Being a series that is about fighting at its core, the relative strength of characters in Dragon Ball is incredibly important to understand and quantify. While power levels presented an easy way of comparing relative strength throughout the series, these tools were quickly abandoned after the Frieza saga.
One of the most popular and inventive ways Dragon Ball fans have created for strength comparison was how many human beings a character’s strength is equivalent to. While the exact number may differ depending on who you ask, many Dragon Ball fans enjoy using this system to quantify the power of characters relative to one another.
Here are ten Dragon Ball characters ranked based on relative strength as converted to an equivalent number of humans.
Ten Dragon Ball characters ranked by strength relative to one another
10) Raditz (250,000 humans)

Arguably one of the least memorable Dragon Ball Z (DBZ) characters, Raditz made brief appearances throughout the series’ first few episodes.
However, he was eventually killed by Goku and Piccolo at the lowest levels they’re at in the entire series. Clearly, Raditz isn’t too intimidating or strong of a character in DBZ at large.
9) Uub (1.5 million humans)

Despite debuting in Dragon Ball Z’s finale, Uub is a fan favourite due to who he is as a character and his non-canon appearances in Dragon Ball GT. Serving as the reincarnation of Kid Buu, Uub has latent power equivalent to that which Kid Buu was seen with.
Although fans have yet to see this power truly utilized in any canonical franchise material, Uub is nonetheless a fan favourite and a fairly strong character.
8) Yamcha (50 million humans)

Although his usefulness has been long dead in Dragon Ball, Yamcha is still one of the strongest humans out there. His power ranking equivalent of 50 million humans is certainly impressive, despite his consistent failures in the mainline franchise series.
Unfortunately for Yamcha, 50 million humans is a lot less than it sounds with Super Saiyans and Gods of Destruction around.
7) Perfect Cell (100 million humans)

One of Dragon Ball’s most beloved antagonists, Perfect Cell clocks in at the strength equivalent of 100 million humans. While this may seem low, Cell’s power is somewhat minimized by the time Super and Super Saiyan God transformations roll around.
6) Majin Buu (300 million humans)

Also known as Good Buu by fans, Majin Buu is the fatter, happier version of Buu which is first seen in DBZ. Eventually, this version of Buu splits from Kid Buu and is able to live independently of the maniacal munchkin.
While he is the weakest of the Buus, Majin Buu still clocks in with a strength equivalent to 300 million humans.
5) Frieza (500 million humans)

While fans may be shocked to see Frieza this high up, it’s important to remember the Golden Frieza form he now has access to. In this form, he was able to land a clean hit squarely on a Super Saiyan Blue Goku in the buildup to the Tournament of Power.
While 500 million humans may seem a bit high, Frieza is undoubtedly this strong and proves it during the Tournament of Power.
4) Jiren (1.8 billion humans)

Jiren is one of the strongest Dragon Ball characters introduced to date and is said to be able to defeat a God of Destruction in combat as a mortal. This strength is proved many times over during the Tournament of Power arc, both through fights with Goku and other displays of strength.
While it may seem a ridiculous number, Jiren’s strength is certainly in the area of the equivalent of 1.8 billion humans.
3) Goku (2 billion humans)

Coming in just slightly stronger than Jiren, Goku is undoubtedly deserving of both the third spot on this list as well as a strength equivalent of two billion humans. The Saiyan protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise has broken through his limits time and again in awe-inspiring fashion.
Thanks to the Saiyan Zenkai power, Goku also becomes stronger each time he comes back from near death, making his growth nearly limitless.
2) Beerus (5 billion humans)

As Universe 7’s God of Destruction, Beerus is as strong as over half the real world’s current population. Beyond his granted abilities as a God of Destruction, Beerus has incredible fighting talent and strength as shown in his battle against Goku.
Furthermore, he trains directly under Whis and gets experience fighting an Autonomous Ultra Instinct user every day.
1) Zeno (equivalent strength of infinite humans)

As the creator of the multiverse and reigning Omni-King, Zeno’s strength is borderline unquantifiable. The childish enigma has been seen destroying planets for fun and is said to erase entire universes when upset.
Although little is known about how he got his powers, there can be no doubt that Zeno’s strength is the superior Dragon Ball force.
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This article was modified on Tuesday, June 27, at 16:52 pm.