likeable character.
4) Mirai Kuriyama from Beyond The Boundary

Mirai Kuriyama from Beyond the Boundary is a talented Spirit World Warrior, but her clumsiness counteracts all her potential. Mirai is a shy girl, who wears glasses and often stumbles, trips, and blushes when nervous or emotional. Her carelessness also fits with her responsibilities, and it helps the audience be more sympathetic to her.
Naturally, there are quite many clumsy situations with her – she trips during battles, and at one point, even wounds herself with her blood manipulation powers. It is the audience’s appreciation of Mirai’s dedication, her humor during her failures, and the general likeability that comes with watching a clumsy yet complex character.
3) Italy from Hetalia

Crying fairly often and obsessed with pasta, Italy is one of the clumsiest anime characters of the world powers in Hetalia. Like any airheaded friend, Italy often turns to his friend Germany for help, but mostly he tends to overlook Germany’s pieces of advice and instead daydream.
Nonetheless, Italy is full of energy, and his fixation with quintessential Italian delights like pizza, pasta, gelato, and cheese makes the audience enjoy his performance. This klutz is sure to bring a smile to fans — especially when he’s paired with the serious Germany.
Italy is portrayed as a crude character, which adds a form of comedy to the entire show. He is always clumsy and falls even when he is not running, but the audience likes his never-ending attitude of faith in himself.
2) Ueno from Miss Ueno Is Clumsy

One can easily assume, given the title of the series, that Ueno from Miss Ueno Is Clumsy is possibly one of the clumsiest anime characters. The show represents a stereotyped character of a genius inventor, Ueno, who is clumsy, shy, and has difficulty describing her affection for her intended love interest, Tanaka.
Her inventions, which could be to capture the essence of Tanaka or impress him, turn out to be crazy and end up in funny situations. Her awkward but genuine attempts at dealing with the emotions brought upon her by Hara make Ueno another character that the audience is easily able to sympathize with.
1) Tamaki Kotetsu from Fire Force

Tamaki is a Third Generation fire user from Force Company 1 and is now in Company 8, but he was just a Second Class Fire Soldier of Force Company 1. However, Tamaki has a wild card here, which means she will always land herself in an awkward position, making her one of the clumsiest anime characters.
She tends to knock into people and even as she is doing that, drop some part of her clothes too. Her clumsiness has been described in detail and even given a code name in her unit “Lucky Lecher Lure.” Nonetheless, Tamaki is one of the clumsiest anime characters but she is a helper with the purest of intentions whose spirit is as fiery as the color of her hair.
In conclusion
The clumsiest anime characters lead awkward lives and transform the television series into a hilarious and relative show based on the reflection of human imperfection.
From Tamaki Kotetsu who repeatedly stumbles to Usagi Tsukino who is known for her trips and falls, these characters are adored to pieces by fans because of the charm, humor, and clumsiness that they portray. This proves the existence of characters that do not mind having villains inside them and would do all it takes to become great.
These characters are lovable not because of their adorable quirks, but because they are by no means perfect – they have strange nuances somewhere between adorable and plain ridiculous. These clumsiest anime characters, whether Ditzes or two left-footed characters, always bring the feels into the heart of every anime fan.
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