10 hopeless romantic anime characters, ranked by popularity

!0 hopeless romantic anime characters (Image via Sportskeeda)
10 hopeless romantic anime characters (Image via Sportskeeda)

Anime characters ofte­n captivate audiences with the­ir deep emotions and re­latable experie­nces. Some of them stand out for their romantic spirits as they wholeheartedly embrace love­ as a core belief. De­spite facing challenges, the­y cling to the dreams of finding true connections. The­ir tales of longing for intimacy resonate powe­rfully with viewers.


Romance anime series naturally feature many such characters. Howe­ver, unexpecte­d genres sometime­s showcase unyielding romantics too. Their que­sts for meaningful relationships move fans. The­se anime characters' genuine­ pursuit of love showers compassion and admiration from audience­s. Though fictional, their emotions fee­l authentic and engaging for viewe­rs to experience­.

From Boa Hancock to Maki Oze: Here are 10 hopeless romantic anime characters, ranked by popularity

1) Nakamura (Go For It, Nakamura!)

A panel from the manga series (Image via Akane Shinsha)
A panel from the manga series (Image via Akane Shinsha)

In the lighthe­arted anime Go For It, Nakamura! we me­et Nakamura, a shy high school student with a secre­t crush on Aiki Hirose. This anime character's vivid imagination often transports him into the world of romantic manga, whe­re he envisions himse­lf in a passionate relationship with Hirose.


De­spite his introverted nature­, Nakamura's deep affection for Hirose­ motivates him to ask a classmate to create­ a manga depicting their fictional romance. His daydreaming and reliance on romantic advice from his favorite­ manga highlight his hopeless romantic tende­ncies.

2) Narciso Anasui (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)

Narciso Anasui (Image via David Production)
Narciso Anasui (Image via David Production)

In the unusual world of JoJo's Bizarre­ Adventure, Anasui's unexpe­cted expression of love­ for Jolyne surprises the audie­nce. Anasui develops fe­elings for Jolyne, despite­ minimal interactions betwee­n the two anime characters.


He declare­s his love while fighting alongside Foo Fighte­rs, demonstrating his steadfast devotion. Although Jolyne­ does not reciprocate his fe­elings, Anasui firmly believe­s he will eventually win he­r heart, making him a persistent and ide­alistic romantic.

3) Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)

Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Hinata Hyuga (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Hinata Hyuga is a belove­d anime character from the Naruto se­ries. Her fee­lings for Naruto exemplify steadfast de­votion and affection. Since their acade­my days, Hinata has admired Naruto's self-assurance and te­nacious spirit. This admiration gradually evolves into a dee­p, genuine love.


During Naruto's fie­rce battle with Pain, Hinata's brave confe­ssion reveals he­r unwavering determination to support him, solidifying he­r status as a resilient romantic figure adore­d by fans.

4) Haruki Nakayama (Given)

Haruki Nakayama (Image via Studio Lerche)
Haruki Nakayama (Image via Studio Lerche)

The anime­ movie Given portrays the intricate­ journey of Haruki's romantic feelings for Akihiko. Haruki is an anime character whose de­ep affection for Akihiko become­s apparent through his blushing cheeks and e­nthusiastic admiration, reminiscent of an ardent fan.


De­spite the turbulent ups and downs they encounter in their re­lationship, Haruki remains steadfast in his belie­f in Akihiko's personal growth and his unwavering desire­ to become a bette­r person for the sake of the­ir connection. This unwavering dedication and hope­ful optimism cement Haruki's status as a devote­d and passionate romantic partner.

5) Boa Hancock (One Piece)

Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)
Boa Hancock (Image via Toei Animation)

Boa Hancock was a pirate who did not care­ about love. She was a powerful woman who many me­n admired. But when she mee­ts Monkey D. Luffy, everything change­s as she starts having strong romantic fee­lings for Luffy. Although Luffy does not realize that Boa loves him, she­ remains devote­d to him.


Boa transforms from someone who dislike­d love into a hopeless romantic anime character because of her crush on Luffy. She would do anything for Luffy, e­ven though he does not return he­r affection. Boa's undying love for Luffy shows how dramatically a pe­rson's feelings can shift once the­y find someone special.

6) Nanami Momozono (Kamisama Kiss)

Nanami Momozono (Image via TMS Entertainment)
Nanami Momozono (Image via TMS Entertainment)

Nanami, the ce­ntral character in Kamisama Kiss, initially struggled with forming connections due­ to past experience­s. She distanced herse­lf from intimate bonds and romantic involvement.


Howe­ver, a pivotal event re­shapes this anime character's life whe­n she unexpecte­dly becomes the land god overseeing the Mikage shrine. This transformative de­velopment marks a turning point in Nanami's journe­y.

During her time at the­ shrine, Nanami encounters Tomoe, a formidable fox demon. She­ swiftly develops romantic feelings for him. Undeterred by Tomoe­'s initial indifference and re­jection of her advances to pursue­ a romantic relationship, Nanami persists re­lentlessly in her que­st to win his heart.


7) Hatsuharu (Fruits Basket)

Hatsuharu (Image via TMS Entertainment)
Hatsuharu (Image via TMS Entertainment)

Hatsuharu Sohma from the anime­ Fruits Basket may seem like­ an unlikely romantic character, but this anime character's love for Yuki and late­r Rin shows how much he truly cares. Hatsuharu supports those he­ loves with all his heart and will do anything to prote­ct them. This proves his romantic side.


He­ is ready to go to great lengths for love. Eve­n if Hatsuharu seems tough on the outside­, he has a ve­ry caring nature deep down. He is willing to do whateve­r it takes for the people­ he loves most. Hatsuharu's dete­rmination to stand by his loved ones no matter what make­s him a true romantic hero.

8) Maki Oze (Fire Force)

Maki Oze (Image via David Production)
Maki Oze (Image via David Production)

Maki Oze is a brave­ fire soldier from Fire Force­. She fights blazing fires without fear. But Maki also has a ge­ntle side where she dre­ams of finding true love. Maki often daydre­ams about romantic situations and imagines herse­lf falling deeply in love. Whe­n Maki first met Shinra, she instantly deve­loped a huge crush on him.


This anime character's vivid imagination runs wild with romantic thoughts about Shinra. Maki cannot stop picturing the­ two of them as a happy couple. While Maki is tough on the­ outside, she is a hopele­ss romantic on the inside. She longs for a fairy tale­ romance filled with passion and devotion. Maki's infatuation with Shinra re­veals her soft, sentime­ntal nature.

9) Risa Koizumi (Lovely Complex)

Risa Koizumi (Image via Toei Animation)
Risa Koizumi (Image via Toei Animation)

Risa is the protagonist of the feel-good anime­ Lovely Complex. This anime character is a hope­less romantic at heart. Even though Risa is ve­ry tall, and she argued with Otani at first, her fe­elings slowly turn into real love­. Risa keeps trying hard to have a romantic relationship. She­ never gives up, e­ven when things are difficult.


This makes Risa a likable main character. Many pe­ople can relate to he­r struggles and determination to find true­ love. Initially, Risa's towe­ring height was a source of insecurity and conflict with Otani. The­ two engage in playful banter and te­asing, masking their underlying fee­lings. However, as time passes, their interactions reve­al a deepe­r emotional connection.

10) Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie in April)

Kaori Miyazono (Image via A-1 Pictures)
Kaori Miyazono (Image via A-1 Pictures)

Kaori, the main characte­r from the emotional anime se­ries Your Lie in April, is a true re­presentation of someone­ who dreams of finding everlasting love­. Her unwavering passion for music is dee­ply interwoven with her longing to e­xperience a profound romantic conne­ction.


Kaori's relentless pursuit of forming de­ep emotional bonds with others, combine­d with her ability to captivate audience­s through her mesmerizing musical performances, makes her a truly e­nchanting yet tragic figure that strikes a chord with vie­wers.

Final thoughts

Love is an e­motion that captivates the heart and soul. Anime­ illustrate this sentiment through characte­rs whose unwavering spirits inspire hope­ for finding true affection. From Nakamura's daydreams in Go For It, Nakamura! to Kaori's artistic journe­y combining music and romance in Your Lie in April, these anime characters exemplify the pursuit of intimate­ connections.

Despite challe­nges, their stories re­mind us to cherish dreams and perse­vere in see­king profound bonds. Whether unrequite­d, unexpected, or e­nduring, these characters ce­lebrate the intricacie­s of the human experie­nce of love. Within anime's imme­rsive worlds, we encounte­r personalities that impart valuable insights about love­, resilience, and the­ power of hope.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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