There are many characters who are both revered and reviled for their acts throughout all of anime. Some of these characters go beyond the confines of their series, becoming universally loved or hated by anime fans in general, even if they haven't seen the series in question.
While this can happen with anime characters who are quite popular, it is usually reserved for those who are extremely despised. Many of the most disliked characters have become memes for the wider public, breaking free from the confines of being known solely by a fanbase.
Here are the 10 most disliked anime characters of all time, ranked from least to most disliked.
Old classics and new-gen hits dominate list of 10 most disliked anime characters of all time
10) Sakura Haruno

Kicking off the list is Naruto’s Sakura Haruno, who is a very interesting case indeed. Sakura really only does one thing throughout the series which truly deserves hate, albeit it is a pretty big thing.
Much of the hate for Sakura, however, stems from how ineffective she appears to be in the eyes of many during the majority of the series. Her comments about being on par with Naruto and Sasuke in the final stages of the series serve as the icing on the cake, giving fans every reason to despise her.
9) Malty Melromarc

Rising of the Shield Hero’s Malty Melromarc is one of the most infamously hated characters from a new-gen anime series. She basically accused protagonist Naofumi Iwatani of being s*xually inappropriate with her and forcing her to do things she didn't consent to.
This effectively strips Naofumi of his dignity and respect as the Shield Hero, making his life more difficult in season one until his name is cleared. For this, as well as her ego-maniacal personality, Malty has earned the unending wrath of fans.
8) Foxy

One Piece’s Foxy is an interesting case, as he’s not morally abhorrent or even inappropriate like many others on this list. Foxy instead has the privilege of being the main antagonist for what many fans would call the worst arc in all of One Piece, and such an association is never good for your image.
Foxy's fans have called him everything from annoying to useless, and they frequently criticize his demeanour and use of his Devil Fruit powers at the time of making genuine criticisms. There’s little doubt he’s one of the most hated anime characters of all time.
7) Griffith

Berserk’s Griffith is an incredibly morally abhorrent character. Without giving too much away in light of the recent announcement that the late Kentaro Miura's work will be continued, it must be highlighted that Griffith essentially sacrifices everyone he's ever known for power.
Beyond this, he has also engaged in additional actions that have enraged viewers and anime lovers, but the major reason behind this hatred is his sacrificial methods. His betrayal is one of anime's most shocking and infamous, and he is without a doubt one of anime's most despised characters.
6) Minoru Mineta

Minoru Mineta from My Hero Academia is known for his preoccupation with all things s*xual, especially when it comes to women. He's always creeping out his castmates as well as viewers of the series, taking things too far beyond simple puberty.
He doesn't do much beyond this to enrage people, but that's partly because his character has been flanderized into being just "the s*x kid." It’s an unfortunate consequence of author Kohei Horikoshi’s writing, but Mineta is undoubtedly one of the most hated characters in the category.
5) Spandam

One of only two series on this list with two entries, Spandam from One Piece also makes an appearance in the top five most-hated anime characters of all time. The megalomaniac who’s obsessed with his own ambitions is morally abhorrent and easily despised by fans of the series.
However, it’s his treatment of Nico Robin that has earned him the infamy associated with this character, as he savagely beats her physically and batters her emotionally. He gets his comeuppance in the end, but it does little to resolve or quell the hate fans have for him by that point.
4) Rachel

Tower of God’s Rachel is hilariously hated by both fans of the series and anime fans in general. The main motivation behind her journey up the Tower's lowest floor is essentially centred on the goal of betraying and killing Baam, which she feels she accomplishes in the series' final episodes.
After successfully realizing her plans and being returned to safety, she began giggling to herself in her room, delighting in her victory. This moment easily makes her one of the most hated characters. Her villainy only gets worse from here.
3) Danzo Shimura

Naruto’s Danzo Shimura is the second entry from the series on this list and is certainly deserving of the higher spot between the two. He’s essentially revealed to have been responsible for the massacre of the Uchiha clan, forcing decisions behind the scenes of the Hidden Leaf’s government which led to such an ultimatum.
If that wasn't enough, it was later discovered that he ordered the massacre for his own personal gain, implanting roughly a dozen Sharingan throughout his body. He's an easily detested figure with no redeeming qualities, and he's disliked by practically everyone in all of anime.
2) Gabi Braun

Gabi Braun's debut in Attack on Titan's last season will go down in history as the quickest heel turn ever. Fans immediately despised Gabi following Sasha's death, which she was directly responsible for because she was the one who pulled the trigger.
Even after her character arc was completed and she was somewhat redeemed, fans still hated her with a passion and refused to show her sympathy. She's one of the most despised characters in anime, even among those who have only seen a few episodes.
1) Shou Tucker

Finally, Fullmetal Alchemist’s Shou Tucker is a character about whom no fans of the series ever has anything good to say. He was presented as a struggling alchemist who specialized in biological transmutation in the early episodes of the series. Fans knew of him as a man who lost his wife and is now raising his daughter alone
However, it was later discovered that he killed his wife by turning her into a chimera, as well as his daughter Nina and pet dog Alex. This singular moment here is one of the most sickening, infuriating moments in all of anime. Every fan who is acquainted with the series despises this character.
In summation
There are many characters in the world of anime who we don't like as much as others, but it's vital to remember that these characters are just as crucial to the story even if we don't like them.
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This article was modified on Saturday, June 24 at 11:20 PM.