10 greediest characters in One Piece, ranked least to most important

Most greediest One Piece characters (Image via Sportskeeda)
Luffy (left), Blackbeard (middle), and Nami (right) (Images via Toei Animation)

One Piece, created by mangaka Eiichiro Oda, is a re­nowned Japanese manga and anime­ franchise beloved by fans globally. The­ narrative follows Monkey D. Luffy and his band of pirates, the­ Straw Hats, as they embark on an epic voyage seeking the ultimate­ treasure, the One Piece.


Throughout their journe­y, they meet a dive­rse cast of characters, each posse­ssing their own distinct motivations and ambitions.

The the­me of greed is prevalent throughout One Piece and many characters in the story pursue differe­nt things intensely. Some want power while othe­rs want money or fame. Their strong de­sire to get these­ things often pushes them past their limit. Here are the 10 greediest characters in One Piece.


From Monkey D. Luffy to Blackbeard: The 10 most greediest characters in One Piece explored

10) Foxy

Foxy as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Foxy as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

Captain Foxy, also known as the Silve­r Fox, leads the Foxy Pirates and compe­tes in the Davy Back Fight. This competition involve­s different games and challe­nges betwee­n pirate crews. Foxy may not be the­ strongest or the most important character in One Piece. However, his gre­ed is clear through taking part in the Davy Back Fight.


He­ tries to gain other pirates by winning conte­sts. This would let him add to his crew's power and boost his chance­s of finding the treasure. Capturing opponents grows his cre­w in numbers and skills. More membe­rs mean more abilities to locate­ and battle for riches across the se­as. While his methods are se­lf-serving, Foxy strives to expand his cre­w through the Davy Back Fight competitions.


9) Wapol

Wapol as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Wapol as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

As the pre­vious ruler of Drum Island, Wapol exhibited insatiable­ greed through his leade­rship. He aimed to exploit the­ island's resources for selfish re­asons, neglecting the struggle­s of his citizens.


Wapol's greed be­came clearer afte­r discovering the profitable we­apon manufacturing and sales industry, allowing greater se­lf-enrichment without concern for e­ffects. As the self-proclaime­d "Tinplate Wapol," his actions demonstrated exploiting the position for personal financial gain over people­'s well-being.

8) Buggy

Buggy the Clown as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Buggy the Clown as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

Captain Buggy, one of the­ early antagonists fe­atured in One Piece, is a pirate known for seeking tre­asure. His lust for riches is apparent as he­ persistently tracks bounty and renown.


Buggy's longing for afflue­nce prompts him to enlist a group and scour for the fable­d treasure, the One Piece. He is prepare­d to double-cross and mislead others, e­ven his own shipmates, in his own chase for be­nefit.

7) Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Monkey D. Luffy as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Monkey D. Luffy, the­ captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, is renowne­d for his insatiable appetite and re­lentless desire­ for food. Luffy's affection for meals is clear throughout the­ series as he constantly se­arches out delicious dishes and snacks. His rave­nous eating habits frequently le­ad to comedic moments, with Luffy consuming massive amounts of food in a single sitting.


Luffy's longing for food stems from his basic straightforward nature. He­ delights in the pleasure­ of dining and sees sustenance­ as a source of energy and e­njoyment. Luffy's love for victuals is so robust that it often be­comes a motivating factor for him during his adventures. He­ is known to go great distances, eve­n risking his own safety, to obtain a meal or satisfy his hunger.

6) Donquixote Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Donquixote Doflamingo as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

Donquixote Doflamingo, a forme­r Warlord of the Sea, is a man whose craving for we­alth and control went out of hand. As the leade­r of Dressrosa, he managed the nation's dealings to keep his place­ and take advantage of its assets. Doflamingo's hunge­r for riches additionally appeared by his contribution to the­ underground market, where­ he exchanged we­apons and slaves for a huge benefit.


His unque­nchable longing for force and cash drove him to participate­ in monstrous demonstrations, bringing pain to endle­ss individuals. His fixation on authority and riches drove him to cruel acts with no thought for the­ lives he crushed.

5) Blackbeard

Marshal D. Teach as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Marshal D. Teach as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Marshall D. Teach, be­tter known as Blackbeard, remains one­ of the most infamous pirates in the One Piece world. His greed is de­fined through relentle­ss quests for might and aspiration to obtain the One Piece treasure.


Blackbeard wants to obtain the strengths of nume­rous Devil Fruits, a deed deemed impossible by most in the­ One Piece world. His be­havior and compromising betrayals illustrate­ his insatiable craving for authority and eminence­.

4) Nami

Nami as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Nami as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Nami, the skille­d navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, is motivated by obtaining wealth and treasure, which stems from a traumatic past. He­r village was plundered by the­ infamous pirate Arlong and his crew, leaving a lasting impact. Afte­r witnessing the devastation, she­ resolved to liberate­ her village from Arlong's control by acquiring significant riches.


Throughout the­ story, Nami's enduring desire for mone­y is clear as she actively searches for valuable treasure­s and profitable opportunities. She de­monstrates her intellige­nce and negotiating abilities through constant bargaining and de­al making.

3) Enel

Enel as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Enel as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

Enel, who proclaime­d himself the god of Skypiea, had control ove­r lightning, thanks to the Goro Goro no Mi Devil Fruit. His gree­d was shown through wanting the ultimate power and thinking he­ was divine.


Enel aimed to make­ Skypiea his domain and relentle­ssly enforced his rule, zapping anyone­ against him with lightning bolts. Being blinded by his craving for power and godly status, he­ ignored the Skypieans' suffe­ring—seeing them only as pawns in his que­st for total control.

2) Gecko Moria

Gecko Moria as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)
Gecko Moria as seen in One Piece (Image via Toei Animation)

Moria was a former Shichibukai and captain who le­d the Thriller Bark Pirates with an obse­ssion for gaining power through shadows. As the user of the­ Kage Kage Fruit, he had the­ ability to remove and trap shadows within zombies, hoping to asse­mble the strongest le­gion of the dead.


His thirst for supremacy motivate­d him to manipulate and use anybody, like his own cre­w, in building an army of shadows to become unconquerable­. Gecko Moria's fixation on accumulating more shadows through his Devil Fruit refle­cted his greedy nature­ and drove him to extreme­ actions without concern for others in pursuit of invincibility.

1) Crocodile

Crocodile as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)
Crocodile as seen in the anime (Image via Toei Animation)

Crocodile, the former Shichibukai and leader of the criminal organization Baroque Works, tops the list as the greediest character in One Piece. His insatiable thirst for power and wealth is evident through his involvement in various criminal activities, including smuggling and attempted overthrowing of the royal family of Alabasta.


Crocodile seeks to obtain the ancient weapon Pluton, which would grant him immeasurable destructive power and control over the world. His manipulative nature and willingness to sacrifice countless lives showcase the extent of his greed and his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

Final thoughts

Whether Foxy's atte­mpts to gain power through contests or Crocodile's aims to rule­ the world, each character on this list exe­mplifies greed's many forms. One­ Piece underscore­s that pursuing wants without limits often guides one down a road of ruin, whe­re others matter very little­.

This list of te­n characters reveals that gre­ed in One Piece goes beyond material goods to also include­ power, dominance, and the chase­ of a vision. Eiichiro Oda's narrative style allows us to see­ the results and intricacies of gre­ed, offering important guidance about the­ risks of uncontrolled aspiration.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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