There have been a few relationships that have remained with us throughout Dragon Ball's history. Akira Toriyama claimed to be terrible at romance, yet that didn't stop him from creating some of the anime's adorable couples while also creating some whose relationships did not sit well with the viewers.
Some pairings made no sense yet became famous on the show, while others were simply absurd. Here is a list of Dragon Ball pairings who made little sense.
Note: This list reflects the author’s opinion and will contain spoilers for various Dragon Ball anime and games.
Couples from Dragon Ball who made little sense to viewers
10) Gohan and Angela
During his time at school, Gohan had to keep his identity as the Great Saiyaman a secret from his peers. One day, Angela claimed she knew his secret and blackmailed him into a date. Gohan had no choice but to accept and reluctantly go on the date.
We later discovered that the secret she claimed to have knowledge of was Gohan's underwear design (teddy bears). Angela was never seen again, and Gohan felt embarrassed. Even if this had aided Gohan's relationship with Videl, it could have been avoided.
9) Goten and Valese
Dragon Ball GT is the worst in the series, according to some fans, and this doesn’t help the case for this couple. During his teen years, Goten got a girlfriend, Valese. They are a cute couple and are not a drag to watch during the show.
But Valese is sometimes too oblivious to everything, which annoyed fans a lot. The fact that she only appeared a few times made her feel out of place and as if Goten may have had a better match, but we'll never know.
8) Tien and Lunch
During Goku's childhood, there were two iconic original characters. Both were friends with our protagonist and regulars on the first show. Known as Tien and Launch, these two aren't a good match because their personalities are so dissimilar.
Tien's infatuation on Launch's calm side is often shattered when she sneezes and transforms into her wild and unpleasant personality. Later, it was revealed that their relationship had ended, and Launch had simply left. Given Tien's impatient demeanor, it was only a matter of time.
7) Early Vegeta and Bulma
Bulma and Vegeta’s relationship is currently one of, if not the, best on the show. They love each other deeply and care for each other in their own way. Vegeta is even able to leave behind his desire to fight to stay with his wife during her pregnancy.
But it wasn't always like this. After a 3 year skip, we were presented to Trunks, their son. Bulma informs us that Vegeta has not seen her in a year since he went to space. Vegeta never cared for Bulma during the Android saga, and it took Trunk’s death for him to care for his family.
It is good that they found a way to make their relationship work, and that Vegeta learned how to be a loving husband and a great father.
6) Yamcha and Bulma
The first real couple of the show, Yamcha met Bulma during an attempt he and Puar made to rob our heroes. Bulma fell in love with him at first sight, and since her wish was to be with a handsome boyfriend, she was overjoyed to meet him.
But their relationship was doomed to fail; Bulma and Yamcha get along better as friends, and their crushes on one another were solely based on looks. Yamcha is far too unpredictable for someone as pristine as Bulma.
5) Raditz and Princess Snake

A proud but cautious warrior, Goku’s brother Raditz was the first threat to Earth during Dragon Ball Z. His appearance was short but left an impact on the viewers because he was responsible for Goku's death. Goku met Princess Snake in the other realm, and towards the conclusion of their encounter, she despised him.
That’s all Raditz and her would have in common, a hatred for Goku. There is nothing interesting about the pair except how they somehow made this work, with her attendants even addressing Raditz as 'master'.
4) Krillin and Marron
Marron was a spoiled girl who briefly dated Krillin after the Namek saga. Their relationship was never particularly engaging, and Marron served as more of a fan-service character than a true love interest for Krillin.
After being dumped by Krillin, she nearly immediately finds another guy who offers her ice cream. It's a good thing they split up because it led to Krillin meeting Android 18, with whom he still shares a loving and adorable relationship; the couple even has a daughter.
3) Mr. Satan and Miss Piiza

Mr. Satan is an extremely self-centered and egotistical man, but if he has a redeeming quality, it is his love for his family. Although his wife has died by the time we meet him, he still adores his daughter and wishes the best for her.
That's why it's strange that during the cell saga, it was claimed he was having a casual relationship with Miss Piiza, his promotional agent. She reappeared during Dragon Ball Super, however she no longer appears to be in a relationship with Mr. Satan.
2) Dr. Gero and Android 21
Android 21 is the Android version of his wife created by Dr. Gero. His desire to kill Goku quickly morphed from a desire to avenge his family into an insane obsession. Android 21 and Android 16 were built in the image of his family and unveiled in Dragon Ball FighterZ, but only as lethal weapons.
Dr. Gero's affection for his family was swiftly replaced by an unhealthy fixation that led to the death of both him and the Android version of his son. However, his wife's artificial form was left alone, unleashing the havoc for which she was designed.
1) Mai and Trunks
Mai and Trunks appear to be truly and deeply in love during the future arc of Super and are a super cute couple. The problem is not with the couple themselves; it is with Mai’s origins. A villain during her time in Dragon Ball, Mai and her friends wished to be younger before the Android saga.
Despite being reverted into a baby, she retains memories of her time as an adult, and it is never stated that she possesses an infant's intellect. That makes it so bizzare that her first reaction when seeing a young Trunks is to blush. She is technically a 40 year old woman, and that just seems so absurd and wrong.