The anime and manga world was universally hyped up by yesterday’s release of information on the upcoming JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: JoJoLands manga by author and illustrator Hirohiko Araki. The leaked preview provided very basic plot information, as well as revealing the protagonist’s face and, according to who you ask, suggested an appearance from Jolyne Cujoh.
This batch of news and theories has combined to have fans of Araki’s legendary series putting together a wishlist for who they want to see appear in JoJoLands. While not every choice is realistic, a few exciting ones stand out as reasonably possible.
Here are 10 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure characters that fans want to see in JoJoLands.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
Okuyasu, Gyro, and 8 other JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure characters fans want to see in JoJoLands
1) Jolyne Cujoh

Especially due to yesterday’s leak of an upcoming JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: JoJoLands preview, fans are desperately hoping for Jolyne Cujoh’s appearance in the series. fans are convinced that they’ve spotted her in the preview page for the series itself, identifying similar design traits on a very under-detailed character drawn in the preview.
One of the benefits of bringing Jolyne into the upcoming part would be to have some sort of female protagonistic presence.
Although Araki will surely have some female character in a lead role, reintroducing Jolyne would be a great way to achieve this while providing fanservice. While it remains to be seen if she’ll reappear, many fans are convinced that she eventually will.
2) Okuyasu Nijimura

Part 4’s Okuyasu Nijimura would be yet another welcome addition to JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: JoJoLands. A fan-favorite amongst the JoBros, Okuyasu’s Stand, The Hand, could also provide an explanation as to how he arrived in the new universe. With it being totally unknown where what The Hand erases goes, Araki could answer this question and provide fanservice simultaneously.
One of the detriments of introducing Okuyasu into the mix would likely be that Araki would need to write around The Hand’s abilities. While Okuyasu’s less-than-average intelligence and self-sufficiency was a fine enough buffer in Diamond is Unbreakable, the next part’s events would likely see his abilities further neutered in some way.
3) Rohan Kishibe

Also a fan-favorite from part 4, Rohan Kishibe is undoubtedly one of the biggest hopefuls for a JoJoLands appearance from fans. He’s undoubtedly one of the most popular side characters in the series, being one of the few to receive his own spinoff in the form of an OVA (Original Video Animation).
Furthermore, his incredibly versatile Heaven’s Door Stand and its ability would prove useful no matter the time, place, or circumstances. While it’s unknown what kind of enemies the next protagonist will face in JoJoLands, it’s certain that Rohan Kishibe would be an asset if brought into the new universe.
4) Johnny Joestar
The first in-universe entry on this list, fans have seen Johnny Joestar already be a presence in the two in-universe parts leading up to JoJoLands. Steel Ball Run saw him take center stage as the main protagonist, while JoJoLion saw him as an incredibly influential presence from the past in the part's events.
Additionally, the upcoming part will follow the descendants of Joseph Joestar, who is in turn the grandson of Johnny Joestar and Rina Higashikata. While he obviously won’t show up in a present time, fans will likely see his past actions influence the story in some way. At the very least, he’s likely to be mentioned as a cameo during the plot.
5) Gyro Zeppeli
As Johnny Joestar’s partner-in-crime from Steel Ball Run, fans also heavily want Gyro Zeppeli to appear in JoJoLands. While his appearance in a present timeline is admittedly less likely than others on this list, a flashback cameo is entirely possible.
This could even be done by introducing Zeppeli as a descendant to Gyro, the way Caesar was to Will A. in the original universe. This would both mirror the events of the original universe while also giving fans a Gyro cameo, being a win-win situation for JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans everywhere.
6) Diego "Dio" Brando
One of the most exciting parts of Steel Ball Run was Diego “Dio” Brando, the second universe's version of the original Dio Brando. While there are some key differences, Diego ended up being one of the most beloved characters of the second part, despite his antagonistic role in the series. Fans even saw a Diego Brando “from another world” appear following the in-universe Diego’s death.
Likewise, this has given the fandom a great deal of hope that Diego “Dio” Brando will somehow find a way to appear in JoJoLands.
Considering that Dio lived for over 100 years in the original universe, it would be a great way of providing narrative parity to the original version of the character. While he did die, it could be explained as a second Diego “from another world” having found his way into the universe.
7) Lucy Steel
One person whom fans are desperate to see in JoJoLands, and are seemingly accepting of their appearance not being a contemporary one, is Lucy Steel.
Following the events of Steel Ball Run, Lucy lived a full life working for the Speedwagon Foundation as a researcher. Having her appear in a flashback and be revealed to be involved in or influencing the part’s events somehow would be a great treat.
However, this is probably as far of an appearance as fans will get from her, likely centered around her interactions with Joseph Joestar as teased at the end of JoJoLion. Regardless of exactly how she appears in the upcoming part, fans will be delighted to see her make an appearance.
8) Caesar Zeppeli

Battle Tendency’s Caesar Zeppeli is yet another character that fans are absolutely desperate to see appear in JoJoLands. Being one of the original JoBros, and a fan-favorite character overall, he’s one of the series’ most popular sidekicks. However, the biggest limiting factor in him being present in the upcoming part is his confirmed death in Battle Tendency, as well as Stands not existing at the time.
The best that fans can hope for is that Part 9’s JoBro will be someone named after Caesar, introduced as a descendant of Julius “Gyro” Caesar’s Zeppeli family and named after him. While this would still be great to see, it wouldn’t quite be the same as having the original Caesar appear, forcing some fans to continue holding out hope for the unlikely appearance.
9) Noriaki Kakyoin

Noriaki Kakyoin, whom many JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans consider the best JoBro, is another popular request for an appearance in JoJoLands. Unfortunately, due to being a part of the original universe, his chances of appearing are somewhat lower than most others listed here.
While it wouldn’t be the same Kakyoin, the best chance to make an appearance is to have his intra-universe counterpart as a part of the story. With his death being confirmed during Stardust Crusaders and no dimension-hopping Stands existing at the time, it’s unlikely that fans will see the original Kakyoin appear.
10) Joseph Joestar (new universe)
Last but certainly not the least, the new universe’s Joseph Joestar is someone that fans would particularly like to see in the upcoming part. Furthermore, it’s one of the more likely appearances, considering that JoJoLands is said to focus on Joseph’s descendants. Similarly, it’s possible that fans will see a contemporary appearance from Joseph, depending on how far descended the protagonist is.
Whether it’s in the present or as a flashback, however, fans can undoubtedly expect to see him in the franchise’s upcoming ninth and presumably final part.
He’s likely to have a great influence on the story that will unfold, which fans truly cannot wait to dive into. Hopefully he'll be along along for the ride as an elder and wiser man from when fans last saw him in JoJoLion.