With the ever-scaling power levels in Dragon Ball, it can be difficult to keep track of who can do what. Familiar characters such as Goku and Vegeta undergo training by godly beings. Coupled with that, new characters appear with incredible strength.
In this expansive universe, clashes of mighty beings always create questions for the audience. Who is the strongest, and what can they accomplish with that strength?
This article will list 10 Dragon Ball characters who have the strength to even destroy a universe.
10 Dragon Ball characters who can destroy a universe
1) Beerus

In the Dragon Ball universe, Beerus is one of several Gods of Destruction. He wields more than enough power to wipe out an entire universe. In the anime, Whis called Beerus a universe buster. During the Battle of Gods, the God of Destruction proves that he is at least this powerful.
2) Champa
Beerus' rival and brother, Champa fought his fellow God of Destruction and nearly brought an end to their universe due to the clash of their immense strength. Considering that they are so similar in power, Champa could also destroy a universe on his own.
3) Whis
If Beerus and Champa can respectively destroy a universe, then it's clear that Whis can as well. Although Whis is Beerus' assistant, he was assigned to this God of Destruction in order to train and manage him.
Whis is much more powerful than Beerus, and therefore, is certainly on a universal level.
4) Zeno
Grand Zeno is the supreme monarch of all the multiverses in the Dragon Ball series, also known as the King of All or the Omni-King. His level of existence comes with nearly unlimited power.
During the Tournament of Power arc, Zeno destroyed multiple universes without lifting a finger.
5) Omega Shenron

The seventh and last Shadow Dragon to emerge, as well as the final villain in Dragon Ball GT, is Omega Shenron. Born from a wish made by Mr. Popo, this Dragon Ball character was described as possessing the ability to create negative ki. Such a power could destroy everything, including an entire universe.
6) Gogeta

Since Goku is in the conversation of being capable of destroying a universe, it's obvious that Gogeta is at least up there as well. Combining Goku's strength with Vegeta's will obviously land them in an entirely different realm of power.
Gogeta fought Omega Shenron in Dragon Ball GT and held his own, indicating that he too could wipe out a universe.
7) Vegito
Although Gogeta and Vegito are technically different characters, they represent the same principle. The fusion of Goku and Vegeta achieved through any method would birth a Dragon Ball character powerful enough to obliterate a universe.
If Gogeta can stand against a universe-level being like Omega Shenron, then so can Vegito.
8) Jiren
Jiren is the most impressive enemy that Goku and Dragon Ball heroes have ever encountered. Even against Goku's Ultra Instinct, the warrior showcased incredible might.
Furthermore, Dragon Ball Super viewers received evidence that Jiren is even stronger than Champa. If he possesses strength greater than that of the Gods of Destruction, there's no doubt that he could destroy a universe.
9) Fused Zamasu

Once Fused Zamasu went totally mad, he lost his sense of justice. This Dragon Ball Super character is born from the fusion of Future Zamasu and Goku Black. The merged beings were able to handle attacks from Super Saiyan Blue Goku, Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta, and Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks.
In Gowasu's opinion, Goku Black and Zamasu's fusion has allowed them to expand their combined power indefinitely. Shin points out that Fused Zamasu possesses Future Zamasu's immortality as well as Goku Black's limitless potential growth, making him nearly perfect.
These facts cause Shin to note that Fused Zamasu's standing as a god is beyond even their comprehension. With that being said, Fused Zamasu can definitely destroy a universe.
10) Super Shenron
The "Super Divine Dragon," Super Shenron, was established as the prize during the Tournament of Power arc. This Dragon Ball Super character was able to restore multiple universes by granting a wish.
This means that he would also be able to do the opposite and easily destroy multiple universes.