10 Naruto character pairs who should have been a couple

Some characters were made for each other (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Some characters were made for each other (Image via Studio Pierrot)

One of the most talked about topics amongst Naruto fans has always been the compatibility of some characters. After getting so invested in these characters' lives, it is almost inevitable to think about who they would make a good pair with.

The show already offers some cute and wholesome pairings that fans love dearly. However, there were so many different other pairings that could have happened in the series. In this list, we will talk about 10 couples that should have occurred in Naruto.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the author’s opinion and contains spoilers.

Guy x Kakashi and 9 other Naruto ships that should have been made canon

1) Tenten and Neji

Tenten and Neji as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Tenten and Neji as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Most members of the famed Konoha 11 had great synergy with each other, seeing as they have fought together for most of their lives. Still, there were two members in particular whose chemistry was out of this world, the ever-optimistic Tenten and the serious Neji.

Tenten saw Neji as an inspiration, the kind of person she would like to become in the future. For Neji, Tenten was a confidant and a trusted partner. Not only would they have been extremely cute as a couple, but they could have also balanced each other out. Fans were certain this couple would happen at some point in the series until Neji tragically died during the Fourth Ninja War.

2) Rock Lee and Sakura

No powerful Kunoichi inside Naruto’s world would ever fit the stereotype of a damsel in distress. Still, knowing there is someone who will always protect you is probably one of the nicest feelings you can have. That is why Lee would have been perfect for Sakura.

Lee would have treated Sakura like a queen from the moment their relationship started. He was always willing to risk his own life to keep her safe, something Sakura grew to appreciate with time.

Lee could sometimes be a little too insistent with his crush on Sakura, but he never had any ill intentions towards her. They would have been an amazing power couple, taking the Shinobi World by storm the moment they got together.

3) Ino and Sakura

Ino and Sakura would have ruled Konoha together (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Ino and Sakura would have ruled Konoha together (Image via Studio Pierrot)

In their childhood, Ino and Sakura were closer than sisters, protecting each other and working together to become great Kunoichi. Even after fighting over Sasuke for almost a decade, they both knew that they could trust each other implicitly.

If you removed Sasuke from the equation, Sakura and Ino would have been perfect for each other. Not only would they continue to keep pushing each other to their limits, but they would have avoided the toxicity Sasuke brought into their lives. Sakura and Ino will always be close, but it would have been great for them to realize how deeply they cared about each other.

4) Might Guy and Kakashi

Look at this scene and tell me they do not make a cute couple (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Look at this scene and tell me they do not make a cute couple (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Even though he acted aloof and uninterested in Guy’s antics, no one in Konoha understood Might like Kakashi. For Kakashi, Guy was not only an eternal rival but also a close friend who was with him even through his worst moments.

On the other hand, Guy appreciated that Kakashi always played along with his challenges. In a few scenes, fans realized that Kakashi and Guy had more chemistry than most canon couples in the show. Guy could have been Kakashi’s new family, giving him the warmth and love he has craved since his loved ones died.

5) Karin and Suigetsu

The perfect image to describe Suigetsu and Karin as a couple (Image via Studio Pierrot)
The perfect image to describe Suigetsu and Karin as a couple (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Love is weird, and it is rarely ever the same for everyone. Some people express their love with kind words and caring gestures, others by making their crushes as angry as possible with their jokes and antics. Suigetsu and Karin would most definitely fall into the latter category.

Suigetsu knew how easy it was for him to get under Karin’s skin, doing everything he could to get the Uzumaki woman riled up. Karin was aware of this and constantly beat Suigetsu for acting like a fool. Nevertheless, they both had massive respect for each other and knew they always had someone to count on as long as they were together.

6) Kakashi and Rin

Kakashi and Rin as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Kakashi and Rin as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Young Kakashi was a completely different person from who he is today. As a child, Kakashi always valued success over anything else, traumatized by the loss of his father. It took Obito’s death for Kakashi to realize that the people who care about you are more important than any mission.

Because of this, many fans believed he would have a relationship with his remaining teammate, Rin. Rin never tried to hide that she was absolutely smitten with Kakashi, so it is not that far-fetched to believe that Kakashi would have someday returned her feelings. Tragically, Rin died at a very young age, which made it impossible for her and Kakashi to become an item.

7) Konan and Yahiko

Konan and Yahiko as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Konan and Yahiko as seen in Naruto (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Bringing peace to the entire world is not an easy task to achieve alone. That is why Yahiko was so fortunate to have an amazing lady like Konan by his side. Konan and Yahiko were clearly in love with each other, something that everyone but themselves were able to tell.

They were always there for each other, ensuring their dreams would someday become a reality. Even Nagato was trying to make his friends admit the deep feelings they had for each other. Like in many other cases, Yahiko died before he was able to confess his love for Konan, becoming another one of the tragic love stories in Naruto.

8) Tsunade and Jiraiya

For many years, Tsuna wanted nothing more than to forget the idea of love and relationships, broken by the death of her fiancé. Even as she ran away from the village and cut contact entirely with everyone, Jiraiya never forgot how important Tsunade was to him.

Even though both teammates knew what the other felt for the other, they never once tried to become an official couple. This would become the biggest source of regret for Tsunade, who never got the chance to tell Jiraiya how much she loved him.

9) Itachi and Izumi

Itachi and Izumi would have been one of the most wholesome Naruto couples (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Itachi and Izumi would have been one of the most wholesome Naruto couples (Image via Studio Pierrot)

The death of the Uchiha clan will always be one of the biggest tragedies to ever occur in the Naruto universe. For Itachi, this event was not only devastating for having to kill his family but also the love of his life.

Izumi was Itachi’s friend since he was still a child, even before he met Shisui. They never got the chance to be together, as Itachi’s work on ANBU prevented him from establishing meaningful relationships. Despite this, before having to end her life, Itachi gave Izumi a vision of the life he hoped to have with her one day, making her last moments alive as beautiful as possible.

10) Izumo and Kotetsu

Izumo and Kotetsu are one of Naruto's best duos (Image via Studio Pierrot)
Izumo and Kotetsu are one of Naruto's best duos (Image via Studio Pierrot)

Nothing says love as much as being unable to act competently unless your partner is around. Together, Izumo and Kotetsu were some of the best tag-teams Konoha had to offer. When alone, they were extremely inept, constantly complaining about the lack of a partner.

Izumo and Kotetsu are the epitome of Naruto characters who should have ended up together. They were extremely close, loyal to each other, and did everything together. Even Tsunade thought of them as a couple, proving even Naruto’s characters wanted them to become a couple.

Final thoughts

As much as fans love some of the canon couples present in Naruto, there will always be other loved ones that will never be made canon. Still, there is no denying that many Naruto characters would have had amazing relationships that were sadly never developed.

Still, fans will always have the internet, as well as their imaginations to give these couples the love they deserve. And who knows, maybe in the future we will see some of these couples become a reality.

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Edited by Shreya Das
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