With the conclusion of My Hero Academia season 6’s first cour, fans saw the incredibly costly Paranormal Liberation War come to an end. Both Pro Heroes and villains suffered many casualties, with a vast majority of them cutting incredibly deep.
Some were forced to fight friends or former loved ones, while others were given too much punishment for their bodies to handle. Regardless of exactly how it happened, many characters found themselves suffering greatly in an effort to attain victory.
Listed below are the 10 My Hero Academia characters who sustained the most damage in the Paranormal Liberation War.
Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer
My Hero Academia’s Paranormal Liberation War forced many Pro Heroes and villains to pay steep costs for survival
1) Endeavor

While certain characters sustained more physical damage than Endeavor did, none likely suffered as much mental trauma as the No. 1 Hero.
My Hero Academia season 6’s first half saw Dabi reveal himself to be Toya Todoroki, the previously-thought-deceased son of Endeavor. After the villain revealed himself and recounted his childhood to the world, the Pro Hero collapsed and was mentally broken.
For the rest of the Paranormal Liberation War, Endeavor remained seated, horrified by his own actions as a father and by what his son has now become.
2) Shoto Todoroki

Similarly, Shoto Todoroki is lower on the physical damage sustained scale than most characters but is right up there with Endeavor in terms of mental trauma.
While My Hero Academia season 6 saw him handle the news better than his father, he was clearly still shaken up. This was evident by his quaky voice and the subtle changes in his mannerisms, such as calling Endeavor “dad.”
With Shoto being forced to confront Dabi (since Endeavor couldn’t), he was put under further mental damage and stress. This is especially true considering Shoto’s previous relationship with Endeavor and how, up to a certain point, the two siblings can relate to one another about their childhoods.
3) Katsuki Bakugo

Katsuki Bakugo is first on this list for physical damage sustained in the war. He got injured after pushing Izuku Midoriya out of the way of Tomura Shigaraki’s attack. This led to the young hero being run through in several spots in his chest, causing him to bleed severely and be taken out of action altogether.
Although Bakugo did find a way to contribute to the war effort even in this injured state, he did so at the cost of further injury to himself, which other Pro Heroes pointed out. Thankfully, his wounds weren’t serious enough to put his life at risk, unlike other My Hero Academia characters on this list.
4) Izuku Midoriya

One My Hero Academia character whose life was likely in danger from damage sustained is Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku.
Fans watched Deku break both of his arms while using One For All 100%. Considering his past medical issues related to One For All, this is already a remarkable level of damage.
However, even when exhausted and bloodied, Deku continued pushing himself to stand against Shigaraki and the villains, to the point of almost passing out from exhaustion. There’s an argument to be made that if the Paranormal Liberation War hadn’t ended when it did, Deku would’ve been at grave risk of losing his life.
5) Tomura Shigaraki

No one took more of a physical beating during My Hero Academia’s Paranormal Liberation War than Tomura Shigaraki. Fans saw the villain first fight Endeavor and Izuku Midoriya before a swath of Pro Heroes began taking pot-shots at him in between.
Eventually, Shigaraki's body was broken and burnt to the point of passing out from physical stress. All For One even had to step in and take control of his body to ensure he lived.
Without a doubt, no one was closer to death’s door in the war than Shigaraki.
6) Shota Aizawa

While Shota Aizawa didn’t have it as bad as other My Hero Academia characters did in the Paranormal Liberation War, there was one harrowing moment of damage. Fans saw Shigaraki launch one of Overhaul’s Quirk-erasing bullets at Aizawa, attempting to eliminate his Quirk, which is the biggest threat to his win.
However, Aizawa was warned by other Heroes about what was being fired at him, allowing him to make a quick decision upon being hit with the bullet. Swiftly and violently, he cut off his leg above where the bullet hit him, stopping its spread and allowing him to retain his Quirk. However, this marked the permanent retirement of Pro Hero Eraserhead.
7) Hawks

Hawks’ fights with Twice and Dabi were incredibly costly in My Hero Academia’s Paranormal Liberation War, both mentally and physically.
When it came to Twice, Hawks was forced to fight someone he genuinely considered a friend. At one point, he even tried to convince the villain to come over to the Heroes’ side, where he might be forgiven with his help.
When it came to his fight with Dabi, Hawks’ feathers were burned away to the point where he, like another Pro Hero, will need prosthetics to continue his Pro Hero work.
Being one of the few characters who suffered mentally and physically during the war, Hawks is undoubtedly one of the most generally damaged by the end.
8) Mr. Compress

Mr. Compress literally sacrificed pieces of himself to ensure his side’s survival in My Hero Academia's Paranormal Liberation War. Fans saw him gouge out chunks of his own flesh with his Quirk in an effort to loosen Best Jeanist’s restraints and give Shigaraki and company a legitimate chance at escape.
Furthermore, Mr. Compress was also taken into police custody after the war and presumably imprisoned for his crimes, adding to the mental damage he suffered.
Short of Shigaraki, no one on the villains’ side suffered more for their survival than Compress did.
9) Mirko

Mirko arguably paid the greatest physical price of all the Pro Heroes involved in the war. As confirmed later in My Hero Academia, she ended up losing her right leg below the knee and her left hand to the High-End Nomu she fought when raiding Garaki’s lab.
Furthermore, Mirko's efforts were tragically in vain, with Shigaraki waking up anyway and beginning his rampage of death and destruction. While she is given prosthetics that allow her to continue working as a Pro Hero, it’s nevertheless a harrowing sacrifice that is emblematic of the physical damage she sustained.
10) Gran Torino

Despite only being dealt one major blow by Shigaraki, Gran Torino, as My Hero Academia later revealed, was damaged to the point of being hospitalized. While not incredibly surprising due to his age, it emphasized how badly he was injured.
The singular punch was damaging enough to cement Gran Torino as a character who suffered some of the most damage in the war.