Bleach is returning with its Thousand Years of Blood War (TYBW) Arc, which will be the final arc for the series. In its previous seasons, the anime had introduced powerful characters from organizations like Soul Reapers, Arrancars, Visored, and Full Bringers. Fans assume that everything so far in Bleach is just an overture for its final showdown in Thousand Years Blood War Arc.
The final arc is mostly going to feature Quincies, who apparently are stronger than the Soul Reapers. Moreover, other characters from the past are also going to make an appearance on the upcoming addition. Here is a list of 10 characters who will be taking a pivotal role in the TYBW arc.
10 important characters that are going to be featured in Bleach
10) Yoruichi Shihoin

Yoruichi was a member of the Shihoin clan, which is one of the four noble clans in the Soul Society. She is also the former captain of the 2nd Division of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.
Even while fighting Aizen in the Fake Karakura Town Arc, not much of Yoruichi’s powers were shown. However, she will make an enthralling return in the final arc and will be one of the crucial characters in it.
9) Urahara Kisuke

Urahara is the former captain of the 12th division of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. Despite being forbidden to enter Soul Society, he is quite capable of creating pathways like Garaganta and Senkaimon. He is also proficient in Hakuda, Shumpo, and Kido.
After his exile from Soul Society, he started a convenience store that sells Soul Reaper items. Urahara is also the one who founded the research center in the Soul Society and is mostly known for his creation of ‘Hogyoku,’ which gave Aizen monstrous powers.
8) Pernida Parnkgjas

Pernida is the left hand of the Soul King, who later became a member of Wandenreich’s Sternritter. Despite being part of Soul King, it takes great pride in considering itself a Quincy.
Pernida can regenerate its broken and infected fingers and can also reconstruct itself completely. Similar to other Quincies, Pernida is also capable of using spirit weapons like the Sacred Bow.
7) Bazz B

Bazz B is a short-tempered individual of Wandenreich's Sternritter holding the epithet of The Heat. He becomes cocky at times, as during his fight with Histsugaya he claimed that he only needs one finger to destroy Bankai. He possesses a considerable amount of spiritual prowess capable of outclassing captain-level Soul Reapers.
6) Jugram Haschwalth

Haschwalth is the Grandmaster of Sternritter and is also a loyal advisor to the Yhwach, which made him earn the position of Second in Command of the Wandenreich.
He is also able to bestow his power onto other Quincy like Yhwach. Haschwalth carries a Broadsword along with him because of his inability to use a spiritual weapon.
5) Askin Nakk Le Vaar

Askin is a member of the Yhwachs Imperial Guard and is also a member of the Sternritter with the designation of The Deathdealing. He likes to kill his opponents with his Deathdealing, which grants him the ability to inflict a perfectly calculated lethal dose that will instantly put an end to them. Upon activating his Monk of Destruction form, all his abilities get enhanced.
4) Uryu Ishida

Yhwach once proclaimed that Uryu has the potential to be his future successor. He is a former member of Yhwach’s Imperial Guard and Sternritter with the designation of Antithesis. He was trained by his grandfather Soken Ishida and later worked hard on himself to become even stronger.
Uryu's Antithesis grants him the ability to select two targets and reverse what occurred between them. With this ability, he can switch his injuries with his enemy and can gradually heal himself.
3) Ichibe Hyosube

Ichibe is the Royal Guard of the Soul King Palace. He was the first person who gave the names to everything in Soul Society like Zanpakuto, Shikai, and Bankai.
Ichibe’s name carries a curse with it. If an unworthy person speaks his name, they will lose their voice. Ichibe’s Zanpakuto is a large brush that is capable of reducing the physical abilities of the person to half if struck.
2) Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo is the protagonist and one of the strongest characters in the series. He was once considered to be the weakest Soul Reaper, but his powers kept increasing over the course of the show, which led to him eventually overpowering even the likes of Aizen.
His Zanpakuto kept changing in the previous seasons but the final form of it will be revealed in the Thousand Year Blood War Arc. Apart from being a Soul Reaper, he also holds the powers of a Hollow, Quincy, and Fullbringer.
1) Yhwach

Yhwach is a major antagonist in Bleach’s Thousand Year of Blood War Arc. He is the son of the Soul King and the progenitor of Quincy. He is also generally regarded as the most powerful character in the series. Yhwach possesses a great spiritual power which made him capable of wielding Genryusai Yamamoto’s Bankai.
He already had an arsenal of terrifying powers under his sleeve, but after absorbing the Soul King, his powers increased to a whole other level (along with several new abilities).