Being arguably the world’s most iconic anime series, it’s no surprise that the Dragon Ball franchise's villains have transcended the genre and become pop culture icons. Characters like Frieza, Cell, and Buu are mentioned without end in various mediums, from music to satire.
This isn’t exclusive to just Dragon Ball Z villains, however, as Dragon Ball Super villains Jiren and Moro have both also found themselves icons of their series. Jiren, in particular, is arguably the face of the franchise following the Dragon Ball Super anime.
Here are ten different iconic Dragon Ball villains ranked weakest to strongest.
Perfect Cell and 9 other Dragon Ball villains are series' most iconic
10) King Piccolo

Serving as one of the first true villains in the Dragon Ball franchise, King Piccolo was a ruthless, evil Namekian who’d stop at nothing for control of the world. Going as far as usurping King Furry’s Earthly throne, there’s little Piccolo wouldn’t do to get what he wanted.
While killing Krillin proved a fatal mistake on his part, King Piccolo nevertheless remains a Dragon Ball icon.
9) Raditz

Despite his short appearance and lack of productive villainy, Raditz is still iconic for ushering in a new era of Dragon Ball. Opening the doors to Goku’s true heritage directly makes some of the most-revered moments in the franchise possible.
Without Raditz’s introduction and what it meant for the franchise’s future, the series wouldn’t be the same as it is today.
8) Androids 16, 17, and 18

Everything about 16, 17, and 18, from their esthetic to their actions in the story is iconic for the franchise at large. While 16 only appears in Z, he is mainly remembered for his humanity and triggering of Gohan’s Super Saiyan 2 power, 17 and 18 remain through Super.
The Super series even builds the two up more, both as fighters and as people, serving to make them even more iconic for the series at large.
7) Perfect Cell

Arguably one of the most iconic Dragon Ball villains even on this list, Perfect Cell is what many fans think of when they think of the Z anime. The point in the story in which Perfect Cell is a part is so constantly praised, both from a writing and an action perspective.
Perfect Cell’s distinct attitude, mannerisms, and sense of superiority further serve to iconize him in the eyes of fans everywhere.
6) Majin Buu

Despite being the weakest of the Buu’s, Majin Buu is iconic for the series (just as his other two, stronger forms are). Having, without doubt, the most unique personality amongst the Buu’s, Majin Buu’s childish temper and mannerisms initially paint him as a villain.
Further characterization towards the end of Z and a presence during Dragon Ball Super help to cement him as a series icon.
5) Super Buu

The “grown-up” version of the Buus, Super Buu is often remembered for his fights versus Gotenks and Mystic Gohan, as well as the Human Extinction Attack. All three of these moments cemented him as one of the best and strongest villains of the entire franchise, still a valid claim today.
His mannerisms and attitudes being easily communicated thanks to his higher level of speech further portray him as iconic for the franchise.
4) Kid Buu

Unlike Super Buu, Kid Buu is less-remembered for his one-liners and speeches than for grunting wildly and being an absolute powerhouse. For some villains, not giving them the opportunity to speak would be a widely-critiqued move, which likely would be detrimental to fans’ reception of them.
However, despite his lack of personality, his immense power reserves and unique fighting style make him one of the most memorable villains in Dragon Ball.
3) Golden Frieza

Even before being brought back in Dragon Ball Super, Frieza would most likely be considered the single-most-iconic villain in the entire franchise. After his return in Super and attainment of the Golden Frieza form, there’s little doubt Frieza is both one of the most iconic and strongest franchise villains.
Beyond the power he boasts, his hatred of Goku, Vegeta, and all things opposed to him constantly gives his character room to grow. This translated into fans getting to know the character on a much more intimate level than before, making him even more iconic to fans everywhere.
2) Goku Black

While not the most iconic, Goku Black is incredibly well-liked and well-known despite his relative lack of screen time. His short appearance apparently impacted how liked he is very minimally. if at all, with fans touting him as one of the series’ bes- written villains.
However he did it, Goku Black clearly made a lasting impression on franchise fans with something other than strength.
1) Jiren

In terms of iconic Dragon Ball villains, there’s little doubt that Jiren is the absolute strongest. Jiren is the only one on here that can face and push an Ultra Instinct Goku to his limits, as well as be able to beat a God of Destruction.
Jiren’s appearance during the Tournament of Power arc also helped establish him as Super’s most iconic villain and one of the general franchise’s as well. Even if he never appears in the series again, Jiren has already established a permanent spot as a series icon in the eyes of fans everywhere.
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This article was modified on Friday, July 14, at 1:19 am.