Studio Pierrot has had a plethora of anime that it has worked on over the years, with Naruto being one of the most successful. The studio has published various anime other than Naruto's ninja-focused fantasy.
For instance, they have created Yu Yu Hakusho and Bleach, two animes about spirits and fighting demons. They also worked on Great Teacher Onizuka or GTO, a comedy anime about being a teacher.
There are a lot of others this studio has worked on, and this article will shed light on just 10 of them!
Note: Seeing as this is a recommended list, these are unranked. There are potential spoilers for all of these anime, and, as always, this is just the author's opinion.
Studio Pierrot's 10 interesting anime besides Naruto
1) Tokyo Ghoul
A darker seinen from Studio Pierrot, Tokyo Ghoul centers around the life and times of Ken Kaneki, a regular guy, until one day he's attacked by a ghoul and turns into a half-ghoul. Things do not improve for the poor guy, being sucked into a world of paranoia, supernatural dealings, and tons of bloody violence.
All that is to say, if viewers are fans of horror and action akin to Hellsing, Tokyo Ghoul is right up their alley. It's not just the horror and violence aspect either. The ghouls are also great characters themselves, and the war between the ghouls and humanity gets into some pretty gray areas.
2) Bleach

Believe it or not, Bleach at one point eclipsed Naruto as Studio Pierrot's most popular anime for a while. It's not hard to see why, as Ichigo Kurosaki and his friends' adventures in Soul Society dealt with many supernatural threats and great character drama. The fight scenes were also superb.
The series may have fallen off the rails after a while, not to mention dreaded fillers like the Bount arc, but it's set to return with the adaption of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Until then, we heavily recommend this show and its manga for its supernatural and spiritual drama as well as its fights.
3) Black Clover
If nothing else, watch Black Cover for Asta. Asta might as well be Naruto if he was raised by nuns, and Studio Pierrot doesn't disappoint on that point either. Asta is a loud, lovable numbskull who nonetheless wants to become Wizard King despite his lack of magic.
The show itself is great likewise, featuring drama from Asta being powerless and having anti-magic swords. Starting off as a journey to become Wizard King, it goes places viewers would and wouldn't expect.
4) Beezlebub
Ishiyama High is a school for delinquents, with no rules and/or laws really to speak of. Enter Tatsumi Oga, a violent first-year student. Despite wanting to be left alone, Oga became a reluctant parent to future Devil King baby Beezlebub IV. Oga had to juggle his high school life with a demon baby, depending on him.
This Studio Pierrot production is an over-the-top action-comedy. The comedy mostly centers around the juxtaposition of Oga having to avoid fighting and Beezlebub wanting that energy to destroy Earth. Oga also cannot catch a break, as shown in the compilation of moments in the video above.
5) GTO/Great Teacher Onizuka
After seeing the sheer raw power and charm older teacher men have on women, former gangster Eikichi Onizuka sets out to become a teacher to have that effect! Of course, he can't hit on schoolgirls, but their mothers are fair game! When he finally does land the job, he realizes he’s in a lot more trouble than originally anticipated.
So, if you're further in the mood for comedy, one that's a bit more down to Earth than Beezlebub? Studio Pierrot's Great Teacher Onizuka should be watched. It skews older, but it's great fun to watch Onizuka try to get through the delinquent kids in Class 3-4.
6) Kingdom
In the Warring States Period of ancient China, a war ophan named Shin lived in the kingdom of Qin. One day, he welcomed and aided a young boy by the name of Ei Sei. Unbeknownst to Shin, his new friend will become the future emperor Qin Shi Huang. This friendship is the lynchpin of the series.
Entirely different from the others on this list, this retelling of the power struggles of ancient China has many viewpoints. While it focuses on Shin, many would be surprised as to how many characters exist in the anime and how complicated things are. It's not as black and white as it seems at first.
7) Tokyo Mew Mew
This magical girl series focuses on five girls infused with the DNA of endangered animals, akin to Power Rangers. This grants them all special powers and allows them to transform into "Mew Mews." Led by Ichigo Momomiya, the girls must defeat the alien parasites, the Chimera Anima, who wish to "reclaim" the Earth.
It wouldn't be an anime list without Studio Pierrot's magical girl series, Tokyo Mew Mew. Again, the Power Rangers comparisons aren't unwarranted, and neither are PreCure or Sailor Moon. Despite the series being as cute as a button, it goes places that other series do likewise.
8) Yu Yu Hakusho

Yusuke Urameshi is forced to be a spirit detective for redemption to save a kid from nearly getting run over as a penance for his delinquency. That's how Yu Yu Hakusho starts, and it gets crazier from there, with demons, spirit weapons, and more! If nothing else, at least watch to see where popular demon Hiei got his start.
This one is one of Studio Pierrot's more famous, if older, shonen anime. It practically put them on the map and was second only to Sailor Moon in popularity in 1993. Likewise, it's also well worth watching for The Dark Tournament arc alone, especially the climactic fight between Yusuke and Younger Toguro.
9) Yona of the Dawn/Akatsuki no Yona
Someone at Studio Pierrot must have been playing a lot of Fire Emblem and thought it would make an amazing anime because it's an eerie coincidence that Yona of the Dawn has more than people bargained for. The anime centers around a girl named Yona and her bodyguard Son Hak in the aftermath of a hostile takeover.
The princess story is similar to Fena: Pirate Princess, except instead of piracy, Yona is searching for a Crimson Dragon and warriors likewise to save her kingdom. This proves easier said than done. For a shoujo, Studio Pierrot's Yona of the Dawn features plenty of action and is a coming-of-age story.
10) Osomatsu-San/Mr. Osomatsu
Osomatsu and his brothers are all visually identical but are all too lazy and inept at holding down jobs. This slice-of-life anime focuses on Osomatsu and his brothers' endless misadventures to find employment and significant others and get their lives together! It's basically growing up with insane antics and adventures along the way.
Following the series Osomatsu-Kun from the 1960s and 1980s, Studio Pierrot made this sequel with the Osomatsu brothers aged up. The anime maintains the meta-humor and fun that made the original so endearing while being a primary slice of life affair!