The Dragon Ball franchise has given fans some truly transcendent fights and combat sequences throughout its long publication history.
Dragon Ball redefined battle shonen for an entire generation, paving the way for the Big Three and others that followed.
From the original Dragon Ball series to the currently running Dragon Ball Super, the franchise gives fans fantastic fights in every incarnation. Here are ten Dragon Ball fights that gave fans goosebumps.
Teen Gohan vs. Perfect Cell and 9 other Dragon Ball fights that gave fans chills
10) Goku vs. Beerus

When fans first saw Goku return in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, his fight versus Beerus was full of nostalgia and awe.
Nearly every fan remembers how chilling it was to watch Goku fight again in brand new, official Dragon Ball material. This may not feel as special now being years removed, but at the time, it was an incredible feeling.
9) Kid Goku vs. King Piccolo

Arguably the best fight in the original Dragon Ball series, Goku versus King Piccolo is the first glimpse of just how strong Goku can be.
His rage-filled crusade against the then-called Demon Clan over Krillin’s death engaged fans in a unique way. The combat itself was transcendental, further engaging viewers with the quality on display.
8) Goku vs. Kid Buu

\While not necessarily the greatest fight in terms of combat sequences, Goku versus Kid Buu feels like a celebration of the pinnacles and core themes of Dragon Ball Z. The fight's final moments see major characters come full circle in their respective arcs, accepting who they’ve become and the roles forced upon them.
The reincarnation of Kid Buu as Uub is also fantastically done, leaving fans with the notion that Goku has finally found a successor for Earth’s protector.
Despite leaving something to be desired in combat sequences, Goku vs. Kid Buu is one of the series' most spine-chilling fights.
7) Goku vs. Vegeta

When Goku and Vegeta first clashed during the Saiyan Saga, fans got a glimpse of what the future of Z holds for the duo.
The twists and turns of the fight left fans on the edge of their seats wondering who or what will appear next. The fight also established Z as much grander in scale than the original series.
6) Vegito vs. Super Buu

Building off the previously established concept of Fusion, Vegito vs. Super Buu gave fans something they didn’t know they needed until they had it. Watching Goku and Vegeta work closer than ever before was a breathtaking experience for every fan.
The Fusion was so popular that Vegito returned to the Dragon Ball Super anime for a fight, much to the delight of fans everywhere.
5) Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Golden Frieza

Like Battle of Gods, Resurrection ‘F’ and its Super Saiyan Blue Goku versus Golden Frieza fight is a tidal wave of nostalgia. Fans genuinely felt like they were watching the two fight on Namek again for the first time.
The continuation of the new franchise material also bode well for fans, who saw Super launch shortly after.
4) Goku vs. Majin Vegeta

Goku versus Majin Vegeta was the rematch fans always wanted. Vegeta’s ruthlessness and apparent forsaking of Earth gave him and Goku the perfect context to fight in.
While Vegeta’s true feelings and allegiances are later revealed, the fight remains one of the best ever in the eyes of fans.
3) Goku (Mastered Ultra Instinct) vs. Jiren

While some fans criticize the fight sequences and animation itself, other aspects of Mastered Ultra Instinct (MUI) Goku versus Jiren were breathtaking and skin-crawling. The weight of what the two fought for combined with Goku’s rage after Jiren’s attack on his friends culminated perfectly.
Despite Goku not outright winning the fight, fans still regard this as one of the franchise’s best, all things considered. The follow-up fight of Frieza, Goku, and Android 17 versus Jiren also cements their one-on-one as truly amazing, thanks to the buildup it gives Jiren.
2) Teen Gohan vs. Perfect Cell

While the fight itself was truly amazing, the weight of what fans were watching truly made this fight special and transcendent. Fans felt their skin crawl as Gohan fulfilled his prophecy before their eyes, becoming the strongest (like he was always meant to be).
Cell's buildup as a villain remains one of the franchise's best, cementing him as a fan favourite even decades later. Despite this pinnacle of power being lost in favour of academia, the fight remains one of the series' most emotional, engaging, and breathtaking.
1) Goku (Super Saiyan) vs. Frieza

Arguably the most iconic fight in all of Dragon Ball is the original Goku versus Frieza battle. Goku’s pain at losing Krillin after seemingly winning is palpable, as is the quiet, controlled rage he turns it into.
Witnessing the Super Saiyan transformation for the first time also lives on eternally in the minds and hearts of franchise fans. The combined sense of both personal and prophetic fulfilment with Goku’s transformation and victory cements this as the best Dragon Ball fight yet.
In summation
The list of the most famous battles will vary each time the series begins a new arc since Dragon Ball has been thrilling anime fans for more than 20 years and will continue to do so indefinitely. Since the anime is known as the father of shonen anime for no reason, it is the greatest choice for those searching for excellent action and fun.
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This article was modified on Thursday, July 13, at 7:19 am.