As a consequence of being a fighting series at its core, Dragon Ball has its fair share of cowardly cast members. While some are weaklings from their first introductions, others were once helpful Z fighters who’ve fallen to the wayside in the wake of Super Saiyan transformations.
There are even some Dragon Ball characters who carry themselves with bravado yet shy away from the first sight of danger. Hercule, also known as Mr. Satan, is a quintessential example of this throughout the franchise.
Puar, nine others comprise ‘Dragon Ball’s’ most spineless stars
10) Krillin

Despite always forcing himself to fight and contribute, Krillin is incredibly cowardly from, essentially, the Namek saga on. He’s terrified of literally everything on Namek, even some of Frieza’s lowest-level soldiers.
In the Android Saga and beyond, he won’t even get involved if it’s clear he can’t contribute, usually tagging along for moral support and Senzu Bean duties.
9) Yamcha

Unlike Krillin, however, Yamcha is more than happy not to give it a try. The Cell saga sees him turn down an opportunity to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. By the time the Buu saga begins, he’s stopped labeling himself a fighter altogether.
Considering he’s basically the punching bag of Dragon Ball Z, it’s no surprise Yamcha is one of the franchise’s biggest cowards.
8) Supreme Kai

Despite only being specifically cowardly when it comes to Majin Buu, Supreme Kai nonetheless emanates a yellow-bellied aura throughout the Buu saga.
Being weaker than nearly every Saiyan present further portrays him as cowardly rather than cautious of the situation.
7) Guldo

When his time-stopping powers are effectively working against his enemies, Guldo is incredibly cocky and boastful. However, when Vegeta steps in and his powers suddenly no longer work, he becomes incredibly cowardly and resentful.
Even as a decapitated head in the sand, he continues making empty threats with a hint of fear in his voice.
6) Puar

While understandable considering Puar is essentially a flying, shapeshifting cat, he constantly and cowardly hides behind his partner, Yamcha, whenever danger comes. This is even true in the original Dragon Ball series, back when Yamcha was still somewhat relevant as a fighter.
Puar always has been, and always will be, even more of a coward than his partner.
5) Pilaf

Essentially, the moment Pilaf loses the Dragon Balls and their potential power, he becomes a coward who never again tries to go for them. He even turns into somewhat of a comedic relief character whose yellow-belly is used for cheap laughs from the audience.
While he eventually regains the Dragon Balls, it doesn’t change his cowardly demeanor.
4) Oolong

With his primary powers being shapeshifting, Oolong is shown to have almost no combat skills in the original Dragon Ball series. An inexperienced Goku swiftly defeats him, and when he joins the party’s adventure, he constantly uses the young Saiyan as his bodyguard or intimidation tool.
As the series’ opponents begin getting more and more powerful, he doesn’t even appear on battlefields, let alone standing by Goku.
3) Yajirobe

While Yajirobe does shine in his fight versus Cymbal, he becomes incredibly cowardly and fearful of fighting after. He does end up slicing Vegeta’s tail off during Z’s Saiyan saga but immediately runs away, terrified and trying to hide.
Eventually, like Oolong, he stops coming to the franchise’s battlefields altogether.
2) Hercule Satan

Despite being the self-proclaimed strongest fighter on Earth, Hercule runs from the battlefield essentially every time Ki is used. Unable to wield it himself, he merely acts as Earth’s champion while Goku, Vegeta, and friends actually do the work.
He even tries to discredit their work when he’s first introduced in Dragon Ball Z, further emphasizing his cowardice.
1) Jaco the Galactic Patrolman

Surprisingly, Jaco always wants nothing to do with Goku’s battles due to his title as Galactic Patrolman. Dragon Ball Super has seen him literally flee battlefields in fear for his own safety before. Even recent Dragon Ball Super manga chapters show Jaco essentially pretending he didn’t see Goku and Gas fighting one another.
Without a doubt, Jaco is the single most cowardly character in the franchise thus far.
Note: This article reflects the author’s views.