For Naruto fans, there has always been a bit of a question, what would have happened if Sakura hadn't been the one to join Team 7? Now, before any Sakura lovers get their torches and pitchforks out, let’s take a moment to discuss what this list is.
Before the article begins, let it be stated that Sakura herself is an amazing character with a lot of growth. This list is purely a hypothetical 'what if' to try and guess how things might have played out, for good or bad, if someone else had joined in Sakura's place.
Now, this list will only be looking at the girls who could have joined Team 7 during the first part of Naruto, within reason, so there is no dropping women who would be five times older than them in the team. As for how's and why they would get in the team, let's leave it to fanfiction writers and artists.
Top 10 Naruto characters who would've made an excellent replacement for Sakura
10) Kin Tsuchi
Let's start this list off with a character that appeared in part 1. Kin Tsuchi was, for lack of a better term, kind of a one-note character who appeared during the Chunin Exams. While not exactly memorable, and in fact, got killed off rather quickly, Kin did make herself a viable combatant during the exam, and indeed, did raise a good point against Sakura.
In that, Sakura needed to focus less on appearance, and more on training. Her attitude, or at least her understanding of shinobis' life, may have kicked Naruto's training off a bit earlier.
9) Ino
Ino is Sakura's long-time friend/rival, the Sasuke to her Naruto, in other words. But on Team 7, while she might have fulfilled the same role as Sakura (being a Sasuke fangirl), she would most likely have been more welcoming of Naruto's various quirks. She also had a good head for strategy and support with her Mind Transfer Jutsu.
While its hard to say how things would have diverged with Ino, the fact remains that she probably would have fit in a bit better in the beginning. That said, the story would have probably played out the same, hence her low rating on this list.
8) Sasame
While a character from a filler arc, and don't worry, there's only going to be two on this list, Sasame proves to be a bit more covert than the other ninjas in the show (strange if you think about it).
In her debut, she showed skill with subterfuge and understood that sometimes silence was the best tool. With this in mind, Sasame would make an excellent spy to balance out Naruto and Sasuke's tendency to go in jutsus blazing. But, since she's filler, there's no way of knowing of what else she could do if given the chance.
7) Hotaru
Hotaru is the last filler arc character on this list. Hotaru mirrors both Sasuke and Naruto in a very smiliar way. Like them, she is a member of a famous clan, the Tsuchigumo, and has a stubborn, persistent personality that would lend itself well to Team 7.
Like Naruto, she won't give up a technique until she's learned it, and like Sasuke, she has a natural affinity for element-based jutsu that serves as her go-to move.
6) Tayuya
Techincally, Sasuke's teammate in Naruto proper, Tayuya acts as a, "keep quiet until insults are needed" kinda person, with a real competiteve streak.
She earns spot number 6 because of her personality, which would likely drive Team 7 further and further into a competitive state. How well they would work together is up for debate, but it would be interesting to see.
5) Karin
Karin is another Sasuke fangirl. If the previous picks were to help see the boys understand their own problems, Karin would probably do the exact opposite. Something of an enabler, she would most likely cheer Sasuke on, and probably even join him in his various moments of angst.
But, that said, her special ability to allow people to heal by biting them would mean that Sasuke and Naruto would probably take less grevious wounds.
4) Karui

Karui earns a special spot on this list, not because of her abilities, but because she's one of the few who would have any idea of how to handle someone with a Tailed Beast inside them.
Additionally, her ability to use lightning would find common ground with Sasuke, who himself favors the lightning element. While there are certaintly other choices, Karui makes a mark for being able to stand as her own character, rather than being sidelined in favor of the main two.
3) Tenten
Headstrong, capable, and always willing to fight, but someone who knows when to take a step back, Tenten would have emerged as the big sister of Team 7.
Keeping Naruto's problems in check while reminding Sasuke not to act like a lone wolf 24/7, Tenten provides a clearer head than Sakura, and likely would have contributed more than Sakura to the team.
2) Temari
While a debatable pick, Temari earns the second spot due to her sharp tongue, wind fan, and prior experience with a Jinchūriki. If anything, Temari's blunt attitude would cause friction between the group, but would allow others to know what needs to be said and done.
And hey, sometimes having a kick in the back is what you need to wake up. Plus, she's no slouch in combat, being able to defeat Tenten in a one-on-one duel.
1) Hinata
If there was any doubt, look no further. Hinata often serves as the default replacement for Sakura in many a fan tale, and it's not hard to see why. Her sweet and gentle demeanour, plus a willingness to straight up fight when the need arises, brings to mind a gentle flower with some sharp thorns.
Hinata has the ability to bring out the best in Naruto, and while it's unknown how she would interact with Sasuke, it would be interesting to see.