One Piece’s main combat system comes in the form of the series’ trademark Devil Fruits. These are Fruits which can give their eater a variety of powers, ranging from transforming into an animal, all the way to becoming an element.
The Devil Fruits truly make for some unique and exciting fights within One Piece. Yet not all Devil Fruits are created equally, with some being inherently much more powerful than others.
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Here are the 10 most powerful Devil Fruits in One Piece.
One Piece’s Devil Fruits are all extraordinary, but there are clearly 10 which reign supreme
10) Hobby-Hobby Fruit
The Hobby-Hobby Fruit was prominently displayed in One Piece’s Dressrosa arc. Owned by Sugar, the Hobby-Hobby Fruit allowed anyone Sugar touched to be turned into an obedient toy. The users wills were also taken away from them, forcing them to obey whatever Sugar’s commands were, no matter what.
9) Time-Time Fruit

Debuting in One Piece’s Wano arc, the Time-Time Fruit was owned by Kozuki Toki. Toki was originally a Void Century resident who flung herself forward in time after eating the Fruit. She also eventually saved Momonosuke and some Akazaya Nine’s lives by sending them 20 years forward in time. Although the trips are only one-way, the Time-Time Fruit still has one of the most inherently powerful abilities of any Fruit.
8) Rumble-Rumble Fruit

The Rumble-Rumble Fruit is a Logia type, showcased during One Piece’s Skypeia arc. God Eneru ate the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, turning him into a Lightning Human. This led to the people of Skypeia quite literally referring to and worshipping Eneru as a God. Being made of lightning is so inherently powerful, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit is already intimidating before its powers are creatively exploited.
7) Paw-Paw Fruit
The Paw-Paw Fruit was eaten by Bartholomew Kuma, with its powers debuting during One Piece’s Thriller Bark arc. The Paw-Paw Fruit gives its user paw pads which can repel anything the user desires. Kuma was shown to use this both to launch Perona to a far away island, as well as remove Luffy’s pain and exhaustion and give it physical, absorbable form. Truly a powerful Fruit indeed.
6) Soul-Soul Fruit
The Soul-Soul Fruit is currently owned by Big Mom, with its terrifying powers showcased during One Piece’s Whole Cake Island arc. Its powers are shown to be quite terrifying, able to steal the lifespan of others with ease. The user can also create beings called Homies by using parts of their souls or parts of others souls.
5) Flame-Flame Fruit
The Flame-Flame Fruit is a Logia type, which can turn the user's body into a mass of flame. This Fruit was showcased heavily in One Piece’s Alabasta and Dressrosa arcs, by its users Ace and Sabo, respectively. The Fruit is capable of producing intense flames immediately upon consumption, as showcased by Sabo’s use of the Fruit. While it may not have as many tricks as other Devil Fruits, it’s one of the most inherently powerful.
4) Glint-Glint Fruit
The Glint-Glint Fruit is another Logia which turns its user's body into light. Admiral Kizaru currently owns this Fruit, and fans have seen it used predominantly in One Piece’s Sabaody Archipelago and Paramount War arcs. Kizaru has been shown to travel great distances instantaneously by turning his body into light, then undoing the transformation upon arrival. While this Fruit certainly takes some creativity, it’s easily one of the most inherently powerful.
3) Op-Op Fruit
The Op-Op Fruit is currently owned by Trafalgar Law, with its powers greatly being showcased in the second half of the One Piece series. One of the Fruit’s most powerful inherent abilities is the immortality surgery it offers. By sacrificing their own life, the user of the Fruit can grant another person immortality. Regardless of the Fruit’s other uses, this one fact makes the Op-Op Fruit one of the most inherently powerful in One Piece.
2) Tremor-Tremor Fruit
The Tremor-Tremor Fruit was owned by Yonko Whitebeard during his life before it was stolen in death by Blackbeard. Before his tragic passing during One Piece’s Paramount War arc, Whitebeard was shown to use the Fruit’s abilities to their maximum potential. The Fruit allows its user to create earthquakes with a swing of their first. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most inherently powerful Devil Fruits One Piece has yet to showcase.
1) Dark-Dark Fruit
The Dark-Dark Fruit is antagonist Blackbeard’s signature Devil Fruit. The most powerful ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit was showcased during One Piece’s Paramount War arc. Using the Dark-Dark Fruit, Blackbeard was able to steal Whitebeard’s Tremor-Tremor Fruit in the wake of the Yonko’s death. Normally a Devil Fruit returns into circulation by populating whatever normal fruit is nearest the user upon their death. Yet Blackbeard and the Dark-Dark Fruit were able to somehow circumvent this natural law, leading to the Dark-Dark Fruit undoubtedly being the most powerful Devil Fruit seen in One Piece yet.