Although primarily concerning itself within the context of martial arts, there are some Dragon Ball characters who less than match the series’ maturity level. From the original Dragon Ball through even Dragon Ball Super, there are characters whose childish antics get the better of them.
For some of these characters, this is somewhat excusable, since they either clearly are or are implied to be children. Others, however, are adults whose immaturity gets the better of them, in a myriad of methods, no less.
Here are Dragon Ball’s ten most immature characters, ranked.
Gotenks and 9 others comprise Dragon Ball’s most immature characters
10) Master Roshi

Despite his perverted, teenage-like attitude, Master Roshi is still a fairly mature Dragon Ball character. When the times call for it, he can become deadly serious, as seen primarily in the original series and Super. His ability to recognize and act appropriately in a serious situation makes him so close to avoiding entry on this list.
9) Champa

Introduced in Super, Champa is Universe 6’s God of Destruction and brother to Lord Beerus. His childish behavior and rivalry with his brother frequently get the better of him, resulting in behavior unbecoming of a God.
While there is a more serious side to him, this rarely comes out, and even his final act of sticking his tongue out to Beerus is fitting for an immature brother.
8) Hercule

While Hercule isn’t necessarily seen partaking in any immature behavior, his entire identity and success are built upon other’s achievements. Taking credit for the work of others is, in a way, extremely immature, and certainly not behavior befitting an adult. While he may not be childish, he’s definitely still one of the series’ most immature characters.
7) Pilaf

Pilaf’s Napoleon complex antics are often his undoing throughout the Dragon Ball franchise, exemplifying his immaturity perfectly. His obsession with status and desire over results emphasizes this immaturity.
Dragon Ball Super has him lean into this as a character, interacting with other children in very unbefitting ways for someone who calls himself Emperor.
6) Cell Juniors

While the Cell Juniors aren’t exactly knowledgeable about manners or emotions, they’re immature in the sense of only desiring to fight. They all also engage in childish behavior and antics while fighting, like sticking tongues out at enemies. They don’t care who it is or how badly beaten they already are, so long as they can still beat opponents to their heart’s content.
5) Ginyu Force

The Ginyu Force are extremely dichotomous in being both incredibly childish and fairly mature. In fights, they take opponents seriously and prefer to end things quickly and decisively. In the buildup to fights and on the sidelines, however, their flamboyant and excessive personalities get the best of them via various choreographed songs and dances.
4) Buu

Commonly referred to as “Good Buu,” this warrior, who sticks around after Dragon Ball Z, is a chaotic force of ignorance and immaturity. He lacks an understanding of certain social norms within the Dragon Ball world, and is constantly driven by a desire for fun, similar to a kid. Ironically, one of the series’ most powerful characters is also one of the most immature.
3) Gotenks

Likewise, Gotenks is a fusion of Goten and Trunks whose immaturity often gets the best of him. He prefers cool attacks to powerful ones, and even enjoys teasing and playing with his opponents rather than finishing the job. His move names and even how they function further highlight his being a child with far too much power at his hands.
2) Bacterian

Appearing only in the original Dragon Ball series, Bacterian is a martial arts fighter whose primary weapon is his poor hygiene. He claims to and takes pride in having not bathed, brushed, or even washed himself for literal years, using his stink to overpower his opponents. As an adult, this is arguably one of the most immature behaviors possible.
1) Zeno

Finally, no Dragon Ball character is more immature than Dragon Ball Super’s Zeno. As the Omni-King who rules over the Multiverse, he possesses unimaginable and awe-inspiring powers.
Alongside this power, however, is the demeanor and maturity of a child. For fun, he blows up planets, and in anger, erases universes, showing just how childish he can be.