Jojo's Bizarre Adventures has a ton of characters throughout its manga run, which has lasted at least three decades and is still going. The anime run is likewise nothing to sneeze at, as it's been going on for well over 10 years. The main characters have joined some of the greats throughout anime history.
That being said, there have likewise been more than a few popular side characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventures that have cropped up over the years. Starting all the way back to Phantom Blood with Robert E.O. Speedwagon and moving forward at Stone Ocean with FF, the series has pushed more than a few likable characters in fans' direction.
This article will do the same thing by chronicling 10 of the most popular side characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventures.
Disclaimer: This article contains major spoilers for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. The opinions expressed therein reflect only fans and the author.
Jean Pierre Polnaraff and 9 other Jojo's Bizarre Adventures side characters that burst into fans' hearts
1) Robert E.O. Speedwagon

The founder of the Speedwagon Foundation and a very stylish dresser, Robert E.O. Speedwagon comes to fans courtesy of Jojo's Bizarre Adventures: Phantom Blood. Speedwagon was just a hoodlum that grew up on the mean streets of Ogre Street in England before a chance encounter with Jonathan Joestar changed his worldview.
Despite not having the ability to use Ripple, Speedwagon helped against Dio by teaching Johnathan several useful techniques. Likewise, the creation of the Speedwagon Foundation aided all the Joestars that followed afterward: helping create a prosthetic hand, Jotaro with destroying DIO's remains, and maintaining Jotaro's health during Stone Ocean.
2) Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

The tragic death of Caesar Zeppeli in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency may have spurred Joseph on to destroy the Pillar Men, but it's worth taking a look back at the man himself. Caesar started off as a rival to Joseph and was a very vain man. A ladies' man and smooth talker, Caesar also had Ripple down before he started training with Lisa Lisa.
He was a real firecracker, hot-headed about slaying evil and would often run ahead if that meant he could get the first crack at enemies. Caesar's tragedy was also shown in his family heritage, a Zeppeli doomed to die for a Joestar, and life's goal of slaying all the vampires by himself. This would cause him to lose his life to Pillar Man Wamuu.
3) Jean Pierre Polnareff

The joking Frenchman and one of the last Stardust Crusaders, Jean Pierre Polnareff started his journey in search of the man who killed his sister. This generally meant that he would try doing so alone until he got Advol seriously hurt and practically killed.
Polnareff is a great side character in Stardust Crusaders, but he also shows back up again in Golden Wind. While his body may have been destroyed, his soul lives on in a turtle. It's no joke or exaggeration, just another day in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Even before then, being able to stand against Diavolo and live was a testament to Polnaraff's tenacity.
4) Hol Horse

Out of all of Dio's many minions, Hol Horse lasted the longest. A first for any Jojo's Bizarre Adventure antagonists, especially a minor one, he makes no less than four appearances throughout Stardust Crusaders. Sadly, he's rendered comatose and forced to retire after his own gunshots hit him while paling around with Boingo.
His popularity can be explained by his humorous personality. Hol Horse looks and talks like a Hollywood gunslinger, but is very greedy and rather cowardly when things don't go his way. He also can't seem to let things go, as he tried to kill the Stardust Crusaders multiple times and failed every time.
5) Okuyasu Nijimura
Okuyasu is literally one of Josuke's best friends in Diamond is Unbreakable, and yet people tend to prefer Koichi. Since Koichi has so much development he might as well be one of the main cast of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, however, this means Okuyasu gets on the list.
Insofar as Okuyasu's history goes, he and Josuke fought roughly twice before he reluctantly joined him after his brother's murder. He may not be the brightest bulb on the list, but that doesn't make him a dope. Despite being outwitted multiple times and possessing a confrontational personality, Okuyasu is loved for his kind heart and sense of honor.
6) Rohan Kishibe

For a popular side character from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure who is seemingly the opposite of Koichi and Okuyasu, we present Rohan Kishibe. Rohan is a manga writer whose Stand can literally lay out a person's life and personality like a book for him to pursue. He does this rather often, with a general sense of arrogant unpleasantness to boot.
However, this does change during the events of Diamond is Unbreakable and his own spin-off OVA Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe. While he never quite loses the narcissistic arrogant streak, he does mellow out and gets serious when lives are at stake. Many fans took to Rohan because of his moral standards, and that he's pretty funny when angered by Josuke.
7) Narancia Ghirga
It's very clear why the youngest of Team Bucciarati in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind is one of the more popular side characters. He's not only one of the crazier ones but is also the heart and soul of Team Bucciarati. Despite displaying a worse lack of intelligence than Okuyasu, and a worse temper too, he's popular because of this.
Narancia wasn't the most mature of the team's members, often going direct to the point when it came to actions. However, he was also the sweetest member. He valued his friends over anything else, and always tried to help everyone. His death at the end is among the most shocking and tragic of any of the companions, aside from Caesar in Battle Tendency or Avdol and Kakyoin in Stardust Crusaders.
8) Guido Mista
Guido Mista is one of the only surviving members of Team Bucciarati following the events of Golden Wind. The man doesn't hesitate to shoot people and is terrified of the number four. Considering the number four means death in Japan, this isn't surprising at all. It's funny that he skips over the numbers when counting bullets.
His popularity can easily be explained by him being the calmest of the core group, and honestly the most laid back. He's also easily one of the rudest, showing far more willingness to get into scraps over something as simple as music annoying him. He's also very straightforward, always trying to be calm in battle even whilst keeping everyone else as calm as he can.
9) Foo Fighters/FF

Well, one of the most popular of the Stone Ocean crew was bound to make it on some popularity lists. They are likewise one of the most unique Stands in the series, being a sentient colony of zooplankton that overwrote a prisoner named Atroe. They have no real biological sex and border the line between male and female, and they're rather popular for various reasons.
F.F. is arguably one of the most powerful Stands in existence, given they can reconstruct wounds, reattach limbs, and help their friends with an infinite supply of ammo in their bodies. They also have a storyline linked to discovering their identity, and some LGBT people have reportedly sympathized with that likewise with Anasui.
10) Ermes Costello
This was a tossup between Ermes and Weather Report, and trying to go through various fan polls and forums has clinched Ermes' place on this list.
Despite Ermes being a major character in the anime, and one of Jolyne's biggest supporters, the manga seems to push her off to the side following the battle with Sports Maxx. As for why she's popular, there's a variety of reasons ranging from her goal: killing Sports Maxx for killing her sister, to how much bad luck she gets.
The unlucky part is also shared with Polnareff, Okuyashu, and Narancia. This tends to make her an underdog of a character, much like everyone in the Stone Ocean part of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Her past, her impulsiveness, and gambits that she smartly pulls off with her Stand, Kiss, have likewise earned her a place in fans' hearts. She also speaks out against the idea of revenge being hollow since her sister died in horrid circumstances.
Thus ends the list of side characters in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure that have all the fans behind them. From helpful sidekicks like Speedwagon and Polnareff to members of Team Bucciarati to F.F., these characters all have something that makes fans adore them.
It goes on to show that Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is so well written that characters don't need to be mains like Jonathan, Joseph, or Jotaro to have fans and great storylines. If any side characters are missing, fans are more than welcome to put their favorite in the comments.