Pokemon’s world has many amazing and cool creatures, from dragons that can cross the sky at impressive speeds to time-traveling fairies that act as guardians of the forests. However, this only means there is danger lurking everywhere you go.
Not every creature you meet will be as friendly as you expect. And the anime has shown us these dangers several times.
So, in this list, we will go through the ten most dangerous Pokemon in the anime, ranking them from the least hazardous to the one that is an absolute danger to everything around it.
Disclaimer: This list will be based on the author’s opinion and will not have an order. It will contain spoilers from various Pokemon seasons and movies.
Beware of encountering these destructive Pokemon
10) Groudon

Groudon is the Legendary Pokemon associated with the earth and volcanoes. It is regarded in ancient myths as the creator of the land, with power so massive that its battle against Kyogre caused a cataclysm.
Groudon is not only dangerous because of its incredible power but also a hazard to anyone around it as it makes lava erupt from the earth wherever it goes. It can also evaporate any water that comes near it.
Groudon could spell disaster for any town it comes near.
9) Celebi

Celebi looks like an adorable little fairy that only wants to play. And by itself, it is not dangerous at all.
Its danger comes with its ability to control time. We saw in its movie that Celebi is not the most responsible user of this power.
We also know that Pokemon’s world has multiple realities and timelines. This means that any wrong move in the past or future could potentially destroy these different worlds. Celebi needs to be more careful if it does not want to cause time problems for everyone.
8) Mewtwo
Mewtwo is the first laboratory-created Pokemon. It was created by Team Rocket to obtain a creature with powers similar to Mew.
They thought they could use this powerful being to accomplish their goals, but it backfired. Since it was a clone, it believed this nature made it superior to other creatures.
Mewtwo is in a lower spot on the list because by the end of the movie, the lesson that life is precious no matter what is engrained in its brain. But if it ever returns to its old ways, everyone will be in danger.
7) Tyranitar
There are lots of aggressive creatures in the series, though most are just territorial and want humans to respect their spaces. But a few are just aggressive against any living being they see.
Tyranitar is one of those creatures. It loves to fight since its body is one of the most resistant in existence. It also enjoys destroying mountains and landscapes to build a nest. If you are ever near one, it is best to run.
6) Malamar
There is no evil Pokemon. Most creatures that have been considered harmful in the series have just been following their nature. All of them except for Malamar, which could be viewed as the only bad species in the world.
Malamar is known for its desire to control the world. The fact that it is extremely intelligent and can mind-control many other beings only adds to its danger.
There are a few examples of this behavior in the series. It is best to check on Malamar occasionally to prevent it from becoming our overlord.
5) Electrode

An explosion is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen indoors, so it is a good idea to always prevent them. This becomes exponentially more difficult when there is a creature that explodes with anything.
Electrode is one of the most iconic Electric types from the original 151. But it has the horrible nature of exploding every time it feels threatened.
And Electrode feels threatened by everything. That it feels attracted to places with large amounts of electricity only adds to this danger.
4) Hypno

Hypno has had a horrible reputation since his unfortunate appearance in video games. In these titles, it tries to kidnap a little girl and take her to the forest. In the anime, however, it has never behaved like this, but it is still dangerous to those around it.
Hypno has one of the most powerful minds in the series. It can hypnotize most humans around it. And it does this from time to time.
One of the best examples is the episode where it made all the kids in town believe they were Pokemon. That kind of mental power is a danger when left unchecked.
3) Mimikyu

Mimikyu just wants to be loved. It always wears a Pikachu costume because it knows that people love the Electric-type. Unfortunately for Mimikyu, its actual appearance prevents it from becoming more popular in the series’ world.
One look under its costume is enough to horrify anyone daring enough to try. There are legends of people ending their lives after discovering what is behind the cute costume this Pokemon always wears. Poor Mimikyu just wants to feel affection.
2) Gyarados

Like Tyranitar, Gyarados is another incredibly aggressive creature. They are known for their destructive nature and aggressive behavior against any living being close to them.
Gyarados has been known to destroy entire human settlements just because it got angry with them. And the power of its Hyper Beam is enough to decimate anyone who stands in its way. A terrifying and angry sea creature.
1) Yveltal
Yveltal is considered the incarnation of death and destruction. That is enough to make it a danger for anyone who encounters it. Even if it is because of its own nature, this Legendary is a destructive force that wipes out anything it contacts.
But it has another scary power. Yveltal can drain the life force of any living being that is near it. It is able to destroy entire forests in seconds by withering the life in them. Nothing is more dangerous in this world than a being that kills you just by existing.
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