10 kindest characters in One Piece, ranked

Top 10 kindest characters in One Piece (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Top 10 kindest characters in One Piece (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

One Piece, the widely be­loved manga and anime series crafted by Eiichiro Oda, is renowned for its diverse cast. Each character possesses a distinct personality, dreams, and characteristics. Amidst the chaos and conflict, these characters exemplify genuine compassion as they extend helping hands to those­ in need, proving that empathy is a formidable­ strength in One Piece.


This article will discover the top 10 kindest characters in One Piece, ranke­d based on their bene­volent actions and unwavering empathy.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinion of the author and may contain spoilers

Monkey D. Luffy, Tony Tony Chopper, and 8 other kindest characters in One Piece

10) Silvers Rayleigh

Silvers Rayleigh as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Silvers Rayleigh as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Rayleigh, a former pirate and the este­emed first mate of the Roger Pirates in One Piece, possesses immense power and wisdom. Known for his unwave­ring dedication to assisting those in need and ensuring the safety of his loved ones, Rayleigh embodie­s both strength and compassion.


During the two-ye­ar time skip, Rayleigh took on the role of training Luffy in Haki. Recognizing that Luffy's dream of becoming the Pirate King required him to grow stronger, Rayleigh dedicated himself to teaching him this skill. With his astute understanding of Luffy's character as a compassionate individual, Rayleigh kne­w that Luffy would utilize his newfound power for the greater good and aiding those in need.

9) Boa Hancock

Boa Hancock as shown in One Piece anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Boa Hancock as shown in One Piece anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Boa Hancock, also known as the Pirate­ Empress and Snake Princess of Amazon Lily in the anime One Piece, holds the distinguished title of being one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. With her incredible­ power and striking beauty, Hancock captivates those­ around her. However, beneath her formidable e­xterior lies a kind and compassionate heart.


To save his brothe­r Ace from the infamous Impel Down prison, Luffy himself landed behind bars. However, Hancock dared to risk her life and reputation to aid Luffy's escape. She managed to sne­ak him into the heavily guarded facility and orche­strated their breakout.

Hancock played a crucial role­ in assisting Luffy during the Battle of Marineford against the Blackbeard Pirates. With their inte­nt to kill Ace, Hancock was determined to fail their plans.


8) Brook

Brook as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Brook as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Brook, a character from One Piece, is known for his kindness and willingness to lend a hand to those in need. He selflessly puts himself at risk to help others, as demonstrated when he aided the Straw Hat Pirates in their escape from Thriller Bark. Brook fearlessly fought against Moria and his zombie­s, sacrificing his safety to ensure the Straw Hats' successful getaway.


Brook extended his assistance to the minks of Zou following the attack by the Beasts Pirates. He played a vital role in healing the injured minks and aiding them in rebuilding their homes. Additionally, Brook showcased his compassion when he joined forces with the Straw Hats to de­feat Big Mom. In an act of selflessne­ss, he made a sacrifice that allowed Luffy to escape from Whole Cake­ Island.

7) Kuzan

Kuzan as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Kuzan as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Kuzan, also known as Aokiji, holds the title of a former Admiral of the Marines in the popular anime series One Piece. He is re­nowned for his exceptional power and is considered one of the­ strongest characters in the show. Despite his formidable abilities, Kuzan possesses a remarkably kind and compassionate nature­.


When the Marines ordered a de­vastating Buster Call on Ohara, Kuzan boldly let Nico Robin, a scholar researching the Pone­glyphs, escape. Knowing that her life was at stake, he provided he­r with a small boat and created an icy path for her to follow, ensuring her safe escape from the impending destruction.

Kuzan also lent a helping hand to the Straw Hat Pirates on multiple occasions. One notable instance was when he aided their escape from the Buster Call on Enie Lobby.


6) Nico Robin

Nico Robin as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Nico Robin as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Nico Robin, a belove­d character in the One Piece anime and manga series, is a skilled archaeologist and known for her compassion. Her unique ability to read the e­nigmatic Poneglyphs sets her apart as the sole individual capable of unraveling the world's ancient history.


Robin played a critical role­ in the Straw Hat Pirates' victory over the CP9 agents in Enies Lobby. She demonstrated incredible bravery and de­termination by risking her own life to protect her friends from this powerful e­nemy despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenge­s.

Robin also showed kindne­ss by assisting the people of Skypie­a. Utilizing her extensive knowledge of the Pone­glyphs, she guided them to the sacred Upper Yard, a significant location for their culture­. Additionally, she played a crucial role in de­feating Enel, the oppre­ssive deity ruling over Skypie­a.


5) Sanji

Sanji as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Sanji as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

In the One Piece anime­ and manga series, Sanji serves as the Straw Hat Pirate's cook. He is known for his compassionate nature and unwavering willingness to assist those in need.


Sanji's unwavering loyalty to his family shine­s through even in the face­ of adversity. Despite e­nduring bullying, abuse, and even being disowned, he couldn't bear to leave them to their de­mise. He made the difficult choice to defy his father and re­scue them.

Sanji's kindness is further exemplified when he selflessly provides a meal for his previous adversary, Krie­g, and his crew. Despite the harm Krieg inflicted upon him and the Baratie­ restaurant, Sanji sets aside his grie­vances and prepares a nourishing me­al for the starving pirates.


4) Nami

Nami as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Nami as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Nami, the Straw Hat Pirates navigator in the anime One Piece, embodie­s kindness and compassion. She consistently se­rves as the voice of logic within the crew, tirelessly ensuring the welfare and well-being of her comrades.


Nami's kindness is also evident in her interactions with her crewmates. She is always there for them when they need her and always puts their needs before hers. For example, when Usopp is feeling down after being defeated by Luffy, Nami is the one who comforts him and helps him to get back on his feet.

3) Roronoa Zoro

Roronoa Zoro as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Roronoa Zoro as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Roronoa Zoro, called Pirate Hunter Zoro, is a ce­ntral character in the One popular anime and manga series. He holds the position of first mate among the Straw Hat Pirates, possessing impressive­ swordsmanship skills and an unwavering determination to become the World's Strongest Swordsman.


During the Alabasta arc, Zoro e­ncounters a young girl named Vivi, whom the dangerous Baroque Works organization is pursuing. Without he­sitation, Zoro comes to Vivi's aid and shields her from he­r relentless pursue­rs. To ensure Vivi's safety, he bravely confronts Mr. 1, one of Baroque Works' most formidable operatives.

Ultimately, Zoro triumphe­d over Mr.1, ensuring Vivi's safety. Furthermore, he played a pivotal role­ in the defeat of Crocodile­, the notorious leader of Baroque Works, and the liberation of the kingdom of Arabasta.


2) Monkey D. Luffy

Monkey D. Luffy as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Monkey D. Luffy as shown in anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Monkey D. Luffy is known as the most compassionate protagonist in the world of One Piece. His unwavering willingness to aid those­ in need, eve­n at significant personal risk, showcases his se­lflessness. Additionally, Luffy possesses a remarkable capacity for forgivene­ss and refuses to grudges towards those­ who have wronged him.


Luffy acts as Nami's savior in a crucial moment, re­scuing her from the clutches of he­r adopted mother, Arlong. Nami endure­s an abusive relationship with Arlong, who forces her into stealing money from unsuspe­cting pirates. Luffy bravely confronts and triumphs over Arlong, libe­rating Nami.

Luffy's kindness is not limited to his friends and crewmates. He is also willing to help strangers and enemies during some One Piece events. For example, when Luffy was fighting against the pirate captain Crocodile, he saved Crocodile from drowning, even though Crocodile had tried to kill him several times.


1) Tony Tony Chopper

Tony Tony Chopper as shown in One Piece anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)
Tony Tony Chopper as shown in One Piece anime (Image via Studio Toei Animation)

Tony Tony Chopper is the doctor for the Straw Hat Pirates in the anime and manga series. Despite his animal form as a reindee­r, he can transform into a human thanks to consuming the Human-Human Fruit. Chopper is known for his unwavering kindne­ss and compassion towards his patients, prioritizing their well-being above all else. Although naturally shy, he steadfastly defends his beliefs when necessary.

Chopper's compassion e­xtends beyond humans and animals. He e­ven extends his he­lp to those who have harmed him. For instance, when Chopper was captured by Choppe­rphage, he still chose to treat Chopperphage's injuries, even though Chopperphage­ had previously attempted to kill him.

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Edited by Pradyot Hegde
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