Based on the leaks, One Piece 1080 will be set in Fullalead, the island in the New World where the Blackbeard Pirates are based. Monkey D. Garp arrived on the island to rescue his beloved disciple Koby, whom Marshall D. Teach had abducted.
Garp is accompanied by some of Koby's fellow colleagues in SWORD, the secret unit within the Marine. Confronted by a portion of the Blackbeard Pirates, led by the fearsome Shiryu, Teach's number two, the Marines have no choice but to fight.
Using his Haki and physical strength to destroy everything around him, Garp enters the battlefield. Follow this thread to find out 10 interesting facts regarding the legendary Marine Hero, whose wrath the Blackbeard Pirates are now about to face.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers from the One Piece manga up to chapter 1080 and reflects the writer's personal views.
10 facts every One Piece fan should know about Monkey D. Garp, listed
1) Garp's family ties

Garp is the father of Monkey D. Dragon, the adoptive grandfather of Portgas D. Ace, and the biological grandfather of Monkey D. Luffy. Being exuberant and absent-minded, Garp acts in a very similar manner to his grandson.
Before being executed, Roger requested Garp to take care of his son Ace, adding that the latter didn't deserve to be treated as a criminal just because of his ties with him. Garp oversaw Ace and Luffy's childhood before entrusting them to Dadan's care.
Garp cares deeply about Luffy and Ace. When the latter was about to be executed, he cried, asking him why he could not have just been a Marine. After Akainu killed Ace and attempted to do the same with Luffy, Garp stated that would have killed him in revenge if Sengoku had not restrained him.
While Garp takes pride in being a Marine, Dragon absolutely despises the World Government, to the point of seeking to overthrow them. They, however, share the same disdain towards the Celestial Dragons.
2) In his prime days, Garp was comparable in strength to the Pirate King

Garp is one of the strongest One Piece characters of all time. His overall might was no less than that of Gol D. Roger, the legendary King of Pirates. Their battles were tremendous, with them almost killing each other several times.
A testament to Garp's incredible power, he was not only able to fight on equal grounds with Roger but even managed to corner him more than once. After Roger's capture, Garp assisted Sengoku in the fight against "Golden Lion" Shiki. Together, they handed him an overwhelming defeat.
3) Garp doesn't need a Devil Fruit ability to become exceedingly strong

Grouped into three main categories, Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia, each one granting different kinds of superhuman abilities, Devil Fruits are the main source of power for many One Piece characters. However, many characters have achieved notable strength even without relying on those items.
Gol D. Roger didn't need a Devil Fruit to be mighty. He became the Pirate King by exploiting his extraordinary abilities as a Haki user. Being the man who went head-to-head with him, Garp was the same as Roger.
While Roger used to channel his Haki through his sword Ace, Garp has been and remains a bare-handed fighter. He combined Haki with the tremendous physical power unleashed by his punches.
Considering that he was able to fight on par with Roger, an outrageously strong Haki user in his own right, Garp is bound to be one of the mightiest Haki users in the series. Although it is yet to be confirmed, Garp probably possesses the Color of the Supreme King.
With his grandson Luffy owning this natural-born power, and his son Dragon probably having it as well, it would be shocking if Garp himself doesn't have this ability. Most One Piece fans believe that he will be revealed as a user of both the basic and the advanced form of the Supreme King's Haki.
4) Garp is a free-spirited man

Garp is devoted to his duties as a Marine, but has a personal sense of justice, meaning that he often acts according to his own moral code, disregarding the orders. He highly values his freedom and family and is no stranger to bending the rules to accommodate those values.
Despite Roger being a pirate, Garp never came to hate him. After countless battles to the death, they grew to respect each other. After surrendering himself to the Marines, Roger requested Garp to take care of his son, Ace.
Although Garp wanted both his biological grandson Luffy and his adoptive grandson Ace to become Marines, he entrusted them to the Dadan Family, a group of mountain bandits whom he had refused to prosecute. Garp's belief is that throwing children into harsh conditions will make them stronger.
Garp is well respected among the Marines. He has mentored many prominent officers, including Kuzan, the former Admiral Aokiji. Due to Garp's exceptional status and fame, not even the Celestial Dragons dared to try to get rid of him, despite the latter's rebellious personality.
5) Why Garp didn't become an Admiral

At least in his prime incarnation, Garp is definitely as strong as the Admirals, if not stronger than them. His influence is not below theirs either. However, within the Marines, his official rank is that of a Vice Admiral.
Throughout his life, Garp was offered the rank of Marine Admiral several times. He always refused the promotion because he didn't want to become a personal bodyguard for the Celestial Dragon, whom he personally despised.
6) Garp once allied with the Pirate King to defeat a common enemy

To protect the Celestial Dragons and their slaves from the dangerous Rocks D. Xebec and his men, which included Whitebeard, Kaido, Big Mom, and Shiki, Garp and Roger teamed up during the "God Valley Incident". The event happened 38 years before the story's current narration.
The Rocks Pirates were eventually defeated by the Pirate-Marine temporary alliance, leading to Xebec's death and the crew's disbandment. This achievement earned Garp an everlasting reputation as the "Marine Hero".
7) Even as an aged old man, Garp remains incredibly strong

Along with Kong, Sengoku, Shiki, Silvers Rayleigh, Roger, and Whitebeard, Garp was one of the main figures of the Old Era of Piracy. His feats earned him immense notoriety and prestige.
Even as an almost 80-year-old man, many years past his prime, Garp remained strong enough to quickly outmaneuver Whitebeard's right-hand man, Marco. With a simple jump, Garp beat him at speed. Despite the latter's regenerative abilities, he then damaged him with a basic punch.
Despite his old age, Garp is able to bare-handedly launch cannonballs as if they were baseballs, propelling them at higher power and speed than if they were fired from a real cannon. He can even throw a giant iron ball several times bigger than the Thousand Sunny.
8) Garp's training consisted of destroying mountains with his bare hands

A master of Hasshoken, a martial art that allows the user to produce shockwaves, Don Chinjao was a mighty pirate who, enhancing himself with the Color of Armament, packed enough power to split an ice continent with a headbutt.
Still, Garp overwhelmed and beat Chinjao with a single blow, flattening his drill-shaped head. This dominant feat made him renowned worldwide as "The Fist" for the tremendous power of his punches. A further testament to his strength, during his training to face Chinjao, Garp crushed eight mountains.
9) Garp is eccentric but good-hearted

Somehow, Garp has managed to be loyal to both his family of outlaws and the Marine Headquarters. He enjoys Luffy's exploits as a pirate, being proud of him even after he committed acts against the World Government. He only seriously lamented the choices of his grandsons after Ace was captured.
Showing a tender side, Garp felt sad that Ace did not fully accept Roger as his father. After Luffy, Sabo, and Ace had gotten along well, Garp would visit them and train them by beating them up, destroying most of the surrounding forest in the process.
During the Paramount War, Garp was torn about which side he had to take. Ultimately, Garp demonstrated to value his family more than his duties as a Marine. He allowed Luffy to hit him without fighting back and was ready to protect him even at the cost of killing Akainu.
Garp suffered a lot after Ace lost his life at Marineford. After returning to the village where he let him and Luffy live their childhood, he bore the burden of his indecision, taking the blame for it. He allowed Curly Dadan to hit him for letting Ace die.
10) Garp became Koby and Helmeppo's mentor

When Koby and Helmeppo joined the Marines, Garp saw some potential in them. He took them to headquarters and personally oversaw their training. His teachings helped Koby and Helmeppo become reliable Marine officers despite starting as absolute weaklings.
Koby, who has become a skilled Haki user, especially owes so much to Garp for his growth. A testament to his caring affection towards Koby, when the latter was kidnapped by the Blackbeard Pirates, Garp immediately headed to save him, despite the Marines not coming to terms to rescue members of SWORD.
Final thoughts

The legendary Marine Hero, Monkey D. Garp, is not only outrageously powerful but a very complex character as well. He boasts pride in the Marines but has always tried to act according to his own moral code.
Being one of the very few individuals who could fight on equal grounds with Gol D. Roger, as well as the grandfather of Luffy, the main character of One Piece, Garp is undoubtedly one of the most prominent characters featured in Eiichiro Oda's masterpiece.
One Piece 1080 hints at Garp playing a significant role in the battle to free Koby from the Blackbeard Pirates. Waiting for the official translation of the chapter, the raw scans will allow fans to see the Hero's awesome entrance to the battlefield.