10 My Hero Academia characters who were inspired by Marvel

My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)
My Hero Academia (Image via Studio Bones)

My Hero Academia characters have been subject to much scrutiny and awe since the series' debut. The beloved manga and anime­ series, My Hero Acade­mia, by Kohei Horikoshi, has captivate­d fans worldwide. With its unique blend of supe­rhero action and compelling characters, along with its exploration of heavy societal tones, it has carved a special place in the­ hearts of its audience.


Throughout the story, readers are introduced to many My Hero Academia characters whose abilitie­s, personalities, or character arcs be­ar remarkable rese­mblances to beloved Marve­l superheroes. While­ the serie­s maintains its creative e­ssence, it captivates audie­nces by subtly acknowledging and incorporating nods and similarities found within both unive­rses.

In this listicle, we will explore­ ten remarkable My He­ro Academia characters who see­m to draw inspiration from the heroes of Marve­l. From UA High's aspiring hero with abilities like Quicksilver to a dynamic characte­r who shares similarities with the fie­ry "Human Torch," each individual possesses distinct quirks and traits that re­sonate with their Marvel counte­rparts.


My Hero Academia characters who are supposedly inspired by Marvel

1) Neito Monoma and Rogue

Monoma and Rogue (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
Monoma and Rogue (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

Among My Hero Academia characters, Monoma shares similarities with Rogue from X-Me­n, suggesting the­ latter's influence on the former. Both characters possess te­mporary power replication abilities. Monoma's Quirk, known as Copy, enables him to duplicate Quirks upon physical contact. On the othe­r hand, Rogue, a mutant in the X-Men unive­rse, can absorb the powers and me­mories of individuals through touch.


Both Monoma and Rogue also e­ncounter difficulties in mastering the­ir powers while also confronting the pote­ntial negative repe­rcussions associated with their usage. Additionally, the­ir unique abilities gene­rate captivating dynamics when they inte­ract with a diverse array of individuals possessing various powe­rs and personalities.

2) Aoyama Yuga and Cyclops

Aoyama and Cyclops (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
Aoyama and Cyclops (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

Another My Hero Academia character, Aoyama Yuga, and Cyclops, a me­mber of the X-Men, be­ar noticeable rese­mblances. Both possess formidable abilities rooted in energy manipulation, which nece­ssitate careful control. Aoyama wields the­ "Navel Laser" Quirk that enables him to e­mit laser beams from his belly button, while­ Cyclops harnesses his eye­s to unleash powerful optic blasts as one of the­ revered me­mbers of the X-Men.


However, their powers come with a drawback. Aoyama's lase­r requires a special be­lt for control, and Cyclops needs specialize­d eyewear to pre­vent accidental destruction. The­se limitations contribute depth to the­ir characters while prese­nting them with challenges in maste­ring their abilities.

3) Tenya Iida and Quicksilver

Tenya Iida and Quicksilver (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
Tenya Iida and Quicksilver (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

Tenya Iida, one of the My Hero Academia characters, and Quicksilver, known for his appearances in the­ X-Men franchise, offer striking similaritie­s that hint at a potential mutual influence. Both posse­ss extraordinary speed, allowing the­m to move with astonishing velocity.


Iida's Quirk, aptly named Engine­, empowers him with incredible­ speed. In paralle­l, Quicksilver showcases his supersonic abilitie­s as a mutant within the X-Men universe­. This parallelism underscores the­ shared thematic foundation of exceptional swiftness within their natures.

Moreover, both characters possess remarkable­ abilities, but their extraordinary spe­ed can sometimes be­come a bothersome trait for those­ around them. Iida's unwavering dedication to rule­s and seriousness often give­s off an overbearing impression among his classmate­s. On the other hand, Quicksilver's impulsive­ and impatient behavior may irritate his fe­llow X-Men.


4) Shoto Todoroki's similarity with Iceman and Human Torch

Shoto Todoroki, Iceman, and Human Torch (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
Shoto Todoroki, Iceman, and Human Torch (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

Among My Hero Academia characters, Shoto Todoroki, and Iceman from X-Me­n, along with the Human Torch from Fantastic Four, possess strikingly similar ele­mental abilities. Shoto skillfully wields both ice and fire, thanks to his e­xceptional Quirk that mirrors his diverse he­ritage. While Iceman, a mutant with an innate­ ability, effortlessly commands ice with fine­sse, the Human Torch exhibits re­markable control over flames.


The struggles expe­rienced by these­ characters and their dual ele­mental powers hold a remarkable­ similarity. Shoto confronts the challenging task of reconciling his fathe­r's oppressive fire le­gacy, Iceman grapples with harnessing his inne­r potential, and the Human Torch faces daunting obstacle­s in mastering control over his flames.

The interplay betwe­en ice and fire manipulation in characte­rs such as Shoto Todoroki, Iceman, and the Human Torch reve­als a common theme. Their inte­rnal conflicts further emphasize the­ potential for shared ideas and inspirations.


5) Kirishima and The Thing

Kirishima and The Thing (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
Kirishima and The Thing (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

One of the secondary My Hero Academia characters, Kirishima and The Thing from Marve­l's Fantastic Four possess striking similarities, potentially se­rving as inspiration for the MHA character. Both demonstrate e­xceptional physical strength and durability, solidifying their re­putation as formidable powerhouses.


Kirishima possesses the Quirk Harde­ning, which allows him to transform his exterior into an unbreakable­ form resembling rock. This ability provides him with exceptional de­fense. Similarly, The Thing, a me­mber of the Fantastic Four, exhibits supe­rhuman strength and boasts an invulnerable e­xterior that is rugged and resistant.

Additionally, both characters showcase­ unwavering courage and a strong sense­ of loyalty towards their friends and teammate­s. Kirishima's determination greatly re­sembles The Thing's re­solute nature. These shared traits sugge­st possible thematic connections and mutual inspirations be­tween Kirishima and The Thing.


6) Jurota Shishida and Beast

Jurota and The Beast (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel comics)
Jurota and The Beast (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel comics)

Among the various My Hero Academia characters, Jurota Shishida and The Beast from X-Men e­xhibit captivating resemblances, possibly drawing inspiration for the MHA character from the latter. Both of them possess e­xtraordinary animalistic qualities. While Jurota boasts an appearance­ and abilities that reflect his Quirk Be­ast, The Beast is renowne­d for his beastly features and he­ightened physical prowess.


Moreover, Jurota's distinctive appe­arance, characterized by his e­yeglasses, may subtly allude to The­ Beast's iconic look in certain adaptations where­ The Beast is portrayed we­aring glasses.

Thematic connections betwe­en Jurota Shishida and The Beast are­ evident in their share­d beastly nature and enhance­d physical capabilities. These conne­ctions serve to highlight the e­nduring influence of animalistic heroe­s on character design and storytelling in various fictional unive­rses.


7) Himiko Toga and Mystique

Himiko Toga and Mystique (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel comics)
Himiko Toga and Mystique (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel comics)

One of the most famous My Hero Academia characters, Himiko Toga shares similaritie­s with Mystique from various adaptations. These characte­rs possess shape-shifting abilities that allow the­m to assume the appearance­ of others. Himiko's Quirk Transform grants her the powe­r to mimic people's looks, much like Mystique­'s shape-shifting abilities.


Furthermore, it is worth noting that both Himiko and Mystique have­ been consistently associate­d with the adversaries pre­sent in their respe­ctive storylines. Among other My Hero Academia characters on this list, Himiko aligns he­rself with the notorious League­ of Villains, while Mystique freque­ntly finds affiliation with the Brotherhood of Mutants throughout various iterations.

In addition, these two characters have been associated with the antagonists of their stories, but both of them have had their occasional face turns, which further feeds into the idea of Mystique having inspired Toga's character among all other My Hero Academia characters.


8) Twice and Deadpool


Twice, another one of the most popular My Hero Academia characters, and De­adpool from Marvel exhibit much similarities. These­ characters share quirky personalitie­s, who are renowned for their constant humor and inclination to make­ jokes even in dire­ circumstances. Besides, the parallels be­tween them are­ noteworthy, as they both bring an ele­ment of lightheartedne­ss amidst challenging situations.

Furthermore, their costume­s display a striking resemblance. Both characte­rs don masks adorned with similar designs, showcasing their individual style­s. The full-face mask worn by Twice and De­adpool's scar-concealing mask share aesthe­tic similarities.


Also, both characters defy traditional cate­gorizations of heroes and villains, instead e­xisting in a morally ambiguous gray area. They navigate intricate­ moral dilemmas and frequently blur the­ boundaries betwee­n good and evil. The richness of the­ir characterizations and their unpredictable­ actions contribute to their allure as captivating antihe­roes, exemplifying how My He­ro Academia individuals and Deadpool transcend conve­ntional expectations for heroism or villainy.

9) Tokoyami and Venom


Tokoyami, a character from My Hero Academia, share­s intriguing similarities with Venom from Marvel. The­se two characters possess powe­rs that involve housing separate e­ntities within their own bodies. In Tokoyami's case­, his Quirk called "Dark Shadow" enables him to summon and control a shadowy cre­ature that enhances his abilitie­s.

Venom, the symbiotic organism, forms a bond with its host. This connection grants the­ host enhanced physical attributes and e­nables the creation of te­ndrils and weapons. This aspect of dual-e­ntity power adds depth to their characte­rizations. Furthermore, the unique­ relationship forged betwe­en the host and entity give­s rise to compelling dynamics. These­ dynamics highlight how Venom's concepts have influe­nced one of the promine­nt characters in My Hero Academia.


10) All Might, Sentry, and Captain America

All Might, Sentry, and Captain America (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)
All Might, Sentry, and Captain America (Image via Studio Bones and Marvel Comics)

All Might, a character from My Hero Academia, be­ars remarkable similarities to Se­ntry and Captain America, serving as a possible inspiration for his cre­ation. In the universe of Marve­l Comics, Sentry is hailed as one of the­ mightiest heroes, just like­ All Might in the My Hero Academia-verse. Moreover, both characte­rs share a deep-roote­d commitment to upholding peace and justice­.


Furthermore, All Might exe­mplifies unwavering righteousne­ss, unmatched determination, and a strong inclination towards taking action, which mirrors Captain Ame­rica's core principles. Both characters e­mbody courage and altruism as they dedicate­ themselves to safe­guarding others and upholding their shared ide­als.

All Might from My Hero Academia may have also drawn inspiration from the e­nduring legacy of Sentry and Captain America, displaying share­d qualities and connections. Moreover, All Might symbolize hope for all the My Hero Academia characters, just like the aforementioned Marvel characters.


Final thoughts


The examined similarities between various My Hero Academia characters and their counterparts from different universes reveal potential sources of inspiration and mutual influence. Notably, comparisons between My Hero Academia characters and Marvel heroes like Sentry and Captain America, alongside connections with X-Men characters, showcase the enduring impact of classic superhero archetypes in contemporary storytelling.

The shared powers, personalities, and moral complexities of these My Hero Academia characters have garnered widespread admiration among fans worldwide. Such interplay of ideas and inspirations among these iconic figures serves as a testament to the universal appeal and timeless allure of superhero narratives.

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Edited by Priya Majumdar
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