Marvel Universe characters are often compared to Dragon Ball's protagonists to see who can win. However, these comparisons often ignore Universe 11’s Jiren, who truly gave Goku and Vegeta a run for their money in the Tournament of Power.
Having proven himself to be on equal ground with Dragon Ball's two protagonists, the list of Marvel Universe characters who can beat Jiren is quite small. While some can win, many of them are so overpowered that the Pride Trooper can't even damage them.
Here are 10 Marvel Universe fighters who can beat Dragon Ball’s Jiren. The relevant characters are ranked in no particular order.
Marvel Universe’s abstract beings and cosmic rulers wipe the floor with Dragon Ball’s Jiren
1) One-Above-All

As implied by his name, the One-Above-All is the strongest being within the Marvel Universe. His abilities and strengths are said to be “beyond any known system” of ranking, while his listed weaknesses seem to be non-existent.
Overall, there’s little Jiren could do against such an abstract, omnipotent, and omnipresent being. He is the supreme entity within the Multiverse and could beat Dragon Ball’s Jiren.
2) The Beyonder

The Beyonder’s strengths and powers within the Marvel Universe are as plentiful as his weaknesses are sparse. He is categorized as a nigh-omnipotent being and said to possess no inherent weaknesses, barring extremely specific and unique circumstances.
He's touted to only be secondary to the previous entry, the One-Above-All. As a result, it’s a fair assumption that he’d easily and effortlessly defeat Dragon Ball’s Jiren.
3) Galactus

Galactus is one of the Marvel Universe’s God-like entities, with him specifically possessing near-limitless powers. While his actual fighting skills are somewhat weak, his talent in every other area of strength and skill is incredibly overpowered.
He is said to be the oldest known living entity in the universe, and is, therefore, considered an immortal being. There’s little that Dragon Ball’s Jiren could do against such overwhelming power.
4) Sentry

Sentry is an immortal and incredibly powerful hero within the Marvel Universe. He’s considered one of the strongest beings within the franchise, capable of everything from molecular manipulation to superhuman strength and speed.
The only tactics that can be implemented include psychic moves or an attack directly on his soul, given his immunity to physical harm. As a result, with Dragon Ball’s Jiren unable to attack him in such a way, there’s little doubt that Sentry wipes the floor with the Pride Trooper.
5) Hyperion

Hyperion is a skilled fighter who's similar to Sentry within the Marvel Universe, although he receives his powers in a unique way. His body essentially acts as a fusion reactor, collecting cosmic radiation and turning it into strength for his body.
As a result, one of his only weaknesses is being separated from the sun, thus stopping the source of his power. While it’s possible that Dragon Ball’s Jiren could create a scenario in which this happens, it’s incredibly likely that Hyperion will power his way through the Pride Trooper.
6) Deadpool

While it may seem shocking, the immortal Merc With a Mouth could wipe the floor with Dragon Ball’s Jiren. He possesses a low degree of superhuman strength, but his skills in fighting are exceptional.
Like many other immortal characters in the Marvel Universe, Deadpool has few weaknesses and most of them can't even be exploited in this hypothetical matchup.
Unless Jiren has a cure for cancer handy, which would result in the Merc’s healing factor becoming a detriment, he’ll lose every time to the most infamous Fourth Wall breaker.
7) Eternity

Eternity is essentially the Marvel Universe being anthropomorphized into a humanoid figure. He’s an abstract being who is an immortal embodiment of the multiverse, with no known weaknesses.
Despite not being skilled in fighting, such powers could be crucial in securing victory against Dragon Ball’s Jiren. Eternity can simply manipulate time, space, reality and matter in a way that could lead to his victory over the Pride Trooper.
8) Living Tribunal

Similar to Eternity, the Living Tribunal is also called an embodiment of the Marvel Universe’s multiverse but is said to be more powerful. The main difference, as per the Marvel Wiki, is that Tribunal presides over all universes, whereas Eternity oversees a specific one.
Regardless, his status as an abstract and omnipotent being solidifies his chances over Dragon Ball’s Jiren.
9) Infinity

Infinity is the sister of Eternity, possessing similar powers and playing a similar role within the Marvel Universe. The two are abstract entities that are essentially anthropomorphized versions of time and space, possessing similar strengths, powers, and abilities.
What they also share are no exploitable weaknesses, given their high-ranking status relative to mortal beings. As a result, there’s no hope for Dragon Ball’s Jiren to secure victory here.
10) Blue Marvel

Finally, Blue Marvel is one of the few within the Marvel Universe who can stand on equal ground with powerhouses Sentry and Hyperion. He’s said to possess superhuman strength and speed, along with super intelligence. Furthermore, he has no weaknesses available for Dragon Ball’s Jiren to realistically exploit.
He’s a peak combatant within Marvel and proves this in each of his fights and appearances. Unfortunately for Jiren, it might be tough for him to surpass someone as strong as Blue Marvel.
In summation
There are many characters in the vast Marvel Multiverse that Jiren can't defeat yet, but characters like him also grow stronger as they encounter new foes. The Pride Trooper cannot be dismissed without a meaningful confrontation with these guys.
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This article was modified on Monday, June 26, at 22:21 pm.